Le tournant du siècle : Un livre de lecture sur l'architecture en Europe 1990-2020

CAD 47.00
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Le tournant du siècle : Un livre de lecture sur l'architecture en Europe 1990-2020

CAD 47.00

German designer Matthias Sauerbruch and British designer Louisa Hutton have asked a diverse group of authors to reflect on the various conditions that have shaped the conception, production and circulation of European architecture over the past 30 years. While the essays collected in this volume include observations of Sauerbruch Hutton’s buildings, the scope of the authors’ conclusions about European design trends far exceeds the work of this particular agency. The text is supplemented by a photographic essay by Finnish artist Ola Kolehmainen, offering readers an immersive experience of the firm’s most impressive accomplishments.



Matthias Sauerbruch, Louisa Hutton

Lars Müller Publishers, 2021

164 pages, 30.5 X 24.5 cm

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