Wiel Arets : La nature est la nature

CAD 165.00
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Wiel Arets : La nature est la nature

CAD 165.00

A monograph on the architecture and design studio of Wiel Arets, Nature is Nature encompasses drawings, images, diagrams, texts, theories, sketches, and more. In his work and philosophy, Arets engages with the relations between humans and nature, interior and exterior, and the experience of the body moving through space within a series of prescribed cinematographic sequences. It is this circulation and routing in his oeuvre, and the ergonomics of interaction with his industrial designs, which is the key feature that defines the studio. The publication gathers signature projects by Arets alongside thoughtful essays, together allowing unique insight into his design approach.



Wiel Arets

C3 Publishing, 2022

34 X 24 cm, 1 172 pages

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