Plan d'action pour un hack : Tirer parti des pratiques de construction informelles

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Plan d'action pour un hack : Tirer parti des pratiques de construction informelles

CAD 40.00

This publication aims to reimagine community spaces. Faced with extreme housing shortages, physical isolation, and a challenging climate, outdoor public spaces in northern communities remain largely undesigned and underused. These ‘in-between’ spaces are strewn with stuff. Most housing and civic buildings in the communities emerge from and stand like physical markers of Euro-Canadian values. The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada has begun a discourse on design in northern Canadian communities, but discussions continue to dwell on housing and civic buildings. A strong need exists to open conversations about design and the public realm in northern villages, which this project tries to address, creating a unique experience in which northern and southern groups could apply a “hacking mindset” to reimagine community spaces.



Susane Havelka, Vikram Bhatt, Dave Harlander

attaquant de Mirko Zardini

Actar, 2020

23,8 X 16,5 cm, 160 pages

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