The advanced school of collective feeling: Inhabiting modern physical culture 1926-38

CAD 60.00

The advanced school of collective feeling: Inhabiting modern physical culture 1926-38

CAD 60.00

The Advanced School of Collective Feeling explores the advent of radical new conceptions of the body—a phenomenon known in the 1920s and ’30s as “physical culture”—and their impact on the thinking of some of modern architecture’s most influential figures. Using archival photographs, diagrams, and plans, the book reconstructs a constellation of provocative domestic projects by Marcel Breuer, Charlotte Perriand, Richard Neutra, and others. This obscure chapter in the modern movement gestures towards a remarkable synthesis of the individual and the collective, a perspective that holds enormous potential for articulating an architecture of today.


Modern architecture’s evolution during the interwar period represents one of the most radical turns in design history. While the role of new materials and production modes in this development is beyond dispute, of equal importance was the emergence of a distinctly modern physical culture. Largely unacknowledged today, new conceptions of body and movement had a profound influence on how architects designed not only public spaces like the gymnasium or the stadium, but also domestic spaces. Hannes Meyer, Swiss modernist and director of Bauhaus in Dessau from 1928 to 1930, colorfully encapsulated this phenomenon in his 1926 essay The New World as “the advanced school of collective feeling.” The featured houses, apartments, and exhibitions demonstrate their architects’ response to, and attempt to dictate, the relationship between body, and the spaces and objects that give it shape.


Nile Greenberg, Matthew Kennedy

Park Books, 2023

24 X 16,99 cm, 176 pages


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