Guido Guidi: Di sguincio, 1969–81
CAD 90.00
Guido Guidi: Di sguincio, 1969–81
Di sguincio – meaning aslant, asquint, or seen from the corner of an eye – brings together more than a hundred black-and-white photographs made by Guido Guidi with small-format cameras between 1969 and 1981. These images record experimental early dialogues...
CAD 90.00
Habiter : ville et architecture
CAD 66.95
Habiter : ville et architecture
L'hypothèse initiale est que l'histoire du l'habitat se situe dans un temps long, une longue durée anthropologique, et que les évolutions sont lentes et les profonds changements rares. C'est pourquoi il est nécessaire de s'interroger sur la dimension vernaculaire de...
CAD 66.95
Habiter autrement
CAD 64.95
Habiter autrement
S'il existe de nombreux livres consacrés aux maisons d'architectes, rares sont ceux qui s'intéressent réellement aux modes de vie. Habiter autrement réunit 23 maisons qui explorent d'autres façons d'habiter, ouvertes, permissives et suscitant l'imaginaire. Plus ou moins radicales, très différentes...
CAD 64.95
Habiter en beauté : Ces lieux qui nous font du bien
La pandémie a changé notre rapport aux lieux, pour longtemps ou pour toujours. Le télétravail nous force à repenser la maison, mais le repli sanitaire a ses limites. Pour continuer d’avancer, et aussi pour s’adapter aux défis environnementaux, il faudra...
CAD 26.96
Habiter l'entre-deux
CAD 61.95
Habiter l'entre-deux
L'acte d'habiter se réalise au quotidien par de multiples interactions entre l'individu et son environnement. Il implique des arbitrages liés à la recherche permanente d'un équilibre entre des éléments qui a priori s'opposent : l'intérieur et l'extérieur, le bâti et...
CAD 61.95
Harvard Design Magazine 49: Publics
CAD 21.48
Harvard Design Magazine 49: Publics
Harvard Design Magazine 49: Publics questions how public spaces—the physical, the cultural, and the theoretical—operate in a fragmented social and political environment, both in the US and abroad. Guest editors Anita Berrizbeitia and Diane E. Davis convene leading public intellectuals, scholars, and practitioners in...
CAD 21.48
Harvard Design Magazine 51
CAD 31.00
Harvard Design Magazine 51
Multihyphenation refers to alternate modes of creative production: “collab” culture, “brand X brand” projects, and multiple or even opaque styles of attribution and ownership among individuals, studios, and practices. For them, the body of work they produce matters more than...
CAD 31.00
Having and being had
CAD 35.00
Having and being had
'My adult life can be divided into two distinct parts,' Eula Biss writes, 'the time before I owned a washing machine and the time after.' Having just purchased her first home, the poet and essayist now embarks on a provocative...
CAD 35.00
Hilde Bouchez: A wild thing
CAD 35.95
Hilde Bouchez: A wild thing
Everyday objects can have an extra dimension or quality that has no relation to functionality, form, a concept or a trend. So what is it that gives a particular glass an 'aura'? Why should one thing have more shine, passion...
CAD 35.95
Hiroshi Hara with Mikio Wakabayashi and others - Meanwhile in Japan
In the fifth volume of the CCA Singles series, Hiroshi Hara is in conversation with Mikio Wakabayashi. He revisits his publications from the late 1960s to the mid-1970s on architectural principles—“porous body” theory, “floating architecture,” and “homogeneous space”—and on the...
CAD 14.00
Histoire de sports
CAD 37.95
Histoire de sports
Des athlètes mis en scène par l'atelier Nadar à Clint Eastwood photographié avec un ballon de football par Xavier Lambours, les rapprochements entre les sportifs et les photographes prennent des chemins de traverse dans la collection de la Médiathèque du...
CAD 37.95
Histoire naturelle de l'architecture : comment le climat, les épidémies et et l’énergie ont façonné la ville et les bâtiments
Pourquoi notre nature homéotherme a donné naissance à l’architecture ? Comment le blé a engendré la ville ? Comment les petits pois ont fait s'élever les cathédrales gothiques ? Ce que les dômes doivent à la peur de l'air stagnant...
CAD 58.95
Histoire naturelle de l'architecture : Comment le climat, les épidémies et l'énergie ont façonné la ville et les bâtiments
En quoi la nécessité pour l’être humain de maintenir la température du corps à 37 °C engendre-t-elle l’apparition de l’architecture ? Comment un simple grenier à blé devient-il la ville ? Pourquoi l’iode a-t-il provoqué l’urbanisation du littoral ? ...
CAD 24.95
Histories of ecological design: an unfinished cyclopedia
There have been many accounts on the history of ecology and others on the migration of ecological thought to design and architecture practice. Yet, the work of a focused and expanded history of ecological design is much needed. This book...
CAD 54.95
Holzer-isms. Artists edition
CAD 82.00
Holzer-isms. Artists edition
Holzer-isms: Artist’s Edition presents a selection of artist Jenny Holzer’s Truisms (1977–79)—subtly subversive declarations such as ABUSE OF POWER COMES AS NO SURPRISE—on six foldout posters designed by the artist. Important and influential works of word-art, Truisms are single-sentence...
CAD 82.00
Homecoming: Contextualizing, materializing and practicing the rural in China
Young Chinese architects are designing compelling alternatives to China's rapid urbanization between tradition and the future. Homecoming presents work by an emerging generation of Chinese architects that uses unique design and working approaches to resist generic mass construction and foreign...
CAD 49.95
Houses For Sale
CAD 42.00
Houses For Sale
There are all kinds of houses—big houses, little houses, strange houses, old houses… But how do you decide which one is just right for you... In Houses for Sale a family travels through architectural history searching for their perfect home....
CAD 42.00
How is life? Designing for our earth
CAD 73.50
How is life? Designing for our earth
We have come to enjoy plentiful lifestyles in the 21st century, yet we are also facing issues such as climate change, social inequality, epidemics, and the shifts in global dynamics brought on by these things. ‘How is Life?’ takes another...
CAD 73.50
How Things Meet: 51n4e, Falma Fshazi, Stefano Graziani
Brussels-based 51N4E deal with matters of architectural design, concept development, and strategic spatial transformations. Headed by Johan Anrys and Freek Persyn, the office was founded in 1998 and aspires to contribute to social and urban transformation. This photo-novel tells the...
CAD 80.00
How to do nothing: resisting the attention economy
In a world where addictive technology is designed to buy and sell our attention, and our value is determined by our 24/7 data productivity, it can seem impossible to escape. But in this inspiring field guide to dropping out of...
CAD 23.99
How to live with objects: A guide to more meaningful interiors
In the modern home, it matters less whether your interior is perfectly appointed and more if it’s authentically personal, unique, and filled with the objects you feel a connection to. Through inspiring home tours and practical advice on how and...
CAD 79.00
How to not demolish a building
CAD 54.95
How to not demolish a building
Part of the Chapters series developed by the Belgian architects 51N4E, this third instalment tells the story of two office towers from the 1970s that have been transformed according to the principles of reduce/reuse/recycle. In collaboration with Jaspers-Eyers Architects, the former...
CAD 54.95
Hunter with harpoon
CAD 19.95
Hunter with harpoon
Published fifty years ago under the title Harpoon of the Hunter, Markoosie Patsauq's novel helped establish the genre of Indigenous fiction in Canada. This new English translation unfolds the story of Kamik, a young hero who comes to manhood while...
CAD 19.95
I am Inuit
CAD 74.00
I am Inuit
Arctic communities are faced with powerful forces bringing pressures on Inuit culture and society. Global climate change is having a profound impact on the Arctic, its sensitive ecosystem and the communities that rely upon the region’s natural resources. The impacts...
CAD 74.00
If walls could speak: My life in architecture
Over more than five decades, legendary architect Moshe Safdie has built some of the world’s most influential and memorable structures—from the 1967 modular housing scheme in Montreal known as “Habitat” and the Yad Vashem memorial in Israel, to the Crystal...
CAD 49.50
If you want to visit a sea garden
CAD 18.99
If you want to visit a sea garden
ea gardens have been created by First Peoples on the Northwest coast for more than three thousand years. These gardens consist of stone reefs that are constructed at the lowest tide line, encouraging the growth of clams and other marine...
CAD 18.99
Imagining the evident: Álvaro Siza
CAD 45.95
Imagining the evident: Álvaro Siza
The referential book by Álvaro Siza on his own work, in its first English edition. Describing some of his projects, his expectations and struggles, references and decisions, this book is a fundamental contribution to the understanding of Álvaro Siza’s architectural...
CAD 45.95
Immigration et ségrégation spatiale : L'exemple de Marseille
Les villes confrontées à l’immigration ont-elles un autre avenir possible que celui, sans issue, d’une ségrégation spatiale chaque jour plus sévère ? N’y a-t-il pas d’autre voie pour les métropoles européennes que la dérive vers le modèle américain des gated...
CAD 48.95
Imperfect Health: The Medicalization of Architecture
This book accompanies the exhibition Imperfect Health: the Medicalization of Architecture and its online TV channel. Imperfect Health investigates the historical connections between health, design and the environment, emphasizing certain uncertainties and contradictions informed by Western medicine. Should urbanism, landscape design, or architecture seek...
CAD 60.00
Impossible (tm) the Cookbook: How to save our planet, one delicious meal at a time
Cook Impossible at home. Meat-loving gourmets stood in line for hours when the world’s top chefs began serving Impossible Burger in 2016. Now, for the first time, these pioneering chefs have joined forces with Impossible Foods’ team of culinary leaders...
CAD 39.95
In Miami in the 1980s: The vanishing architecture of a paradise lost
This publication celebrates a lost vision of Miami: the architectural golden age it enjoyed in the 1980s, when the subtropical city experienced a profound synergy between art and architecture. In these years, Miami's architects partook of the discipline's international discourse,...
CAD 82.95
Incursions au-delà du moderne : L'architecture d'Umberto Riva / Forays beyond the modern: The architecture of Umberto Riva
Une anthologie monumentale d'essais critiques consacrés à la figure d'Umberto Riva, l'un des maîtres de l'architecture italienne, designer et peintre, introduits et édités par Maria Bottero, accompagnés d'un ensemble de croquis et de dessins issus des archives personnelles de l'architecte....
CAD 110.00
Indeterminacy: Thoughts on time, the image and race(ism)
In a series of written exchanges, David Campany and Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa consider the options for photography in resisting the oppressive orthodoxies of racial capital, conservative history, and neoliberal visual culture. How does the essential indeterminacy of photography square with the...
CAD 28.00
Inga Navickaitė: Pusiniai namai / Half Houses
Projektas Padalink pusiau prasidėjo nuo estetinio galvosūkio – ar namui nestinga antrosios pusės? Keletą metų vis grįžtant į Vilijampolės gatveles ir kiemus, šis galvosūkis netrukus apaugo įvairiais kontekstais. Kompozicinis stygiaus pojūtis žvelgiant į tuščią erdvę šalia pusinių namų, įtaigiai atliepia šios...
CAD 49.95
Inscriptions: Architecture before speech
CAD 83.00
Inscriptions: Architecture before speech
Inscriptions: Architecture Before Speech presents a theory of contemporary architecture that spans the work of 112 practices in 750 images. Against the popular characterization of contemporary architecture as a centerless field where anything goes and everything is possible, this book argues...
CAD 83.00
Institution as Praxis: New curatorial directions for collaborative research
Institution as Praxis explores new curatorial and artistic practices that contribute to the expansion of institutional, practice-based, and collaborative research methods. Offering an overview of how creative practices are modifying the ways we think about both knowledge production and research in...
CAD 34.95
International image exchange directory
CAD 25.00
International image exchange directory
Image Bank began compiling artist’s addresses and image requests to prompt correspondence artworks using the postal system in 1970. These requests first appeared in print in General Idea’s & AA Bronson’s FILE Megazine issues 1, 2 and 3, and they...
CAD 25.00
Interspecies Encounters: Design (Hi)stories, Practices of Care, and Challenges
Environmental Histories of Architecture presents the work of eight researchers who each analyze specific environmental relations, crises, and reforms and demonstrate how society and the environment have been co-constructed, represented, and lived in their respective geographies. While their essays are...
CAD 0.00
Into the Great Wide Open
CAD 39.50
Into the Great Wide Open
Edited by architect and theorist Andreas Rumpfhuber, this book deals with a search for a form of architectural practice. Practice here is understood both as a critical reflection of a status quo and its history and as forms of (active)...
CAD 39.50
INUA: Inuit Nunangat Ungammuaktut Atautikkut / Inuit Moving Forward Together
INUA: Inuit Nunangat Ungammuaktut Atautikkut / Inuit Moving Forward Together refers to the life force of all things. As an acronym, it also speaks to our collective vision for Qaumajuq as a place for Inuit to work together towards an...
CAD 56.00
Inuit clothing
CAD 14.95
Inuit clothing
Let's look at Inuit clothing! This book features high-contrast images of traditional and modern Inuit clothing, such as parkas, kamiit, and amautiit. Inhabit Education is a Nunavut-based educational publishing company with a mandate to provide educators and parents with...
CAD 14.95
Inventer l'école, penser la co-création
CAD 54.00
Inventer l'école, penser la co-création
Une publication de l'artiste et enseignante-chercheuse Marie Preston sur les pédagogies alternatives développées en France durant les années 1970-1990 dans des écoles « ouvertes » travaillant la question des rapports entre co-création et coéducation (nouvelle édition augmentée). Les équipes...
CAD 54.00
Irma Boom: Book manifest
CAD 61.00
Irma Boom: Book manifest
In Book Manifest, Dutch designer Irma Boom presents her vision on the essence, meaning and relevance of the book. Based on the in-depth research that Boom conducted into the development of the book in the library of the Vatican. Book Manifest at...
CAD 61.00
Island zombie: Iceland writings
CAD 40.75
Island zombie: Iceland writings
"I’m often asked, but have no idea why I chose Iceland, why I first started going, why I still go. In truth I believe Iceland chose me." Artist Roni Horn first visited Iceland in 1975 at the age of nineteen,...
CAD 40.75
Issei Suda: Family diary
CAD 76.95
Issei Suda: Family diary
Between 1991 and 1992, Issei Suda shot compulsively with a Minox camera, which is one of the smallest cameras there is. It is actually so small that it was commonly used for intelligence activities during the war. Issei Suda turned...
CAD 76.95
Itee Pootoogook: Hymns to the silence
CAD 45.00
Itee Pootoogook: Hymns to the silence
Itee Pootoogook belonged to a new generation of Inuit artists who are transforming and reshaping the creative traditions that were successfully pioneered by their parents and grandparents in the second half of the 20th century. A meticulous draughtsman who...
CAD 45.00
Itsuko Hasegawa with Kozo Kadowaki and others - Meanwhile in Japan
In the third volume of the CCA Singles series, Itsuko Hasegawa is in conversation with Kozo Kadowaki and revisits her earliest projects. The conversation was held in Tokyo with the participation of Chié Rokutanda, Mikio Wakabayashi, Yutaro Muraji, Takehiko Higa, Teppei Fujiwara,...
CAD 14.00
It’s All Happening So Fast: A Counter-History of the Modern Canadian Environment
This is a counter-history assembled out of the aspirations, alternative stories and contradictions behind the dominant notion of progress that has captivated our imagination and defined our relationship with the environment. In an age of unprecedented human impact on the...
CAD 45.00
James Baldwin: Collected essays
CAD 45.00
James Baldwin: Collected essays
Toni Morrison's definitive edition of James Baldwin's incomparable nonfiction. Contains all the major essays collections in their entirety, plus 36 uncollected essays. James Baldwin was a uniquely prophetic voice in American letters. His brilliant and provocative essays made him the...
CAD 45.00