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CAD 34.95
# Le vendredi 13 octobre 2017, en pleine affaire Weinstein, Sandra Muller, journaliste française, lâche le #balancetonporc. Elle dénonce un patron de chaîne de télévision française qui l'a humiliée et agressée verbalement lors d'un congrès professionnel. Deux jours avant #metoo,...
CAD 34.95
A section of Now: Norms and Rituals as Sites for Architectural Intervention
Conceived as part of the one-year investigation Catching Up with Life, A Section of Now aims to re-establish a dialogue between architecture and society that would allow for architecture to begin to contend with and address our changed and changing social norms. The...
CAD 42.00
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Age Inclusive Public Space
CAD 56.00
Age Inclusive Public Space
Public spaces tend to over-represent facilities and spatial design for the young and the middle-aged, whereas elderly citizens are all too often neglected by contemporary urban design practice. Age Inclusive Public Space establishes a dialogue between architects and academic contributors from a...
CAD 56.00
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Architecture of appropriation: On squatting as spatial practice
The squatting movement in the Netherlands has played a major role in the design of both the urban fabric and domestic interior, and continues to offer alternatives to the dominant, market-oriented housing policies. This book acknowledges squatting as an architectural...
CAD 54.95
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Aunties: The seven summers of Alevtina and Ludmila
In northwest Russia, in a small village called Alekhovshchina, Nadia Sablin's aunts spend the warmer months together in the family home and live as the family has always lived; chopping wood to heat the house, bringing water from the well,...
CAD 58.95
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Blockchain chicken farm: And other stories of tech in China's countryside
In Blockchain Chicken Farm, the technologist and writer Xiaowei Wang explores the political and social entanglements of technology in rural China. Their discoveries force them to challenge the standard idea that rural culture and people are backward, conservative, and intolerant....
CAD 23.00
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Brave New Home: Our future in smarter, simpler, happier housing
Over the past century, American demographics and social norms have shifted dramatically. If trends continue, we should expect to see more people living alone, later-in-life marriages, fewer (and smaller) new families, and a majority-minority population that skews older and older....
CAD 35.00
Chez soi : une odyssée de l'espace domestique
Le foyer, un lieu de repli frileux où l’on s’avachit devant la télévision en pyjama informe ? Sans doute. Mais aussi, dans une époque dure et désorientée, une base arrière où l’on peut se protéger, refaire ses forces, se souvenir...
CAD 26.95
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Couleur et soin
CAD 44.95
Couleur et soin
Depuis une dizaine d'années, quelques hôpitaux, des formations en art et en design, des chercheurs en sciences sociales et des agences de design se mobilisent autour de la notion de care, concept issu de la philosophie féministe américaine, que l'on...
CAD 44.95
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Dafydd Jones: Screen time
CAD 26.95
Dafydd Jones: Screen time
Dafydd Jones is recognized as one of the world's leading social photographers, which over the years has given him unique access to an extraordinary range of social events - from exclusive parties, to the races, to fashion shows, film festivals and...
CAD 26.95
Défaire la police
« Faut-il en finir avec la police ? » La question se pose avec une nouvelle intensité depuis le mouvement mondial déclenché par la mort de George Floyd aux États-Unis.   Alors que les violences policières sont de plus en...
CAD 24.00
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Designing Motherhood: Things That Make and Break Our Births
While birth often brings great joy, making babies is a knotty enterprise. The designed objects that surround us when it comes to menstruation, birth control, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and early motherhood vary as oddly, messily, and dramatically as the stereotypes...
CAD 59.00
Family affairs : Family in current Photography
Since the invention of photography, the family has been a constant subject of photographic observation, both in private photo albums and in artistic series. The group exhibition Family Affairs – Family in Current Photography, conceived by Ingo Taubhorn, Curator of...
CAD 89.50
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Glitch feminism: A manifesto
CAD 19.95
Glitch feminism: A manifesto
The divide between the digital and the real world no longer exists. We are connected all the time. How do we find out who we are in this digital era? Where do we create the space to explore our identity?...
CAD 19.95
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Going solo: The extraordinary rise and surprising appeal of living alone
With eye-opening statistics, original data, and vivid portraits of people who live alone, renowned sociologist Eric Klinenberg upends conventional wisdom to deliver the definitive take on how the rise of going solo is transforming the American experience.   Klinenberg shows...
CAD 24.00
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Gouverner par la dette
CAD 29.95
Gouverner par la dette
Experts, hommes politiques et éditorialistes sont unanimes : la dette qui grève les finances publiques entrave la croissance, fait exploser le chômage. Les États doivent à tout prix se désendetter s’ils veulent rassurer les marchés et retrouver le chemin de...
CAD 29.95
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Governing by debt
CAD 21.95
Governing by debt
Experts, pundits, and politicians agree: public debt is hindering growth and increasing unemployment. Governments must reduce debt at all cost if they want to restore confidence and get back on a path to prosperity. Maurizio Lazzarato’s diagnosis, however, is completely...
CAD 21.95
Habiter autrement
S'il existe de nombreux livres consacrés aux maisons d'architectes, rares sont ceux qui s'intéressent réellement aux modes de vie. Habiter autrement réunit 23 maisons qui explorent d'autres façons d'habiter, ouvertes, permissives et suscitant l'imaginaire. Plus ou moins radicales, très différentes...
CAD 64.95
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Having and being had
CAD 35.00
Having and being had
'My adult life can be divided into two distinct parts,' Eula Biss writes, 'the time before I owned a washing machine and the time after.' Having just purchased her first home, the poet and essayist now embarks on a provocative...
CAD 35.00
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How to do nothing: resisting the attention economy
In a world where addictive technology is designed to buy and sell our attention, and our value is determined by our 24/7 data productivity, it can seem impossible to escape. But in this inspiring field guide to dropping out of...
CAD 23.99
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Impossible (tm) the Cookbook: How to save our planet, one delicious meal at a time
Cook Impossible at home. Meat-loving gourmets stood in line for hours when the world’s top chefs began serving Impossible Burger in 2016. Now, for the first time, these pioneering chefs have joined forces with Impossible Foods’ team of culinary leaders...
CAD 39.95
Into the Great Wide Open
Edited by architect and theorist Andreas Rumpfhuber, this book deals with a search for a form of architectural practice. Practice here is understood both as a critical reflection of a status quo and its history and as forms of (active)...
CAD 39.50
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Je n’en ai jamais parlé à personne : Échos de #MeToo
En octobre 2017, devant le déferlement suscité par le mouvement #MeToo, il y avait une urgence : une fois sortis du silence, ces récits ne devaient pas tomber dans l’oubli. C’est la raison pour laquelle Martine Delvaux, écrivaine, militante et...
CAD 19.95
La colonisation du quotidien : dans les laboratoires du capitalisme de plateforme
Le capitalisme ne fait plus : il fait faire. L’économie de plateforme a conféré une dimension paradigmatique à l’usage de l’externalisation, ainsi qu’une place inédite aux activités gratuites. D’où la nécessité d’analyser les nouveaux régimes d'exploitation dans le secteur des...
CAD 33.95
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La crise de la reproduction sociale
Nées en Italie dans les années 1940, Silvia Federici et Mariarosa Dalla Costa sont des militantes pionnières et des intellectuelles féministes de premier plan. Dans ces entretiens avec Louise Toupin, elles reviennent sur le mouvement qu’elles ont cofondé en 1972,...
CAD 9.95
Le promoteur, la banque et le rentier : Fondements et évolution du logement capitaliste
Il n’est pas courant de considérer sa résidence d’abord et avant tout comme une marchandise intrinsèquement liée à l’économie capitaliste. Pourtant, ce chez-soi dont on a tant rêvé, et auquel on a finalement accès, a été construit puis mis en...
CAD 29.95
Liberté n.332 : Nous vieillirons ensemble. Quelle place pour la vieillesse dans notre société ?
Ce numéro est né à la fois d’un hasard et d’une évidence. Le hasard, d’abord: au plus creux du confinement de l’hiver 2021, deux collaborateurs nous ont proposé, coup sur coup et sans se consulter, des textes portant sur les...
CAD 15.00
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Lurking: How a person became a user
In a shockingly short amount of time, the internet has bound people around the world together and torn us apart and changed not just the way we communicate but who we are and who we can be. It has created...
CAD 38.00
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Platform capitalism
CAD 15.00
Platform capitalism
What unites Google and Facebook, Apple and Microsoft, Siemens and GE, Uber and Airbnb? Across a wide range of sectors, these firms are transforming themselves into platforms: businesses that provide the hardware and software foundation for others to operate on....
CAD 15.00
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Real Review 11
CAD 19.50
Real Review 11
The collective trauma of the pandemic has become an excuse for global capital to accelerate the total commodification of everyday life. Everything is for sale. There is more merchandise than love, more sponsored content than truth. No society in human...
CAD 19.50
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Sam Chermayeff (et al.): Creatures. 2nd edition
This book takes a look back through nearly two decades of experimental projects undertaken by the Berlin-based architect Sam Chermayeff and his collaborators—for the most part pieces of furniture whose use, appearance, or application has been reimagined and readapted. But...
CAD 54.00
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Social transparency: Projects on housing
For the past decade, the Los Angeles architect Michael Maltzan has designed multiunit housing in a city known for its proliferation of single-family residences. Working with the Skid Row Housing Trust, these projects advance new forms of supportive housing that...
CAD 30.00
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The debt project: 99 portraits across America
Based on the popular online photo series and now published in print for the first time, ''The debt project'' collects 99 portraits of debt across the United States, featuring people of all different backgrounds and stories, to recontextualize an often...
CAD 44.95
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Twitter and tear gas: The power and fragility of netowkorked protest
To understand a thwarted Turkish coup, an anti–Wall Street encampment, and a packed Tahrir Square, we must first comprehend the power and the weaknesses of using new technologies to mobilize large numbers of people. An incisive observer, writer, and participant...
CAD 23.00
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