Light lines: The architectural photographs of Hélène Binet

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Light lines: The architectural photographs of Hélène Binet

CAD 33.00

The Franco-Swiss photographer Helene Binet is renowned for making images that express an intimate experience of architecture. Using a combination of analogue and digital techniques, her photographs are both a representation and a discovery of her subjects, all of them buildings that break the mould, pushing daringly at the boundaries of their time.


In this selection of some ninety of her photographs - ranging from the baroque London churches of Nicholas Hawksmoor and the Jantar Mantar Observatory in Jaipur through to buildings of contemporary architects Le Corbusier, Peter Zumthor, John Hejduk, Daniel Libeskind and Zaha Hadid - her work is revealed in all its subtlety and quiet sensitivity.



Juhani Pallasmaa, Vicky Richardson

Royal Academy of Arts, 2021

112 pages, 27.7 X 22.3 cm

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