Victor Prus : Architecte de la modernité. Guide d'architecture
L’objectif de cet ouvrage est de mieux faire connaître ce grand architecte et de rendre hommage à sa contribution à l’architecture québécoise. En première partie, le guide présente les principaux jalons de la carrière de Victor Prus et met en...
CAD 23.50
Viewing Olmsted: Photographs by Robert Burley, Lee Friedlander and Geoffrey James
In 1988, the CCA began a large photographic commission to photograph the present state of the parks, private estates, subdivisions and cemeteries designed by Frederick Law Olmsted (1822–1903), North America’s most important landscape architect. Photographers Robert Burley, Lee Friedlander and...
CAD 34.95
Virginia Hanusik: Into the quiet and the light. Water, life, and land loss in Southern Louisiana
CAD 38.00
Virginia Hanusik: Into the quiet and the light. Water, life, and land loss in Southern Louisiana
In South Louisiana, where the Mississippi River meets the Gulf of Mexico, water—and the history of controlling it—is omnipresent. Into the Quiet and the Light: Water, Life, and Land Loss in South Louisiana glimpses the vulnerabilities and possibilities of living...
CAD 38.00
Visible Invisible
CAD 47.95
Visible Invisible
Face à l'urgence écologique, comment faire émerger de nouvelles formes architecturales à partir des matériaux et énergies disponibles localement ? Si un terroir peut être défini comme la rencontre d'un sol, d'un climat et de savoir-faire, l'architecture est de façon...
CAD 47.95
Vitruve hors texte : Biographie d'un livre
Pour les architectes, le traité de Vitruve, écrit au Ier siècle av. J.C., fait figure de livre saint, aussi fondateur que mystérieux. A rebours de l'exégèse sans fin dont il a fait l'objet depuis sa redécouverte à la Renaissance, André...
CAD 38.95
Vitruvius without text: The biography of a book
De architectura, written by Vitruvius in the first century BCE, is revered as the first treatise on architectural theory. Since its Renaissance resurrection, the enigmatic text has been adapted, refined, and redefined in subsequent iterations. ‘Vitruvius Without Text’ bypasses critical...
CAD 44.95
Vivian Maier
CAD 74.95
Vivian Maier
Photographe de rue dont l'œuvre monumentale réalisée durant la seconde moitié du XXe siècle aux Etats-Unis n'a été découverte qu'après sa mort en 2009, Vivian Maier est désormais au panthéon de l'histoire de la photographie. Le catalogue de l'exposition au...
CAD 74.95
Voices of the land : Indigenous design and planning from the prairies
Voices of the land: Indigenous design and planning from the prairies is produced by the Indigenous Design and Planning Students' Association (IDPSA) of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Manitoba. IDPSA was founded in Fall 2019, as a platform...
CAD 25.00
Voir la terre : Six essais sur le paysage et la géographie
Du regard contemplatif que pose Pétrarque sur la nature du haut du mont Ventoux à celui, « distanciel », imposé un temps à l’humanité pour raisons sanitaires, qu’est-ce que voir la Terre ? Et, de la peinture de Bruegel au...
CAD 29.95
Vor Ort Kap.2: Gesetze Gestalten
CAD 20.00
Vor Ort Kap.2: Gesetze Gestalten
Produced for the exhibition To Build Law, held at the CCA from 11 December 2024 to 25 May 2025.
Graphic design by H I T
97 X 66 cm
CAD 20.00
Voyages en Sardaigne : Nelle miniere di Iglesias / Into the Mines of Iglesias
Voyages en Sardaigne is a collection of unconventional thematic guides on the island in the middle of the Mediterranean. Nelle miniere di Iglesias / Into the Mines of Iglesias is the first part of an exploration that focuses on soil, excavations, incisions, mutations,...
CAD 54.95
Waste (object lessons)
CAD 21.50
Waste (object lessons)
Though we try to imagine otherwise, waste is every object, plus time. Whatever else an object is, it's also waste-or was, or will be. All that is needed is time or a change of sentiment or circumstance. Waste is not...
CAD 21.50
Water, kinship, belief. Toronto Biennale of Art 2022
The inaugural Toronto Biennial of Art in 2019, titled The Shoreline Dilemma, was the first edition of a two-part biennial that traced interconnected narratives around the city’s ever-changing shoreline. These connections sought to reveal strategies of resistance against industrial-colonial systems,...
CAD 39.00
We were here: Sexuality, photography, and cultural difference
We Were Here offers an unparalleled firsthand account of the influential photographer and curator Sunil Gupta’s writing and critical inquiry since the 1970s. Newspaper articles, speeches, and essays show Gupta’s crucial role at the center of grassroots queer and postcolonial organizing...
CAD 39.95
What seems random usually isn't
CAD 75.00
What seems random usually isn't
In the words of Douglas Coupland, KNOWING EVERYTHING TURNS OUT TO BE SLIGHTLY BORING, and A LACK OF SHAME IS RESISTANCE. From big data to democracy, his ongoing slogan series presents the topics of our times with bracing, provocative wit...
CAD 75.00
What we talk about when we talk about architecture
A series of conversations with thinkers and practitioners of contemporary architecture today, featuring visiting lecturers Beatriz Colomina, Peter Wilson, and John Lin and Joshua Bolchover of Rural Urban Framework. The talks, which took place in 2018 and 2019 at the...
CAD 56.95
When Is the Digital in Architecture?
CAD 42.00
When Is the Digital in Architecture?
When is the digital in architecture? What are the conditions that led architects to integrate digital tools into their practices? Over the course of the Archaeology of the Digital research program, the CCA has collected the archival records of twenty-five...
CAD 42.00
Why I do what I do: Twenty global curators speak
For this fourth volume of the series Thoughts on Curating, twenty renowned curators and collectives from across the globe write about a single exhibition or curatorial project they created that transformed their thinking and the way they have curated ever...
CAD 25.00
Wiel Arets: Nature is nature
CAD 165.00
Wiel Arets: Nature is nature
A monograph on the architecture and design studio of Wiel Arets, Nature is Nature encompasses drawings, images, diagrams, texts, theories, sketches, and more. In his work and philosophy, Arets engages with the relations between humans and nature, interior and exterior,...
CAD 165.00
William Eggleston: Mystery of the ordinary
Although the first universal color slide film came onto the market in 1935, it was reserved for the world of advertising, and as late as the 1980s it was still considered commercial, vulgar and unartistic. Despite this, from the 1960s...
CAD 88.00
William Mullan: Odd apples
CAD 27.00
William Mullan: Odd apples
William Mullan’s obsession with apples began when he saw his first Egremont Russet at a Waitrose grocery store outside of London. Fascinated by its gnarled, potato-like appearance and shockingly fresh, nutty flavor, Mullan began searching for, and photographing, rare apple...
CAD 27.00
CAD 85.00
Yoshiharu Tsukamoto of Atelier Bow-Wow tours the world in his quest to seek out and analyse the behaviour of windows. Featuring gorgeous photographs of hundreds of these objects and their associated interior and exterior spaces – from the mundane to...
CAD 85.00
Women in architecture: Documents and histories
The first installment in nai010’s new Women in Architecture series, Documents and Histories offers a many-faceted exploration of multivocality in architecture. Catja Edens reflects on the diverse roles of women in architecture; Lara Schrijver's essay strives for a shift from...
CAD 87.00
Women in architecture: past, present, and future
Despite the number of women who have shaped the discipline, female architects still frequently struggle to receive the recognition their work deserves. This volume serves as a manifesto for the great achievements of contemporary female architects the world over, paying...
CAD 77.00
Xu Tiantian: Jinyun Quarries, the quarry as stage
In 2021, the Beijing architect Xu Tiantian and her firm DnA_Design and Architecture were awarded a commission to develop new utilization concepts for the old and today abandoned stone quarries in the northern part of Jinyun County in Zhejiang Province....
CAD 21.50
Zaha Hadid, Phaeno Science Center
CAD 0.00
Zaha Hadid, Phaeno Science Center
In this publication Greg Lynn, Christos Passas, and Patrik Schumacher discuss Zaha Hadid Architects’ Phaeno Science Centre, a project that combined the organizational parameters of landscape architecture with digital tools of representation and fabrication to build one of the largest...
CAD 0.00
« Alternatives » à la prison
CAD 35.00
« Alternatives » à la prison
Que penser des « alternatives » à la prison ? À l’occasion d’une conférence donnée à Montréal peu après la publication de Surveiller et punir, Michel Foucault avance l’idée que les sanctions « alternatives », loin de rompre avec l’emprisonnement,...
CAD 35.00
ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ / Ruovttu Guvlui / Towards Home: Inuit and Sámi Placemaking
ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ (angirramut) in Inuktitut or ruovttu guvlui in North Sámi mean “towards home.” To move towards home is to reflect on where Sámi people and Inuit find home, on what their connections to their lands means, and on what these relationships could...
CAD 35.00