Printemps / été + automne / hiver

CAD 45.00

Printemps / été + automne / hiver

CAD 45.00

Nigel Peake's drawings for Japanese distillery Mitosaya. 


Mitosaya is a distillery founded by Hiroshi Eguchi, located in Chiba prefecture, a few hours outside of Tokyo. It use to be a botanical garden. I have visited twice, both times in late autumn. Each visit to Mitosaya was as if dropping into a small new world, one that Hiroshi and his family have shaped. The drawings presented in these two slim volumes have been made as labels for Mitosaya's brewing this year.



Nigel Peake

2 volume set

Nieves, 2020

25,5 X 19,5 cm, 16 + 16 pages

Édition *
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