Ce dont nous parlons quand nous parlons d'architecture

CAD 56.95

Ce dont nous parlons quand nous parlons d'architecture

CAD 56.95

A series of conversations with thinkers and practitioners of contemporary architecture today, featuring visiting lecturers Beatriz Colomina, Peter Wilson, and John Lin and Joshua Bolchover of Rural Urban Framework. The talks, which took place in 2018 and 2019 at the Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne, dive deeper into the ideas and processes behind their buildings – the players, places, forces, cultural imperatives, and ideologies that the glamour of the finished output often obscures. In addition, thought-provoking essays by Diane Yvonne Ghirardo, Justin Clemens, Sven-Olov Wallenstein, and others offer fresh insights on the themes uncovered.



Edited by Scott Woods

Uro Publications, 2021

127 pages, 23,5 X 15 cm

Édition *
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