Voyages en Sardaigne : Nelle miniere di Iglesias / Into the Mines of Iglesias

CAD 54.95

Voyages en Sardaigne : Nelle miniere di Iglesias / Into the Mines of Iglesias

CAD 54.95

Voyages en Sardaigne is a collection of unconventional thematic guides on the island in the middle of the Mediterranean. Nelle miniere di Iglesias / Dans les mines d'Iglesias is the first part of an exploration that focuses on soil, excavations, incisions, mutations, transpositions and silence of Sulcis-Iglesiente, a territory marked by an industrial history. A wandering through time and space of a region «built», transformed, crossed by different types of works, infrastructures, relationships between things. These signs, these scars, are today the distinctive features of an extraordinary mining landscape. A space to discover through visual and textual narration..



Édité par Claudia Mion.

Carlo Pisano: carthographic reproduction.

Caryatide, 2022

27 X 24 cm, 128 pages

Édition *
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