Computation as Design: Ron Resch and the New Media of Geometry

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Computation as Design: Ron Resch and the New Media of Geometry

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The second in the Studies in the Design Laboratory epub series produced by the Harvard University Graduate School of Design and the CCA, this publication traces the development of complex computational geometry in the work of Ron Resch. Resch’s strikingly novel generative methods laid the seeds of computational origami, and during the early 1970’s he collaborated in the pioneering computer science department of the University of Utah, a hotbed of early computer graphics. Featuring interviews with Resch’s collaborators, excerpts from his remarkable films, and a consideration of the role of the architect in cross-disciplinary laboratories, this epub argues for Resch as one of the first true computational designers.

The epub is also available on iTunes and Google Play.

Andrew Witt and Eliza Pertigkiozoglou
Design by Eric Hu and Matthew Tsang
Development by Daniel Hirunrusme

Co-published with Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Electronic publication


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