Arranging things: A rhetoric of object placement

CAD 85.00

Arranging things: A rhetoric of object placement

CAD 85.00

‘Most arrangements are little noticed, yet some stop you in your tracks.’ Originally published in 2003, Leonard Koren’s highly sought-after Arranging Things: A Rhetoric of Object Placement utilises the language of rhetoric to portray visual arrangement as a ‘communicational act: its own language-like form of aesthetic expression’.


Koren’s insightful meditation is further distilled into eight rhetorical principles presented alongside 23 idiosyncratic paintings by artist Nathalie Du Pasquier which illustrate the volume. With a welcoming tone, Arranging Things offers an accessible strategy which can be used to analyse any arrangement. This new edition of Arranging Things presents Du Pasquier’s artistic works in a generous format in celebration of Koren’s visual journey through the heart of design philosophy. 


Leonard Koren

Apartamento, 2024

29 X 25 cm, 80 pages

Édition *
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