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Maa Ka Maaya Ka Ca A Yere Kono, 13ème édition des rencontres de Bamako – Biennale africaine de la photographie
Dans ce « monde globalisé », le récit dominant est précisément celui de la singularité – de l'universalisme, des identités uniques, des cultures singulières, des systèmes politiques isolés. Ce récit s'accompagne toutefois d'un sentiment illusoire de stabilité et de stase...
CAD 69.95
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Not available
Marianne Mueller: Stairs etc
CAD 125.00
Marianne Mueller: Stairs etc
Over the years Marianne Mueller has accumulated an archive of photographs taken both at home and on extended journeys. Completely nonhierarchical, the pictures capture whatever strikes the artist's fancy. In Stairs etc, her archive has supplied the copious images of the...
CAD 125.00
Marisa Portolese: Goose Village
Goose Village unveils the lost history of a vibrant neighbourhood decimated by urban development in the 1960s. This first edition chronicles the once-thriving Goose Village in Pointe-Saint-Charles, Montreal, and the lives of its displaced inhabitants. Portolese's comprehensive body of work,...
CAD 50.00
Marisa Portolese: Goose Village (ed. français)
Ce petit quartier de Montréal fut détruit en 1964. C’était, nous disait-on, la route du progrès qui devait passer là… Il s’agit du Village-aux-Oies, nommé aussi Goose Village ou plus officiellement Victoriatown. Il fut rasé de la carte comme le...
CAD 50.00
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Martín Chambi. Photography
CAD 75.00
Martín Chambi. Photography
Of indigenous origin, Chambi dedicated a large part ofhis life to photographing the Peruvian Andes, reclaiming the pre-Hispanic past through the images of Inca ruins and portraits of life in Andean communities in the early 20th century. Chambi brings a...
CAD 75.00
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Martin Parr: India 1984
CAD 12.95
Martin Parr: India 1984
This title is a series of black and white images shot during Martin Parr’s travels through India in 1984.   Martin Parr Café Royal Books, 2022 20 X 14 cm, 24 pages
CAD 12.95
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Messico 1935/1956: Josef Albers
CAD 39.00
Messico 1935/1956: Josef Albers
Unpublished photographs taken by Josef Albers during his travels to Mexico with Anni in the 1930s and 50s.   Josef and Anni Albers began their travels to Mexico in 1935, drawn to a country very unlike the United States. They...
CAD 39.00
Michael Schmidt: Ein heit (u-ni-ty)
In his recently reissued artist’s book “Ein-heit”, Michael Schmidt traces the universal iconography of political systems and the images of humankind they project. Addressing the complex relationship between the individual and the state, he asks how we can resist the loss...
CAD 100.00
Michael Schmidt: Photographies 1965-2014
Figure admirée et respectée de ses pairs en Allemagne comme sur la scène internationale, Michael Schmidt a pourtant été très peu montré en France. Publié en relation avec l'importante rétrospective itinérante - la première depuis le décès de l'artiste -...
CAD 100.00
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Modern instances: The craft of photography
'Although the dream is a very strange phenomenon and an inexplicable mystery, far more inexplicable is the mystery and aspect our minds confer on certain objects and aspects of life.' Giorgio de Chirico   Stephen Shore's Modern Instances: The Craft...
CAD 60.00
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Mohamed Bourouissa : Périphérique
In this series of photographs, Mohamed Bourouissa chose to appropriate the codes of history painting by staging scenes with his friends and acquaintances in the Paris banlieues where they used to hang out. Confrontations, gatherings, incidents, looks, and frozen gestures...
CAD 86.95
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Naoya Hatakeyama : Rikuzentakata
CAD 64.95
Naoya Hatakeyama : Rikuzentakata
Cette série est la suite logique de Kesengawa, où le photographe, cette fois, touché personnellement par le tsunami de 2011 qui détruit sa ville natale, Rikuzentakata, observe la naissance d'un monde inconnu dans le bruit des engins de construction. Il...
CAD 64.95
Observation is a constant that underlies all approaches
In this collection of Phyllis Lambert’s personal photographs taken over several decades during her daily routines, her travels, or at work, observation turns into a quest to understand and reveal what might otherwise remain overlooked.   “Many persuasive reasons to...
CAD 56.00
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Pascal Greco: Kwai Shing West estate
Kwai Shing West Estate is a residential complex in Hong Kong that is home to 18,000 people. It attracted the attention of filmmaker and photographer Pascal Greco because of its architecture and its atypical hillside construction. This book presents Greco’s...
CAD 59.00
Paul Graham: Verdigis / Ambergris
Verdigris / Ambergris completes a twelve-year suite of works by Paul Graham focused on life’s transience and our mortality. This pair of sibling books is centered on people scanning the infinite horizon as they look out over land (Verdigris) and...
CAD 130.00
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Not available
Pauline Julier: Meadow
CAD 40.00
Pauline Julier: Meadow
‘Meadow’ is part of the Occupy Mars project conducted by Pauline Julier and Clément Postec, which sees Mars as a mirror of Earth at the dawn of the new age of space exploration, extractivism, and colonialism. Through a series of...
CAD 40.00
Petra Blaisse: Art applied. Inside, Outside
This retrospective of the oeuvre of Petra Blaisse and her acclaimed studio Inside Outside presents a kaleidoscopic view of their work across interior, exhibition, and landscape design over the course of more than three decades. Rather than working solely on...
CAD 125.00
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Photobooks &: A critical companion to the contemporary medium
Elucidating key issues and themes in contemporary photobook culture, from the medium’s post-digital and post-photographic condition to the aims of publishing, issues of accessibility and the act of reading, Photobooks & combines research and interviews with key individuals from the...
CAD 34.00
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Pourquoi photographier
CAD 48.95
Pourquoi photographier
Robert Adams a publié plusieurs textes théoriques en marge de sa pratique. Why People Photograph, paru chez Aperture en 1994, constitue l’un de ses ouvrages critiques les plus influents. Pourquoi photographier en est la traduction française inédite, enrichie d’une préface...
CAD 48.95
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Richard Mosse: Broken spectre
CAD 100.00
Richard Mosse: Broken spectre
Devastation in the Amazon rainforest and the climate change it triggers tend to unfold in ways that are too vast to comprehend, too minute to perceive, and too normalised to see. In an attempt to render the scale and urgency...
CAD 100.00
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Not available
Roni Horn: Mother, wonder
CAD 101.50
Roni Horn: Mother, wonder
In the south of Iceland is Landbrot, whose geologic particulars present a unique landscape. It is a place closer to fairy tales than to science, indeed a place easy to imagine as the singular source of fairies and elves worldwide....
CAD 101.50
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Sasha Maslov: Ukrainian railroad ladies
Ukrainian Railroad Ladies is a series of portraits of traffic controllers and safety officers at railroads of Ukraine. This project is also an exploration of why these professions still exist in the 21st century, given the almost entire automatization of...
CAD 52.95
Satoshi Tsuchiyama: Heat of sand
After living for several years in the chaos of influences that is New York, the visual artist Satoshi Tsuchiyama realized that it is Israel that is the world’s hub for contemporary dance. His experiences of working with both dance and...
CAD 54.95
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Seth Fluker: At water
CAD 25.00
Seth Fluker: At water
At Water is a new collection of landscape photographs by Seth Fluker depicting water in its many moods and textures across Canada and Japan.   Seth Fluker was born in 1982 in Ontario, raised in British Columbia, and now resides...
CAD 25.00
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Shining lights: Black women in photography in the UK 1980s-90s
Shining Lights is the first critical anthology to bring together the groundbreaking work of Black women photographers active in the UK during the 1980s and 1990s, providing a richly illustrated overview of a significant and overlooked chapter of photographic history....
CAD 90.00
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Silent Blocks
CAD 42.95
Silent Blocks
Au printemps 2020, à Toronto, David Cayley, ancien journaliste scientifique pour la radio publique canadienne et écrivain, s'interroge sur la pandémie. En s'appuyant sur sa connaissance des travaux philosophiques de son ami Ivan illich, il se demande si « l'ontologie...
CAD 42.95
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Not available
Stanley Greenberg: Olmsted trees
CAD 59.95
Stanley Greenberg: Olmsted trees
Frederick Law Olmsted (1822–1903) is considered the father of landscape architecture in the United States for his creation of several renowned urban parks and park systems around the country. Whether in Central Park in New York, the Emerald Necklace in...
CAD 59.95
Stefano Graziani: Documents on Raphael
Stefano Graziani's photographs explore the works of the artist from Urbino—with particular reference to his output as an architect—their transformation over time, and his own process that translated them into images. Graziani puts variation before permanence and reflects on the...
CAD 50.00
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Sur la photographie
CAD 29.00
Sur la photographie
« Tout a débuté par un essai, consacré à quelques-uns des problèmes esthétiques et moraux que pose l’omniprésence des images photographiques : mais plus je réfléchissais à la nature des photographies, plus elles devenaient complexes et suggestives. Si bien qu’un...
CAD 29.00
Susanne Kriemann, 10%: Das Bildarchiv eines Kernforschungszentrums betreffend
Unknown lady in the radiation protection department, puddle, dancing couple in costume, damage to a waste drum, retiree send-off, lead shielding, burnt-out glovebox, scorpion with microchip—these are all captions to photographs of Germany’s first major nuclear research facility. In 1957,...
CAD 68.00
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Not available
Symphony: Mushrooms from the forest
CAD 125.00
Symphony: Mushrooms from the forest
Inspired by the Ed Ruscha series Coloured People, Takashi Homma visited forests on three continents to search for radioactive mushrooms. The mushrooms—gathered in Scandinavia, Fukushima, Chernobyl and Stony Point—were photographed in front of a white background, with occasional photographs from...
CAD 125.00
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Takashi Homma: Islands, islets, and their mushrooms
For this book, Takashi Homma revisited the Finnish islands he first travelled to in 2016, inspired by the documentary film about Tove Jansson, ‘Haru: The Island of the Solitary’ (1998). Homma’s photographs capture the beauty of the islands and the...
CAD 54.95
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Takashi Homma: Real estate opportunities
Real Estate Opportunities continues Japanese photographer Takashi Homma’s homage series to the influential American artist Ed Ruscha. Ruscha’s original 'Real Estate Opportunities' series was published in 1970 and featured photographs of empty building lots for sale in Los Angeles. For...
CAD 54.00
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Takashi Homma: Thirty-Six views of Mount Fuji
This collection of new work by celebrated photographer Takashi Homma approaches one of the most iconic and widely represented images in Japan and the world: Mount Fuji. With its title referencing Hokusai’s famous series of ukiyo-e woodblock prints, Homma evokes...
CAD 60.00
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Takashi Homma: Tokyo and my daughter
The intention behind Takashi Homma: Tokyo and My Daughter is best explained by the photographer himself: “I love my daughter very much. I love Tokyo very much.” Homma’s (born 1963) affection is nearly tangible in this series of 32 color...
CAD 34.00
Takashi Homma: Vedove/Widows
Extremely accurate in concept and printing, Vedove/Widows has been published in an edition of 350 copies. The project is the result of the cooperation between Andrea Botto and Francesco Zanot, respectively director and curator of the annual Rapallo Fotografia festival, who entrusted...
CAD 250.00
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The debt project: 99 portraits across America
Based on the popular online photo series and now published in print for the first time, ''The debt project'' collects 99 portraits of debt across the United States, featuring people of all different backgrounds and stories, to recontextualize an often...
CAD 44.95
The House of Xavier Corberó
Xavier Corberó is among the foremost Spanish artists of the last century. His sculptures in rough-hewn stone, marble, and bronze gave form to ideas running through a circle of contemporary surrealist artists, including Salvador Dalí, Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, and...
CAD 80.00
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The intimacy of making: three historical sites in Korea
Swiss French photographer Hélène Binet takes us on a visual journey through a world of stone, walls and gardens that define and celebrate the Korean art of making. In pure and calm photographs, The Intimacy of Making captures the traditional...
CAD 91.00
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The past exists
CAD 53.95
The past exists
The past exists is a collection of works presented at Kenta Cobayashi’s solo exhibition at Mitsukoshi Contemporary Gallery in June 2022. In this exhibition, he selected portraits from Everything series of photographs.   Cobayashi describes the past as a kind of frame...
CAD 53.95
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Thomas Demand: House of card
CAD 75.00
Thomas Demand: House of card
Published on the occasion of a solo exhibition of Thomas Demand’s work at Belgium museum M Leuven in October 2020, this book focuses on Demand’s relationship to architecture and his engagement with architects over almost fifteen years. The starting point...
CAD 75.00
Thomas Locke Hobbs: L.A. Vedute
The lines that divide us are the spaces we share. Driveways, paths, entrances and walls. These are the boundaries that separate our homes, but also the in between areas we use and cross over.   L.A. Vedute by Thomas Locke...
CAD 60.00
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Todd Hido: House hunting. 20th anniversary reissue
Todd Hido’s large color photographs of suburbia are lonely, forlorn, mysterious… and strangely comforting. Hido photographs the interior rooms of repossessed tract homes, and the outsides of similar houses at night whose habitation is suggested by the glow of a...
CAD 118.50
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Not available
Tokuko Ushioda: My husband (2 vol.)
CAD 102.00
Tokuko Ushioda: My husband (2 vol.)
Tokuko Ushioda launched her career as a photographer around 1975, befriending figures such as Shigeo Gocho and Fusako Kodama, who became important inspirations. While studying under Kiyoji Otsuji, she crossed paths with Shinzo Shimao, who would later become her husband....
CAD 102.00
Not available
Transbordeur n.06 : L‘image verticale. Politiques de la vue aérienne.
L’histoire des vues aériennes est liée au développement des moyens de locomotion aériens qui, depuis le XVIIIe siècle, produisent de nouveaux points de vue fixes et mobiles sur la terre. Des premières montgolfières aux drones contemporains, les dispositifs de vision...
CAD 54.95
Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieu
La photographie comme la cinématographie sont des techniques d'expression de la révolution industrielle dans lesquelles le spectateur ne considère jamais l'original, le négatif, la matrice, mais toujours des copies, des tirages, des doubles. Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieu tente...
CAD 30.00
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Not available
Vivian Maier
CAD 74.95
Vivian Maier
Photographe de rue dont l'œuvre monumentale réalisée durant la seconde moitié du XXe siècle aux Etats-Unis n'a été découverte qu'après sa mort en 2009, Vivian Maier est désormais au panthéon de l'histoire de la photographie. Le catalogue de l'exposition au...
CAD 74.95
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Voyages en Sardaigne : Nelle miniere di Iglesias / Into the Mines of Iglesias
Voyages en Sardaigne is a collection of unconventional thematic guides on the island in the middle of the Mediterranean. Nelle miniere di Iglesias / Into the Mines of Iglesias is the first part of an exploration that focuses on soil, excavations, incisions, mutations,...
CAD 54.95
Not available
We were here: Sexuality, photography, and cultural difference
We Were Here offers an unparalleled firsthand account of the influential photographer and curator Sunil Gupta’s writing and critical inquiry since the 1970s. Newspaper articles, speeches, and essays show Gupta’s crucial role at the center of grassroots queer and postcolonial organizing...
CAD 39.95
Not available
William Eggleston: Mystery of the ordinary
Although the first universal color slide film came onto the market in 1935, it was reserved for the world of advertising, and as late as the 1980s it was still considered commercial, vulgar and unartistic. Despite this, from the 1960s...
CAD 88.00
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