Recent titles
We offer books on architecture and related fields from publishers worldwide. Here is a small selection of some recent arrivals in the store.
ARCH+ The business of architecture
CAD 53.00
ARCH+ The business of architecture
This publication examines the economic conditions of architecture, which are all too often disregarded in the day-to-day life of people working in the profession. The focus is on contracts, jobs, and office structures, on profitability and phases in the construction...
CAD 53.00
Architecture / Astrologie
CAD 34.95
Architecture / Astrologie
Les chroniques écrites par Dan Graham pour la revue Domus en 2011-2012, dressant des portraits de ses architectes favoris sous l'angle de leur signe astral, traduites par Alexandra Midal, illustrées par des dessins de Mieko Meguro, compagne de l'artiste. « Je me suis souvent...
CAD 34.95
Ruth van Beek: Dishes for dolls
CAD 50.00
Ruth van Beek: Dishes for dolls
Dishes for Dolls is a sort of spin-off of The Oldest Thing. Based on this previous book, published in 2023 (now out of print), Ruth van Beek created a new selection of images from her archives, focusing on doll dishes....
CAD 50.00
Le fantôme de l'architecte
CAD 46.95
Le fantôme de l'architecte
L’histoire moderne de l’architecture, cette faiseuse de rêves, n’est pas seulement jalonnée d’icônes. Dans l’ombre des plus grands chefs‑d’œuvre, sont tapies de saillantes absences. Enquêtes documentaires au rendu sensible, histoires vraies aux touches romanesques, dix textes relatent ici les plus...
CAD 46.95
Défendre le logement : Nos foyers, leurs profits
Contrairement à ce que l’on pourrait croire, la crise du logement n’est pas causée par le manque d’unités locatives, des taux d’intérêts élevés ou une conjoncture économique défavorable. C’est l’état normal du marché immobilier en régime capitaliste. Telle est l’idée...
CAD 25.00
Falling in: Movement and becoming in curatorial research
Published within the context of the Frame Curatorial Research Fellowship, Falling In brings together curatorial essays addressing the field’s performative, activist and communal dimensions, and highlighting the substantial amount of research beyond traditional academic circles. The essays delve into...
CAD 44.00
Living in Lisbon: An architectural view on housing challenges
Lisbon is being ravaged by an unprecedented housing crisis. The exponential increase of prices, the combined outcome of the financialisation of housing and the lack of continued investment of public policies, means that every Portuguese person is, or knows someone...
CAD 54.95
Adaptive reuse in architecture: A typological iIndex
Liliane Wong's latest volume on adaptive reuse in architecture presents fifty conversions and reuse projects worldwide, including buildings such as the TWA Hotel at NewYork's John F. Kennedy Airport, the CaixaForum in Madrid, and the New Museum in Berlin. The...
CAD 89.95
Radically legal: Berlin constitutes the future
Right in the middle of the German constitution, a group of ordinary citizens discovers a forgotten clause that allows them to take 240,000 homes back from multi-billion corporations. In this work of creative non-fiction, scholar-activist and Nine Dots Prize winner...
CAD 27.00
Curating ecologies on architecture
CAD 31.95
Curating ecologies on architecture
Throughout their history, architecture exhibitions have embraced different approaches and constructed other modes of action within the discipline, playing a pivotal role in disseminating, diffusing, and experimenting with architectural culture. This volume looks at curatorial practice in architecture and how...
CAD 31.95
Minnette de Silva: Intersections
CAD 35.00
Minnette de Silva: Intersections
When Minnette De Silva founded the Studio of Modern Architecture in Kandy, Sri Lanka (then Ceylon), in 1947, she was one of the first women in the world to establish a professional architectural practice as sole principal. Today, she is...
CAD 35.00
Crossed histories. Gae Aulenti, Ada Louise Huxtable, Phyllis Lambert on Architecture and the City
CAD 60.00
Crossed histories. Gae Aulenti, Ada Louise Huxtable, Phyllis Lambert on Architecture and the City
Publié à l'occasion d'une exposition au Centre culturel canadien de Paris, Histoires croisées s'intéresse à l'impact des femmes sur la ville postmoderne. Pour ce faire, la publication met l'accent sur les trajectoires personnelles et professionnelles de trois protagonistes qui, chacune...
CAD 60.00
Tropical Modernism: Architecture and independence
Emerging in the death throes of colonial rule, the story of Tropical Modernism is one of politics and power, decolonization and defiance. Its leading proponents, British architects Jane Drew and Maxwell Fry, adapted a utopian Bauhaus-derived Modernist aesthetic to hot and...
CAD 63.00
Adolf Loos: Why a man should be well-dressed
Throughout his life Adolf Loos raised his eloquent voice against the squandering of fine materials, frivolous ornamentation and unnecessary embellishments. His admirers consider him to be the inspiration for all modern architecture. Yet, few are acquainted with his amusing, incisive,...
CAD 36.95
Accattone #8
CAD 48.95
Accattone #8
Accattone #8 addresses matters of construction in relation to time, use, change and technical knowledge against the backdrop of the "negative commons" inherited from the productivist society of the past century—"zombie" habits, desires, products and processes that our contemporary condition...
CAD 48.95
ARN Vol. 5. Atlas des régions naturelles
CAD 70.00
ARN Vol. 5. Atlas des régions naturelles
Avec ce cinquième volet de l’Atlas des Régions Naturelles, Eric Tabuchi et Nelly Monnier poursuivent leur projet au long cours engagé en 2017 : la documentation globale des 450 régions naturelles – ou « pays » – qui composent le...
CAD 70.00
The carrier bag theory of fiction. 2nd edition
In The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction, visionary author Ursula K. Le Guin retells the story of human origin by redefining technology as a cultural carrier bag rather than a weapon of domination. This influential essay opens a portal to...
CAD 14.00
Lacaton & Vassal – It’s Nice Today: On Climate, Comfort, and Pleasure
''Il fera beau demain (It Will Be Nice Tomorrow) is the title of our first book, published in 1995, which opens with a manifesto of our ideas, our convictions, our hopes as young architects, and, above all, our optimism. It...
CAD 95.00
Blockitecture Frank Lloyd Wright - Usonian
Build the world you want to see with Blockitecture®, a set of architectural building blocks by designer James Paulius. Cantilever and nest hexagonal blocks to create towers, cities, and dwellings. The Frank Lloyd Wright set is made in the style...
CAD 75.00
Un Yankee au Québec
CAD 22.95
Un Yankee au Québec
À trente-trois ans, celui qui allait devenir l’un des plus éminents philosophes américains quitte momentanément son refuge forestier pour entreprendre un court voyage au Québec, où il visitera la métropole, la capitale et les environs. Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), célébré...
CAD 22.95
Designed forests: A cultural history
CAD 66.95
Designed forests: A cultural history
Designed Forests explores the unique kinship that exists between forests and spatial design; the forest’s influence on architectural culture and practice; and the potentials and pitfalls of “forest thinking” for more sustainable and ethical ways of doing architecture today. It...
CAD 66.95
Álvaro Siza – Incomplete Work
CAD 205.00
Álvaro Siza – Incomplete Work
Álvaro Siza says, “It is hard not to build what created the enthusiasm and pleasure of being an architect. But this is not wasted time.” In the unbuilt works collected in this publication, thought, conception, and the timeless heritage of...
CAD 205.00
Luigi Ghirri: Viaggi
CAD 60.00
Luigi Ghirri: Viaggi
Among the many recurring interests that connect the rich and open-ended oeuvre of Luigi Ghirri, a fascination with travel resonates through his photographs, publications, and writings. This book by curator James Lingwood charts a course through Ghirri’s photography between 1970...
CAD 60.00
El Croquis 227: Alberto Ponis, the best-kept secret
Throughout his career, the Genovese architect Alberto Ponis has combined the practice of architecture with that of painting, a tool and a stimulus for his activity as a designer of buildings. He has repeatedly drawn each of the sites for...
CAD 160.00
Barrault Pressacco : Wallness, Nature et culture de l'isolant, Construire en chanvre
Wallness, par des considérations techniques et culturelles, bouleverse l'acte de bâtir et ouvre une conversation. L'isolant s'ajoute au répertoire des éléments architecturaux, la thermique dévoile des champs constructifs insoupçonnés, la recherche du confort des espaces intérieurs interroge la nature de...
CAD 65.00
Habiter l'entre-deux
CAD 61.95
Habiter l'entre-deux
L'acte d'habiter se réalise au quotidien par de multiples interactions entre l'individu et son environnement. Il implique des arbitrages liés à la recherche permanente d'un équilibre entre des éléments qui a priori s'opposent : l'intérieur et l'extérieur, le bâti et...
CAD 61.95
Lausanne Jardins, la ville autrement
CAD 52.95
Lausanne Jardins, la ville autrement
Lausanne Jardins est une manifestation culturelle associant architecture du paysage et réflexion sur la ville. Le temps d’un été, elle déploie une série de jardins éphémères sur le territoire, dont certains restent en place bien au-delà de la manifestation. Depuis...
CAD 52.95
Diller Scofidio + Renfro: Architecture not Architecture
Since its founding in 1981, New York-based studio Diller Scofidio + Renfro (DS+R) has designed some of the world’s most revered civic spaces and cultural institutions. Their practice covers architecture, urban design, installation art, performance, digital media, and print. From...
CAD 200.00
The emotional power of space
CAD 33.50
The emotional power of space
How does space affect our physical, psychological and emotional state? Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine explore this question through the lively and intimate form of the conversation with twelve renowned architects for whom perception and sensoriality play a central role...
CAD 33.50
Prendre la clef des champs: Agriculture et architecture
Ce livre est une vaste fresque pédagogique qui explore le lien entre agriculture et architecture, deux pratiques complémentaires de domestication qui émergèrent il y a environ 10 000 ans. Dans le contexte contemporain d’impasse écologique, aucune réflexion sensée ne pourra se développer...
CAD 52.95
Film X Autochthonous struggles today
CAD 36.95
Film X Autochthonous struggles today
Film X Autochthonous Struggles Today brings together for the first time filmmakers, activists, film curators, and scholars who share a common interest in filmmaking practices that emerge from and participate in the various situations of struggle that the Autochthonous/Indigenous/Native/Aboriginal/First Nations...
CAD 36.95
MOS: Laboratorio de Vivienda / Housing laboratory
Laboratorio de Vivienda presents the 32 projects selected and built, including research, drawings, and descriptions by the architects. It considers the problem of low-income housing by bringing thoughtful attention and expertise of architects, considering how these proposals, assembled into a...
CAD 69.95
Apartamento 34: Winter 2024
CAD 31.50
Apartamento 34: Winter 2024
Latest issue of Apartamento available. Featuring: Espace Aygo, Ronan Bouroullec, Rose Wylie, Agosto Machado, Miyako Bellizzi, SAGG Napoli, Jane Dickson, Luca Lo Pinto, Gary Schneider & John Erdman, Celeste, Beca Lipscombe, Edgardo Giménez, Molly Manning Walker, Danny Fox, Bethan...
CAD 31.50
Vitruve hors texte : Biographie d'un livre
Pour les architectes, le traité de Vitruve, écrit au Ier siècle av. J.C., fait figure de livre saint, aussi fondateur que mystérieux. A rebours de l'exégèse sans fin dont il a fait l'objet depuis sa redécouverte à la Renaissance, André...
CAD 38.95
Meandering: Art, ecology, and metaphysics
Inspired by how rivers bend and curve, connecting entire ecosystems, Meandering: Art, Ecology, and Metaphysics unfolds the cultural, historical, spiritual, and ecological trajectories of waterways, reflecting the vitality of water, from source to sea. A diverse group of artists and...
CAD 38.95
Architecture follows fish: An amphibious history of the North Atlantic
Architecture Follows Fish is set in the North Atlantic, and its protagonist is fish. In this book author and architect André Tavares explores the notion of fishing architecture, a concept coined to describe architectural practices that are spawned by fisheries....
CAD 66.00
Architecture and the public world
CAD 51.50
Architecture and the public world
This book brings together Kenneth Frampton's essays from the 1960s to today which epitomize his reflections on the historical-theoretical entanglements of architecture with place, the public realm, cultural identity, urban landscape and environment, and the political question of the "predicament"...
CAD 51.50
Just above midtown: Changing spaces
CAD 63.00
Just above midtown: Changing spaces
Just Above Midtown, or JAM, was an art gallery and self-described laboratory for experimentation led by Linda Goode Bryant that foregrounded African American artists and artists of color. Open from 1974 to 1986, it was a place where an expansive...
CAD 63.00
So-Il: In depth. Urban domesticities today
For over a decade, Brooklyn-based SO–IL has been envisioning houses, housings and other projects in between and adjacent to domestic spaces. Reflecting on the state of housing design today – often constrained by pressures of production – SO–IL approaches these...
CAD 68.00
JTM #01: Pour que tu m'aimes encore
CAD 58.00
JTM #01: Pour que tu m'aimes encore
JTM est une publication annuelle qui permet de valoriser et de rendre lisible des démarches et savoir-faire dans l'art, le design, l'architecture et la scénographie. Chaque numéro est consacré à une phrase thématique particulière (citation, références, mots) qui guide la...
CAD 58.00
Narrating the globe: The emergence of world histories of architecture
How notions of progress, beauty, and cultural superiority structured the genre of nineteenth-century world histories of architecture—and shaped the discipline as we know it today. The nineteenth century saw the emergence of a new genre of architectural writing: the...
CAD 79.00
Albert Frey: Inventive modernist
CAD 89.95
Albert Frey: Inventive modernist
Inventive Modernist tracks the scope and significance of Frey’s career, from his early days in Paris working with Le Corbusier to his rise as the iconic architect of Palm Springs. With full access to Frey’s various archives, the book provides...
CAD 89.95
Why I do what I do: Twenty global curators speak
For this fourth volume of the series Thoughts on Curating, twenty renowned curators and collectives from across the globe write about a single exhibition or curatorial project they created that transformed their thinking and the way they have curated ever...
CAD 25.00
Álvaro Siza, Celui qui n’écrivait pas
CAD 50.95
Álvaro Siza, Celui qui n’écrivait pas
Siza est à part. Indépendant, discret, il compte dans le monde de l'architecture parmi les plus grands et s'y est fait un nom à force de conviction profonde. Il parle à voix basse et porte sur les choses un regard...
CAD 50.95
Old materials, new climate: Traditional building materials in a changing world
Old Materials, New Climate: Traditional Building Materials in a Changing World is an accessible guidebook to understanding historic materials – how they were traditionally made, how they survived the test of time, and how changes in climate are now impacting materials...
CAD 62.00
Graph vision: Digital architecture's skeletons
How a protean mathematical object, the graph, ushered in new images, tools, and infrastructures for design and catalyzed a digital future for architecture. In Graph Vision, Theodora Vardouli offers a fresh history of architecture's early entanglements with modern mathematics...
CAD 79.00
El Croquis 226 : OFFICE 2017-2024
CAD 160.00
El Croquis 226 : OFFICE 2017-2024
This issue examines recent work by Belgian architects Kersten Geers and David Van Severen and their Brussels-based firm, OFFICE, which was established in 2002 as a means of exploring the prospect of architecture within the contemporary culture and urban environment....
CAD 160.00
Democracy and urban form
CAD 33.95
Democracy and urban form
“Never have the potential political consequences of architecture been greater, and never has the political sensibility of architecture been less.”This was the state of the discipline that social theorist and urban thinker Richard Sennett declared when he addressed an audience...
CAD 33.95
Philosophy of the home: Domestic space and happiness
A bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom - are these rooms all that make a home? Not at all, argues Emanuele Coccia. The buildings we inhabit are of immense psychological and cultural significance. They play a decisive role in human flourishing...
CAD 21.99
Expanded Nature : Écologies du cinéma expérimental
Si les cinéastes expérimentaux « élargissent » le champ artistique par une exploration des puissances, des modes de diffusion ou même de performance de l'image animée, à l'ère de l'Anthropocène, ces pratiques contiennent l'espoir d'une toute autre expansion : élargir...
CAD 58.00