Radical sympathy

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Radical sympathy

CAD 25.00

Questions of interdependency and care have gained broader urgency within today's planetary environment. From the pressing need to work at post-carbon futures to the challenges surrounding our covid-19 realities, understandings of care-work and co-existence require ever-greater imagination and creative engagement. As cultural communities reorient their practices and educational institutions test out other methods in the context of the pandemic, a new sense for solidarity and critical hope are gaining traction. This includes ways of attending to the politics of care, the systems of neoliberal extraction and their toxic projects, and the uneven power relations through which solidarity must work.

Radical Sympathy gathers a diversity of voices and perspectives with the aim of capturing methods and expressions of care and communal effort, as well as theoretical reflections on sympathy as a position of caring-for. While sympathy may carry connotations of charity, as that which acts from a distance, the publication underscores sympathy as what also enables forms of action and imagination.

From interpersonal care to rhythms of collaboration and resistance, the publication offers reflections on how personal compassion and impersonal force can be deployed, lending to a disposition of solidarity and the crafting of unlikely companionships.



Edited by Brandon LaBelle

Errant Bodies Press, 2022

21 X 13.5 cm, 172 pages

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