Todd Saunders: New northern houses

CAD 99.00

Todd Saunders: New northern houses

CAD 99.00

Norway-based Canadian architect Todd Saunders has a unique understanding of the arctic landscape. His designs, set in some of the most remote locations on earth, splice modern sculptural forms with a deeply rooted respect for nature. His care for the natural landscape can be seen in his work, such as the Fogo Island Inn and the artists studios in Newfoundland. Rather than imposing themselves upon the countryside and coast, Saunders’s buildings seek a sensitive accommodation within the topography, among the icy flora, fauna, and treescapes of the landscapes they inhabit.


This volume focuses on Saunders’s residential designs and includes eleven of his most recent projects across Scandinavia and Canada, photographed amid their dramatic landscapes. Specially commissioned photography for the book includes a wealth of inspiring exterior and Nordic-style interior shots and each entry is accompanied by descriptions written by Dominic Bradbury in close collaboration with the architect. Sections on process and ways of working, as well as Saunders’s inspirations and design philosophy are interwoven in separate sections, which include drawings, plans, and photography.



Dominic Bradbury

Thames & Hudson, 2022

256 pages, 26.5 X 30.2 cm

Édition *
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