Flanders Architectural Review n.16 : Responses in responsibility

CAD 60.00

Flanders Architectural Review n.16 : Responses in responsibility

CAD 60.00

The pressing challenges of our time mean that designers are facing new, less familiar areas of responsibility. They are required to negotiate their way through regulations, ecological commitment, building conventions and economic constraints. This manifests itself in careful approaches to the renovation of existing structures, ecological innovations that go beyond the norm, participatory processes for collective housing, and the recognition of diversity in both society and the field of architecture.


With essays by Sofie De Caigny, Hülya Ertas, Klaske Havik, Petrus Kemme, Saar Meganck, Carlo Menon, Els Nulens, Evelien Piete


Sofie De Caigny, Dennis Pohl

Flanders Architecture Institute, 2024

25,5 X 20 cm, 328 pages


Édition *
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