Symphony: Mushrooms from the forest

CAD 125.00

Symphony: Mushrooms from the forest

CAD 125.00

Inspiré par la série Coloured Peopled'Ed Ruscha, Takashi Homma a visité des forêts sur trois continents à la recherche de champignons radioactifs. Les champignons - récoltés en Scandinavie, à Fukushima, à Tchernobyl et à Stony Point - ont été photographiés devant un fond blanc, avec des photographies occasionnelles des forêts et des vues que Homma a rencontrées au cours de sa chasse. La forêt est l'un des habitats les plus primitifs de la planète ; à l'ère moderne, c'est nous qui l'entretenons et en prenons soin.


“Just under 70% of the available land in Scandinavia is covered with forests, almost the same as in Japan. Further, the people living here enjoy a “freedom to roam,” which guarantees the right to enter into any forest, regardless of who it is owned by, and collect mushrooms and berries as long as no harm or damage is caused. If you visit markets in Scandinavia between summer and fall, you will find stands filled with yellow chanterelles ready to be sold. Most Scandinavians, however, are used to going into the woods to forage for mushrooms and berries. In 1986, the nuclear accident in Chernobyl occurred. The wind blew to the north-west, and two days after the accident five percent of the total radioactive material released during the Chernobyl disaster fell down over Sweden. Excluding the former Soviet countries, Sweden suffered the worst radioactive pollution of all European countries. The Swedish government immediately regulated the consumption of wild mushrooms and berries as well as meat from reindeer and moose. Reindeer meat, by the way, is a staple food of the native Sami people living in northern Scandinavia.” ― from Takashi Homma’s afterword



Takashi Homma

Publication de cas, 2019

32,5 X 26 cm, 296 pages

Édition *
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