Construire pour changer : L'architecture de la réutilisation créative

CAD 95.00
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Construire pour changer : L'architecture de la réutilisation créative

CAD 95.00

Architects are adapting existing buildings to create new spaces for a more conscious future. The urban fabric changes more slowly than our spatial needs, accelerated by digital technologies and new lifestyles. The trick for canny architects lies in an ingenious reuse and creative recycling that result in the stunning transformation of existing buildings for new purposes. Building for Change explores this architecture of reuse and adaptation. It presents sofa factories turned coworking hub, viaducts turned community garden, department stores turned cultural center, and other inspiring projects. The book also showcases spaces that are designed to be dismantled and repurposed down the line. This architecture of care is aspirational and ambitious: to make construction more sustainable and buildings fit for the future.

Gestalten, Dr. Ruth Lang

Gestalten, 2022

30,5 X 24,5 cm, 256 pages

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