Réforme ! Essais sur l'économie politique de la forme urbaine Vol. 4

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Réforme ! Essais sur l'économie politique de la forme urbaine Vol. 4

CAD 22.95

Forget revolution – it’s time for reform. As the authors of this essay collection argue, sometimes the most effective path to meaningful change is to work within existing institutions and slowly, surely, push for it. This is all the more relevant for architecture, which by definition is entrenched in larger social, economic, and political contexts. Four essays on diverse topics like urban planning policy in Mumbai, unconventional city forms in Detroit, municipal housing in Diyarbakir (Turkey), and collaborative design processes in Tirana (Albania) attempt to challenge and shift the way we understand and implement reform in the design disciplines.


Marc Angélil, Sarah Nichols

Ruby Press, 2015

17,5 X 11 cm, 152 pages


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