Landscape with(out) Locus: Negotiating images vol. 2

CAD 35.00

Landscape with(out) Locus: Negotiating images vol. 2

CAD 35.00

How do we understand landscape today? How do we discuss and visualize nature? Can they be conceived and represented as something existing independently of the viewer, now that the human race has gotten into a very last corner of the world?
Landscape with(out) Locus interprets landscape as an ever-changing social, economic, and ecological construct. Addressing questions of power, identity, and natural resources, the publication follows histories of surveillance and colonialism, considering photographic (and post-photographic) images as central to the process of interacting with the world.

The book assembles a selection of texts by scholars and artists such as T.J. Demos, Tiago Torres-Campos, Tiffany Kaewen Dang, Hagit Keysar and Ariel Caine, Teresa Mendes Flores, Chris Malcolm, and Irmgard Emmelhainz.


Eva Leitolf, Giulia Cordin

Éditions Nero, 2023

23,5 X 16 cm, 160 pages

Édition *
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