Lynne Cohen: Occupied territory

CAD 80.00

Lynne Cohen: Occupied territory

CAD 80.00

In 1987 Aperture published Lynne Cohen's first monograph, Occupied Territory, an exploration of space as simulated experience--a sham reality, idealized and standardized. The expanded and updated reissue of this classic monograph makes Cohen's pioneering work available to a contemporary audience, situating her within the lineage of Lewis Baltz, Stephen Shore and other New Topographics photographers.


In the 20 years of work contained in the book, Cohen turns her view camera toward classrooms, science laboratories, testing facilities, waiting rooms and other interior spaces where function triumphs over aesthetics. What decorations the inhabitants might have added to these rooms to make them more inviting--mostly phony attempts at warmth or individualism--only serve to amplify their artifice and uniformity. In cool, functional offices, futuristic reception areas, lifeless party rooms, escapist motel rooms and haunting killing chambers, Cohen surveys a society of surface, contradiction and social engineering. In her hands, clouds peel off walls, forest glades invade indoor tennis courts and the awkward lives of furniture are revealed.


Lynne Cohen, Britt Salvesen

Aperture, 2012

30 X 25,5 cm, 143 pages

Édition *
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