Le renouveau palladien : La villa et les jardins de Lord Burlington à Chiswick

CAD 39.95

Le renouveau palladien : La villa et les jardins de Lord Burlington à Chiswick

CAD 39.95

In 1726, Lord Burlington (1694–1753), an admirer of the sixteenth-century architect Andrea Palladio, proceeded to raise a free-standing villa on London’s outskirts that launched a radical new taste in architecture. The Palladian Revival traces the evolution of the building’s design, reproducing paintings, watercolours, drawings, plans, and elevations.

John Harris
Graphic design by Sally Salvesen

Published in French as Le renouveau palladien : La villa et les jardins de Lord Burlington à Chiswick
Co-published in 1994 with Yale University Press
Hardcover or softcover, 280 pages


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