Peter Märkli: Dessins, disegni
L'œuvre « dessinée » de Peter Märkli peut être étudiée indépendamment de son œuvre construite. Parfois, on retrouve ces dessins dans ses œuvres réalisées mais, en général, il s'agit plutôt de projets ou plus précisément de thèmes de projets en puissance. Pour...
CAD 96.95
Not available
Photobooks &: A critical companion to the contemporary medium
Elucidating key issues and themes in contemporary photobook culture, from the medium’s post-digital and post-photographic condition to the aims of publishing, issues of accessibility and the act of reading, Photobooks & combines research and interviews with key individuals from the...
CAD 34.00
Pierre Chareau, vol. 1 : Biographie, exposition, mobilier
Ce premier volume richement illustré embrasse quatre décennies de créations en Europe et aux États-Unis. Il permet d’approfondir, grâce aux nombreuses découvertes des auteurs, des aspects méconnus de sa biographie : sa formation chez Waring & Gillow, sa participation à...
CAD 130.00
Pierre Chareau, vol. 2 : Architecture interieure, architecture
Identifiant plus de 90 aménagements, l’ouvrage offre une présentation développée et analytique de plus de 45 chantiers d’architecture intérieure, privés ou publics. Il dévoile l’évolution de l’approche de Pierre Chareau en matière d’aménagement intérieur, de ses débuts de décorateur intégrant...
CAD 130.00
Not available
Point de vue sur l'architecture: Dialogue. Protopiro et Didascalo
Point de vue sur l'architecture, dialogue théorique publié par Giovanni Battista Piranesi en 1765 contre les expériences néoclassiques françaises, anglaises et allemandes, est certainement le texte le plus radical de l'histoire de la théorie architecturale moderne. Selon Hanno-Walter Kruft, il...
CAD 30.00
Protest architecture: Barricades, camps, spatial tactics 1830-2023
Protest movements shape public space not only through their messages but in many cases also through their mostly temporary buildings. Frankfurt’s Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM and Vienna’s MAK—Museum of Applied Arts explore this thesis in a joint exhibition project. The exhibition...
CAD 34.00
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Radical futurisms: Ecologies of collapse, chronopolitics, and justice to come
There is widespread consensus that we are living at the end—of democracy, of liberalism, of capitalism, of a healthy planet, of the Holocene, of civilization as we know it. In this book, drawing on radical futurisms and visions of justice-to-come...
CAD 33.95
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Radical pedagogies
CAD 78.95
Radical pedagogies
In the decades after World War II, new forms of learning transformed architectural education. These radical experiments sought to upend disciplinary foundations and conventional assumptions about the nature of architecture as much as they challenged modernist and colonial norms, decentered...
CAD 78.95
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Radical sympathy
CAD 25.00
Radical sympathy
Questions of interdependency and care have gained broader urgency within today's planetary environment. From the pressing need to work at post-carbon futures to the challenges surrounding our covid-19 realities, understandings of care-work and co-existence require ever-greater imagination and creative engagement....
CAD 25.00
Real Review 15
It isn’t the representation of violence in the Gaza Strip that is so disturbing; it is the absence of representation. The grief and despair of a child is penetratingly real. The extreme realism of these events has now driven a...
CAD 22.50
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Regina Cassolo Bracchi
CAD 85.00
Regina Cassolo Bracchi
Monographie de référence de la sculptrice Regina, figure du second futurisme italien des années 1930, liée au Movimento Arte Concreta, dont l'œuvre méconnue apparaît comme l'une des plus fascinantes et novatrices du panorama artistique européen du XXe siècle. L'ouvrage vise à...
CAD 85.00
Résister, encore : Œuvres d'art, culture & démocratie
Réunissant des essais inédits de philosophes, théoriciens de la culture, activistes et historiens de l'art de renommée internationale, ce volume constitue une boîte à outils pour aborder les théories et pratiques contemporaines de résistance.   Articulant études de cas spécifiques...
CAD 38.95
Rez-de-ville : Regarder, dessiner, projeter la ville autrement
Omniprésence de l'automobile, artificialisation du sol, vacance des commerces, hyper-surveillance des lieux publics... Pourquoi nos paysages urbains et suburbains sont-ils aussi inhospitaliers ? Face aux transitions à venir, il est urgent de réformer les méthodes du projet urbain. David Mangin...
CAD 71.95
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Not available
Richard Mosse: Broken spectre
CAD 100.00
Richard Mosse: Broken spectre
Devastation in the Amazon rainforest and the climate change it triggers tend to unfold in ways that are too vast to comprehend, too minute to perceive, and too normalised to see. In an attempt to render the scale and urgency...
CAD 100.00
Ronan Bouroullec: Day after day
Ronan Bouroullec works at the very forefront of design. Over his 30-year career he has used photography to document his process and communicate his unique perspective, amassing a vast archive of images in the process. He shares these images on...
CAD 64.95
Roni Horn: Mother, wonder
In the south of Iceland is Landbrot, whose geologic particulars present a unique landscape. It is a place closer to fairy tales than to science, indeed a place easy to imagine as the singular source of fairies and elves worldwide....
CAD 101.50
Royden Rabinowitch
Le MAMCO, qui a montré Royden Rabinowitch dès son ouverture publique en 1994, possède un ensemble d'une trentaine de ses œuvres, composé essentiellement de sculptures en acier, mais aussi de dessins et de toiles, constituant l'un des plus importants ensembles...
CAD 42.00
SeARCH Dig it! Building bound to the ground
Building is one of very few endeavours that are physically connected to the surface of the earth, fixed and enduring. Nevertheless, for centuries, especially in the West, we have considered ourselves separate and above nature, drifting away, defining our own...
CAD 154.00
Services Working Group
Folio F presents complete transcripts from the ground-breaking working group on labour relations and institutional governance in the arts organized in 1994 by Helmut Draxler and Andrea Fraser at the Kunstraum of the University of Lüneburg.   Held on January...
CAD 25.00
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Seth Fluker: At water
CAD 25.00
Seth Fluker: At water
At Water is a new collection of landscape photographs by Seth Fluker depicting water in its many moods and textures across Canada and Japan.   Seth Fluker was born in 1982 in Ontario, raised in British Columbia, and now resides...
CAD 25.00
Not available
Seven questions: Studio Jan de Vylder
This volume is the outcome of a series of online lunch lectures at ETH Zürich, organised by studio Jan de Vylder during the pandemic lockdown. Speakers received a briefing that was both simple and tricky: talk about seven questions that...
CAD 64.00
Seven sisters ou les villes jumelles
De déambulations en souvenirs, la narratrice traverse des villes immenses qui se mélangent à des villages, à la recherche des traces de leurs histoires entremêlées. Brighton, New Brighton. Lisbonne, New Lisbon. Berlin, New Berlin. Paris, New Paris. Carlisle, New Carlisle....
CAD 40.00
Not available
Sigurd Lewerentz: Architect of death and life
This publication is based on extensive research undertaken at ArkDes, Sweden’s national center for architecture and design, where his archive and personal library are kept. It features a wealth of drawings and sketches, designs for furniture and interiors, model photographs,...
CAD 185.00
Slow spatial reader: Chronicles of radical affection
Slow Spatial Reader offers a collection of essays about ‘Slow’ approaches to spatial practice and pedagogy from around the world. The book’s contributors are from twenty-four countries on five continents. Each one brings distinct philosophical and disciplinary approaches—from ‘spatial’ fields...
CAD 39.95
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Not available
Soil lab: A built experiment
CAD 52.95
Soil lab: A built experiment
This anthology is a critical reflection on the making of Soil Lab, a project built with a community in North Lawndale, Chicago, and hosted by the Danish Arts Foundation at the 2021 edition of the Chicago Architecture Biennial. The pages...
CAD 52.95
Not available
Solar Futures: How to design a post-fossil world with the sun
This publication by solar designer Marjan van Aubel explores the future of solar energy. Solar energy needs a new narrative - one that says goodbye to old perspectives and only talks about the efficiency and the payback time of blue solar...
CAD 70.00
Not available
Spectre n.3 : Ruines contemporaines
La vue des ruines est nécessaire. « C'est un temps pur, non datable, absent de notre monde d'images, de simulacres et de reconstitutions, de notre monde violent dont les décombres n'ont plus le temps de devenir des ruines. Un temps...
CAD 59.95
Not available
Spectres III : Fantômes dans la machine
Le troisième numéro de la publication annuelle consacrée à l'expérimentation sonore et musicale, autour de la question des intelligences artificielles.   L'expression « fantôme dans la machine » a trouvé naissance dans un contexte particulier, celui de la critique du...
CAD 31.50
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Not available
Studio Muoto: Holy Highway
CAD 74.95
Studio Muoto: Holy Highway
Un recueil de textes, de projets et d'images de l'agence d'architecture parisienne autour du sujet de l'autoroute, l'espace public le plus radical jamais imaginé mais aussi le plus clivant et le plus critiqué aujourd'hui, interrogeant notre relation à la modernité....
CAD 74.95
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Not available
Sur la photographie
CAD 29.00
Sur la photographie
« Tout a débuté par un essai, consacré à quelques-uns des problèmes esthétiques et moraux que pose l’omniprésence des images photographiques : mais plus je réfléchissais à la nature des photographies, plus elles devenaient complexes et suggestives. Si bien qu’un...
CAD 29.00
Sur la projettation : Pour une pragmatique architecturale
Par un travail de lecture et d'étymologie attentive des traités d'architecture, de Vitruve à Vittone, Bruno Queysanne nous révèle un aspect peu connu de ces textes « classiques », dans lesquels les architectes laissent de côté leur rhétorique savante et...
CAD 28.00
Susanne Kriemann, 10%: Das Bildarchiv eines Kernforschungszentrums betreffend
Unknown lady in the radiation protection department, puddle, dancing couple in costume, damage to a waste drum, retiree send-off, lead shielding, burnt-out glovebox, scorpion with microchip—these are all captions to photographs of Germany’s first major nuclear research facility. In 1957,...
CAD 68.00
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Not available
Symphony: Mushrooms from the forest
CAD 125.00
Symphony: Mushrooms from the forest
Inspired by the Ed Ruscha series Coloured People, Takashi Homma visited forests on three continents to search for radioactive mushrooms. The mushrooms—gathered in Scandinavia, Fukushima, Chernobyl and Stony Point—were photographed in front of a white background, with occasional photographs from...
CAD 125.00
Takashi Homma: Thirty-Six views of Mount Fuji
This collection of new work by celebrated photographer Takashi Homma approaches one of the most iconic and widely represented images in Japan and the world: Mount Fuji. With its title referencing Hokusai’s famous series of ukiyo-e woodblock prints, Homma evokes...
CAD 60.00
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Not available
The Archipelago conversations
CAD 22.00
The Archipelago conversations
A revival of the Renaissance genre of the same name, isolarii (meaning 'island texts') is a very small publication; each issue of which focuses on a different, stand-alone theme or idea.   The sixth edition is titled The Archipelago Conversations and...
CAD 22.00
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Not available
The archive of Dark
CAD 98.00
The archive of Dark
A spectacle, a theatre, a multi dimensional document. An effort to merge language and formlessness in a yearn for a cyclic work. A stage for these merges to play out. A reminder that when we grow we don’t only grow...
CAD 98.00
The City, The Island
Alice Pedroletti has been investigating several thematics parts of her practice and long ongoing research: islands, boats, archives, cartography, architecture, writing. This publication is a collection of contents and hints, from graphic design to sculpture, from editorial projects to database...
CAD 38.95
The Continuum was performed in the following manner: Notes on Documenta 14
  It's 2013 and Adam Szymczyk, one of the most radical curators on the international scene, is called to direct the most important contemporary art exhibition in the world. Szymczyk and his team move the exhibition outside the borders of...
CAD 30.00
The curatorial condition
In spite of the heightened interest in the curatorial since the late twentieth century, the structural conditions and potentials underpinning its special sociocultural status have yet to be defined. Taking this as a starting point, in this book, Beatrice von...
CAD 34.95
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Not available
The emotional power of space
CAD 40.00
The emotional power of space
How does space affect our physical, psychological and emotional state? Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine explore this question through the lively and intimate form of the conversation with twelve renowned architects for whom perception and sensoriality play a central role...
CAD 40.00
Not available
The intimacy of making: three historical sites in Korea
Swiss French photographer Hélène Binet takes us on a visual journey through a world of stone, walls and gardens that define and celebrate the Korean art of making. In pure and calm photographs, The Intimacy of Making captures the traditional...
CAD 91.00
The monster Leviathan: Anarchitecture
Lurking under the surface of our modern world lies an unseen architecture—or anarchitecture. It is a possible architecture, an analogous architecture, an architecture of anarchy, which haunts in the form of monsters that are humans and machines and cities all...
CAD 59.00
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Not available
The past exists
CAD 53.95
The past exists
The past exists is a collection of works presented at Kenta Cobayashi’s solo exhibition at Mitsukoshi Contemporary Gallery in June 2022. In this exhibition, he selected portraits from Everything series of photographs.   Cobayashi describes the past as a kind of frame...
CAD 53.95
Not available
There, is the city... and, here are my hands
Menna Agha and Ola Hassanain edit, curate, and annotate this collection of stories by black Europeans, in which they tell stories of African peoplehood in cities that didn’t want them. They gather and tell stories of care, refusal, and the...
CAD 36.95
Not available
Transbordeur n.06 : L‘image verticale. Politiques de la vue aérienne.
L’histoire des vues aériennes est liée au développement des moyens de locomotion aériens qui, depuis le XVIIIe siècle, produisent de nouveaux points de vue fixes et mobiles sur la terre. Des premières montgolfières aux drones contemporains, les dispositifs de vision...
CAD 54.95
Tutto, tutto, tutto...o quasi
Gianni Pettena was a founding member of the Radical architecture movement in the late 1960s, which included names like Archizoom, Remo Buti, 9999, UFO, Superstudio, and Zziggurat. Besides critiquing modernist functionalism, the self-proclaimed “anarchitect” became noted for a purposeful reluctance...
CAD 77.95
Typobiographie : Jost Hochuli, 60 ans de travaux
Typobiographie revient sur l’ensemble de la longue et prolifique carrière du designer et typographe suisse Jost Hochuli. Rassemblant textes et un corpus d’images d’archives inédites, cette monographie visuelle entend générer des réflexions sur la question du design de livres et...
CAD 65.95
Umberto Riva: Interiors and exhibitions
The architecture of Umberto Riva (1928-2021) has, over the span 60 years, distinguished itself by its stimulating complexity. This monograph analyzes, for the first time in a chronologically extended form, his work in the field of interiors and exhibitions; fundamental...
CAD 54.95
Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieu
La photographie comme la cinématographie sont des techniques d'expression de la révolution industrielle dans lesquelles le spectateur ne considère jamais l'original, le négatif, la matrice, mais toujours des copies, des tirages, des doubles. Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieu tente...
CAD 30.00
Vers un art anthropocène : L'art écologique américain pour prototype
Comment un mouvement artistique entièrement consacré à l'écologie et apparu aux États-Unis au cours des années 1960 a-t-il pu passer pratiquement inaperçu jusqu'à aujourd'hui ? Telle est la question au cœur de cet ouvrage qui retrace les conditions d'émergence et...
CAD 39.95
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