Voix de la terre : conception et planification indigènes dans les prairies

CAD 25.00

Voix de la terre : conception et planification indigènes dans les prairies

CAD 25.00

Voices of the land : Indigenous design and planning from the prairies is produced by the Indigenous Design and Planning Students' Association (IDPSA) of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Manitoba. IDPSA was founded in Fall 2019, as a platform to host honest conversations around inclusion and representation. In an effort to broaden the lens of Indigenous design and planning, IDPSA actively seeks to incorporate Indigenous values within the design community through advocating for culturally informed initiatives, programs, and curriculum.


This book features 16 Indigenous students, representing a range of nations across Turtle Island, and spanning all four departments (Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design, and City Planning) from the Faculty of Architecture. In it, you will read profiles of their members, faculty, and alumni, along with their artistic visions and designs. The intention with this publication is to ensure that these important conversations on inclusion and representation in design education continue throughout Turtle Island.



Edited and designed by Reanna Merasty, Naomi Ratte, Danielle Desjarlais, Desiree Theriault

Indigenous Design and Planning Students' Association, 2021

21,5 X 16,5 cm, 117 pages

Édition *
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