El Croquis 225: Macías Peredo

CAD 162.00

El Croquis 225: Macías Peredo

CAD 162.00

The architects of Studio Macías Peredo, based in Guadalajara and led by Salvador Macías Corona, Magui Peredo Arenas, and Diego Quirarte Contreras, believe that the act of designing is inseparable from the act of remembering. Architecture is a living testimony to the culture of a place. The studio is greatly influenced by pre-Hispanic architecture, archaeology, and Mexican colonial styles, and the partners travel extensively, studying vernacular and modern buildings throughout Mexico in order to grasp how they work. This issue presents their work from 2014 to 2024, including the Punta Caliza Hotel, Izamal Water Garden, and tropical residential complexes.


El Croquis, 2024

34 X 25 cm, 328 pages

Édition *
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