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'A'A L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, Hors-série n.48: Atelier Pierre Thibault
Avant de se lancer dans tout « geste » architectural, Pierre Thibault étudie le milieu naturel dans lequel il va implanter son projet, tout autant qu’il se montre attentif aux besoins des usagers. Ça n’est pour lui pas une option...
CAD 24.00
Not available
(How) do we (want to) work (together) (as (socially engaged) designers (students and neighbours)) (in neoliberal times)?
A critical discussion about work is urgently needed—in the field of design as much as anywhere else. Since 2011, Studio Experimentelles Design at the HFBK Hamburg has experimented with local design-assistance projects carried out within the framework of the St....
CAD 35.00
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Not available
032C Issue #41
CAD 34.00
032C Issue #41
Every copy of 032c Issue #41 features a free Balenciaga iron-on kit, so you can create your own apparel at home. It's part of a donation campaign benefitting the World Food Programme’s emergency aid for Ukraine – order the magazine...
CAD 34.00
10 Minutes: Architects and designers in conversation
24 entretiens menés par Stephanie Davidson avec des architectes et designer·euses de 15 pays, à propos de leur relation aux matériaux et de comment cela informe sur la place de l’architecture et du design dans la société. Les questions d'économie,...
CAD 45.95
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Not available
Dogma: Living and working
CAD 59.95
Dogma: Living and working
Despite the increasing numbers of people who now work from home, in the popular imagination the home is still understood as the sanctuary of privacy and intimacy. Living is conceptually and definitively separated from work. This book argues against such...
CAD 59.95
Archivio: UCSC Centenary Edition
This special edition was conceived on the occasion of the Centenary of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, which relied on Promemoria to talk about its archives through a new perspective and an unusual format as proposed by the editorial...
CAD 28.00
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Not available
Todd Hido: Outskirts
CAD 118.50
Todd Hido: Outskirts
Todd Hido finds the poetry in that strangeness, which consists of all the matter implied but unsaid in the margins of thrillers. It lurks in the high-tension wires, the high-intensity lights, the leafless trees and ambitious weeds, the hurricane fences...
CAD 118.50
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Not available
Royden Rabinowitch
CAD 42.00
Royden Rabinowitch
Le MAMCO, qui a montré Royden Rabinowitch dès son ouverture publique en 1994, possède un ensemble d'une trentaine de ses œuvres, composé essentiellement de sculptures en acier, mais aussi de dessins et de toiles, constituant l'un des plus importants ensembles...
CAD 42.00
On cities: Masterclass Vol.1
This first volume launches the Norman Foster Foundation’s Masterclass Series with a close examination of cities and urbanism today. Following an introduction by Norman Foster, “Cities in Pandemics”, various experts and critics in the field weigh in on a number...
CAD 46.95
International image exchange directory
Image Bank began compiling artist’s addresses and image requests to prompt correspondence artworks using the postal system in 1970. These requests first appeared in print in General Idea’s & AA Bronson’s FILE Megazine issues 1, 2 and 3, and they...
CAD 25.00
Chefs-d'oeuvre photographiques du MoMA : La collection Thomas Walther
La collection Thomas Walther du Museum of Modern Art (New York) est un fonds photographique réunissant près de 350 photographies. Elle s'avère unique non seulement au regard de la qualité exceptionnelle des tirages, exclusivement d'époque, mais aussi parce qu'elle reflète...
CAD 79.95
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Not available
Les Grands Ensembles
CAD 12.00
Les Grands Ensembles
Symbole de modernité et enjeu aussi politique que sécuritaire dès les années 1980, les Grands Ensembles ont, dans le champ de la création contemporaine, nourri un certain nombre de recherches alliant architecture, habitat social et représentations visuelles.   À partir...
CAD 12.00
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Not available
The House of Xavier Corberó
CAD 80.00
The House of Xavier Corberó
Xavier Corberó is among the foremost Spanish artists of the last century. His sculptures in rough-hewn stone, marble, and bronze gave form to ideas running through a circle of contemporary surrealist artists, including Salvador Dalí, Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, and...
CAD 80.00
Le promoteur, la banque et le rentier : Fondements et évolution du logement capitaliste
Il n’est pas courant de considérer sa résidence d’abord et avant tout comme une marchandise intrinsèquement liée à l’économie capitaliste. Pourtant, ce chez-soi dont on a tant rêvé, et auquel on a finalement accès, a été construit puis mis en...
CAD 29.95
Seven sisters ou les villes jumelles
De déambulations en souvenirs, la narratrice traverse des villes immenses qui se mélangent à des villages, à la recherche des traces de leurs histoires entremêlées. Brighton, New Brighton. Lisbonne, New Lisbon. Berlin, New Berlin. Paris, New Paris. Carlisle, New Carlisle....
CAD 40.00
What we talk about when we talk about architecture
A series of conversations with thinkers and practitioners of contemporary architecture today, featuring visiting lecturers Beatriz Colomina, Peter Wilson, and John Lin and Joshua Bolchover of Rural Urban Framework. The talks, which took place in 2018 and 2019 at the...
CAD 56.95
SeARCH Dig it! Building bound to the ground
Building is one of very few endeavours that are physically connected to the surface of the earth, fixed and enduring. Nevertheless, for centuries, especially in the West, we have considered ourselves separate and above nature, drifting away, defining our own...
CAD 154.00
Not available
Not available
Vivian Maier
CAD 74.95
Vivian Maier
Photographe de rue dont l'œuvre monumentale réalisée durant la seconde moitié du XXe siècle aux Etats-Unis n'a été découverte qu'après sa mort en 2009, Vivian Maier est désormais au panthéon de l'histoire de la photographie. Le catalogue de l'exposition au...
CAD 74.95
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Skyroom: The journey of Brian and Marilyn MacKay-Lyons at Shobac, seaside village on the edge
In partnership with his wife Marilyn Mackay-Lyons and their family, architect Brian Mackay-Lyons has built a unique community over the granite ruins of a historic settlement on the fogbound coast of Nova Scotia. Among the structures at Shobac are homes,...
CAD 39.95
Slow spatial reader: Chronicles of radical affection
Slow Spatial Reader offers a collection of essays about ‘Slow’ approaches to spatial practice and pedagogy from around the world. The book’s contributors are from twenty-four countries on five continents. Each one brings distinct philosophical and disciplinary approaches—from ‘spatial’ fields...
CAD 39.95
Stefano Graziani: Documents on Raphael
Stefano Graziani's photographs explore the works of the artist from Urbino—with particular reference to his output as an architect—their transformation over time, and his own process that translated them into images. Graziani puts variation before permanence and reflects on the...
CAD 50.00
Marine Pagès : Les Corps flottants
Le travail de Marine Pagès déploie une pratique du dessin élargi : sur papier et dans l'espace. Cet ouvrage prend la forme – lointaine et non exhaustive – d'un inventaire, en échos au processus de travail de l'artiste. La forme...
CAD 39.95
Not available
L'architecture selon Gordon Matta-Clark
Gordon Matta-Clark a produit un corpus d'œuvres d'une grande diversité. Expérimentations sur la matière, installations, performances, découpes architecturales, dessins, films, photographies, ou photomontages témoignent de cette multiplicité de démarches et de mediums explorés. C'est au travers de ses découpes (cuttings)...
CAD 42.00
Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieu
La photographie comme la cinématographie sont des techniques d'expression de la révolution industrielle dans lesquelles le spectateur ne considère jamais l'original, le négatif, la matrice, mais toujours des copies, des tirages, des doubles. Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieu tente...
CAD 30.00
Family affairs : Family in current Photography
Since the invention of photography, the family has been a constant subject of photographic observation, both in private photo albums and in artistic series. The group exhibition Family Affairs – Family in Current Photography, conceived by Ingo Taubhorn, Curator of...
CAD 89.50
Not available
Not available
Concrete New York
CAD 14.00
Concrete New York
This  issue of a+u features the work of Chilean architect Smiljan Radic. Ranging from sculptures to buildings, 25 key works are presented along with Radic’s own conceptual drawings and paintings. All were produced between 2010 and 2021. Adding depth to...
CAD 14.00
El Croquis 209: Roger Boltshauser (2002-2021) Impure Materiality
Covering almost two decades of work by Roger Boltshauser, this issue takes a look at the Zurich-based architect’s uniquely contemporary manner of expression. With profiles of more than 20 projects conceived since the turn of the century, it outlines Boltshauser’s...
CAD 136.95
La colonisation du quotidien : dans les laboratoires du capitalisme de plateforme
Le capitalisme ne fait plus : il fait faire. L’économie de plateforme a conféré une dimension paradigmatique à l’usage de l’externalisation, ainsi qu’une place inédite aux activités gratuites. D’où la nécessité d’analyser les nouveaux régimes d'exploitation dans le secteur des...
CAD 33.95
Défaire la police
« Faut-il en finir avec la police ? » La question se pose avec une nouvelle intensité depuis le mouvement mondial déclenché par la mort de George Floyd aux États-Unis.   Alors que les violences policières sont de plus en...
CAD 24.00
Into the Great Wide Open
Edited by architect and theorist Andreas Rumpfhuber, this book deals with a search for a form of architectural practice. Practice here is understood both as a critical reflection of a status quo and its history and as forms of (active)...
CAD 39.50
Chez soi : une odyssée de l'espace domestique
Le foyer, un lieu de repli frileux où l’on s’avachit devant la télévision en pyjama informe ? Sans doute. Mais aussi, dans une époque dure et désorientée, une base arrière où l’on peut se protéger, refaire ses forces, se souvenir...
CAD 26.95
Tall Buildings: their problems and some ideas
Tall Buildings: their problems and some ideas humbly deconstructs and reconstructs what a tall building can be. Its content is informed by a half-day symposium held in Melbourne in 2018 that investigated new and radical approaches to vertical city-building, co-curated...
CAD 25.00
Umberto Riva: Interiors and exhibitions
The architecture of Umberto Riva (1928-2021) has, over the span 60 years, distinguished itself by its stimulating complexity. This monograph analyzes, for the first time in a chronologically extended form, his work in the field of interiors and exhibitions; fundamental...
CAD 54.95
Not available
Athens by collage: The representation of the metropolis between realism, intervention and autonomy
In this publication, Athens is depicted like an incomplete and unfinished city, in which its parts are in permanent construction, or continual ruination. But it is exactly this permanent condition of instability – its openness and formal instability – that...
CAD 44.95
DÉCOR n° 01
CAD 54.00
DÉCOR n° 01
Traiter la notion de « décor » implique au moins deux présupposés : d'une part que la critique moderne de l'ornementation et du décoratif n'a pas eu raison du décor ; et d'autre part que la réhabilitation ludique et parfois...
CAD 54.00
Jean Tschumi, architecte
Partageant sa vie entre Paris et Lausanne, Jean Tschumi (1904-1962) s'est imposé comme l'inventeur d'une architecture moderne et fonctionnelle au service d'entreprises et d'institutions, tels les Sièges de la Mutuelle Vaudoise Accidents (1951-1956) à Lausanne, de Nestlé (1956-1960) à Vevey...
CAD 84.95
Not available
2G Essays Sigurd Lewerentz: A trip to Italy
Using enigmatic negatives found in Sigurd Lewerentz’s archive at the Museum of Architecture in Stockholm, A Trip to Italy further explores the Swedish architect’s legacy through his personal travel photos.     Edited by Moisés Puente. Walther Konïg, 2021 21.3...
CAD 47.00
Gordon Matta-Clark: Open house
In 1972, Gordon Matta-Clark (1943–78) installed a dumpster on the street between 98 and 112 Greene Street in New York’s SoHo neighborhood, an architectural artwork he called Open House. Matta-Clark used discarded, scavenged materials—old pieces of wood, doors—to subdivide the space...
CAD 41.95
Spring / Summer + Autumn / Winter
Nigel Peake's drawings for Japanese distillery Mitosaya.    Mitosaya is a distillery founded by Hiroshi Eguchi, located in Chiba prefecture, a few hours outside of Tokyo. It use to be a botanical garden. I have visited twice, both times in...
CAD 45.00
Takashi Homma: Vedove/Widows
Extremely accurate in concept and printing, Vedove/Widows has been published in an edition of 350 copies. The project is the result of the cooperation between Andrea Botto and Francesco Zanot, respectively director and curator of the annual Rapallo Fotografia festival, who entrusted...
CAD 250.00
The Funambulist n.35 : Decolonial ecologies
In the issue’s “News From the Fronts,” Shamsher Singh provides a Sikh perspective on the massive farmer strike from Punjab to Delhi, Sara Salem reflects on the legacies of colonialism in the Netherlands, and Panashe Chigumadzi & Hopewell Chin’ono converse on the struggle against corruption and...
CAD 19.95
Log 50, Fall 2020
From the economic to the political, from public health to the climate, models seem to run the world. In architecture, the model is no longer just a physical tool for conceptualizing or representing architects’ visions but must also encompass digital...
CAD 25.00
Manifest 3: Bigger than big
What does it mean to grapple with the immensity of the continent itself? For the third issue, Manifesto aims to highlight propositions that have taken seriously the 'bigger than big'—design and representational experiments aimed at narrating, framing, or enacting the...
CAD 31.50
fig. n.06 : antithèse
Dans la continuité du dernier numéro consacré à l’oxymore, fig. décide de prolonger les réflexions sur les notions de contraire et de contradiction dont notre époque déborde, à travers ce nouveau numéro consacré à l'antithèse.   Attendez-vous de l’architecture qu’elle...
CAD 45.00
Superstudio Migrazioni
Débutée en 1966, l’aventure du groupe d’avant-garde Superstudio a mené ses membres à spéculer sur les façons d’habiter ce monde « rond et qui tourne ». Superstudio Migrazioni offre une nouvelle perspective sur l'œuvre du groupe, décrite comme "radicale" par...
CAD 86.95
Écrits climatiques
Depuis l'Hormonorium à la Biennale de Venise de 2002, où les Lausannois Décosterd & Rahm avaient rafraîchi la lagune par un climat artificiel des Alpes, le néomodernisme de Philippe Rahm s'est maintes fois reconfiguré. Les premiers effets du réchauffement climatique...
CAD 22.00
A+T: Is this rural? Architecture markers in the countryside
What do we call rural architecture? This new series questions what we recognise as the rural context in architecture, the limits of which are becoming increasingly diffuse today. The first instalment identifies projects consisting of a range of scales, each...
CAD 49.95
Le Panthéon, symbole des révolutions : De l’Église de la nation au temple des grands hommes
Few buildings have remained so persistently at the heart of artistic, technical, and political debate as Jacques-Germain Soufflot’s (1713–1780) domed Panthéon. From Louis XV’s laying of its cornerstone in 1764 to François Mitterrand’s televised pilgrimage to the tombs of his...
CAD 60.00
Emerging Japanese Architects of the 1990s
The six architects represented here –Kiyoshi Sey Takeyama/AMORPHE; Norihiko Dan; Hiroyuki Wakabayashi;WORKSHOP; Hisashi Hara; and Atsushi Kitagawara– were chosen for the breadth and diversity of their styles and their incorporation of Western and Japanese architectural traditions.Jackie KastenbaumGraphic design by Glenn...
CAD 3.50
The New Spirit: Modern Architecture in Vancouver, 1938–1963
The Modernist architecture of the two post-war decades established Vancouver’s reputation as a centre for progressive design and culture, a city where architects pursued their desire “to make of architecture a great humanistic experience.” Modernism in Vancouver had many facets:...
CAD 45.00
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