Je suis Inuit

CAD 74.00
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Je suis Inuit

CAD 74.00

Arctic communities are faced with powerful forces bringing pressures on Inuit culture and society. Global climate change is having a profound impact on the Arctic, its sensitive ecosystem and the communities that rely upon the region’s natural resources. The impacts are real, immediate, physical and psychological. Beginning in 2015, Iñupiaq photographer Brian Adams has been traveling through Alaska, capturing the Inuit and their individual stories and finding out how they spend their individual lives in the 21st century. Visiting 21 communities, he took portraits of the residents and recorded their narratives of change, adaption and resilience, sharing these across social media and compiling a remarkable selection for this book.


Brian Adams, Julie Decker

Benteli, 2017

23 X 29.5 cm, 208 pages

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