Habiter l'entre-deux
L'acte d'habiter se réalise au quotidien par de multiples interactions entre l'individu et son environnement. Il implique des arbitrages liés à la recherche permanente d'un équilibre entre des éléments qui a priori s'opposent : l'intérieur et l'extérieur, le bâti et...
CAD 61.95
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Barrault Pressacco : Wallness, Nature et culture de l'isolant, Construire en chanvre
Wallness, par des considérations techniques et culturelles, bouleverse l'acte de bâtir et ouvre une conversation. L'isolant s'ajoute au répertoire des éléments architecturaux, la thermique dévoile des champs constructifs insoupçonnés, la recherche du confort des espaces intérieurs interroge la nature de...
CAD 65.00
Lausanne Jardins, la ville autrement
Lausanne Jardins est une manifestation culturelle associant architecture du paysage et réflexion sur la ville. Le temps d’un été, elle déploie une série de jardins éphémères sur le territoire, dont certains restent en place bien au-delà de la manifestation. Depuis...
CAD 52.95
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Lacaton & Vassal – It’s Nice Today: On Climate, Comfort, and Pleasure
''Il fera beau demain (It Will Be Nice Tomorrow) is the title of our first book, published in 1995, which opens with a manifesto of our ideas, our convictions, our hopes as young architects, and, above all, our optimism. It...
CAD 95.00
Democracy and urban form
“Never have the potential political consequences of architecture been greater, and never has the political sensibility of architecture been less.”This was the state of the discipline that social theorist and urban thinker Richard Sennett declared when he addressed an audience...
CAD 33.95
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Designed forests: A cultural history
Designed Forests explores the unique kinship that exists between forests and spatial design; the forest’s influence on architectural culture and practice; and the potentials and pitfalls of “forest thinking” for more sustainable and ethical ways of doing architecture today. It...
CAD 66.95
How is life? Designing for our earth
We have come to enjoy plentiful lifestyles in the 21st century, yet we are also facing issues such as climate change, social inequality, epidemics, and the shifts in global dynamics brought on by these things. ‘How is Life?’ takes another...
CAD 73.50
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