Futurs noirs

CAD 34.00

Futurs noirs

CAD 34.00

Qu'est-ce que cela signifie d'être noir et vivant aujourd'hui ?

Kimberly Drew and Jenna Wortham have brought together this collection of work—images, photos, essays, memes, dialogues, recipes, tweets, poetry, and more—to tell the story of the radical, imaginative, provocative, and gorgeous world that Black creators are bringing forth today. The book presents a succession of startling and beautiful pieces that generate an entrancing rhythm: Readers will go from conversations with activists and academics to memes and Instagram posts, from powerful essays to dazzling paintings and insightful infographics. In answering the question of what it means to be Black and alive, Black Futures opens a prismatic vision of possibility for every reader.

Kimberley Drew, Jenna Wortham

Un seul monde, 2021

23,25 X 18,75 cm, 525 pages

Édition *
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