Futures of the architectural exhibition: Five conversations on the display of space
Architecture and design exhibitions have long been important public sites of broadcasting, experimentation, position-taking, and the interrogation of fundamental aspects of the designed environment. Just as individual exhibitions have constituted key benchmarks within the disciplinary history of architecture, the representation...
CAD 56.00
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Modern architecture in Japan
CAD 40.00
Modern architecture in Japan
Manfredo Tafuri published L’architettura moderna in Giappone in 1964. At the time, Tafuri was twenty-nine years old and had not visited Japan.   His slim volume on the country’s postwar architecture was the first in a series of guidebooks on...
CAD 40.00
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Immigration et ségrégation spatiale : L'exemple de Marseille
Les villes confrontées à l’immigration ont-elles un autre avenir possible que celui, sans issue, d’une ségrégation spatiale chaque jour plus sévère  ? N’y a-t-il pas d’autre voie pour les métropoles européennes que la dérive vers le modèle américain des gated...
CAD 48.95
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Des voix s'élèvent : Féminismes et architecture
Sélectionnée et introduite par la chercheuse et militante Stéphanie Dadour, la présente anthologie propose la traduction d'une douzaine de textes représentatifs de l'engagement théorique et professionnel de plusieurs générations de féministes. Ces écrits émanant principalement de la scène anglo-américaine de...
CAD 56.00
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A book on making a Petite École
CAD 68.95
A book on making a Petite École
As part of the 2019 Biennale d’architecture et de paysage in Versailles, France, MOS constructed Petite École, a small, open-air pavilion to house educational workshops for children. It is a place for looking and making, and for making and looking,...
CAD 68.95
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Architect, verb. The new language of building
Architect Reinier de Graaf punctures the myths behind the debates on what contemporary architecture is. Architecture, it seems, has become too important to leave to architects. No longer does it suffice to judge a building solely by its appearance, it...
CAD 35.95
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Irma Boom: Book manifest
CAD 61.00
Irma Boom: Book manifest
In Book Manifest, Dutch designer Irma Boom presents her vision on the essence, meaning and relevance of the book. Based on the in-depth research that Boom conducted into the development of the book in the library of the Vatican. Book Manifest at...
CAD 61.00
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Faire : Regarder le graphisme, volume 12 (n° 42-43-44-45)
Les numéros 42 à 45 de la revue critique consacrée au graphisme. nº 42 — 12 ou 13 choses que je sais d'elle : F.R.DAVID, Victoire Le Bars et Benjamin Thorelnº 43 — Un caractère : L'« écriture typographiée », Thierry Chancognenº 44 — Une énigme...
CAD 58.50
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Absolute Beginners
CAD 60.00
Absolute Beginners
Iñaki Ábalos explores forms of innovation in architecture in his new book. Drawing on diverse materials elaborated during the twenty years since the publication of his best-known book, The Good Life, Ábalos examines questions centered on how and why architectural creation—at...
CAD 60.00
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Aldo & Hannie van Eyck. Excess of architecture
Dutch architects Aldo and Hannie van Eyck met as students of architecture and married in 1942, and worked together closely on most projects, interrupted only for a few years in the late 1970s. This book, part of the Everything series...
CAD 76.00
Modern architecture: A planetary warming history
Modern architecture is inseparably linked with the Industrial Revolution. Industrially manufactured materials such as iron, steel, reinforced concrete, glass, asbestos, and later also plastics, have helped to make architecture modern. The Industrial Revolution also set planetary warming in motion. Thus,...
CAD 45.00
Le Cèdre : Jean tschumi 1951-1956
Achevé en 1956, le siège de la Mutuelle Vaudoise à Lausanne devient rapidement le modèle de l’architecture administrative en Suisse. L’intention du maître de l’ouvrage est clairement démonstrative : on veut un bâtiment en mesure d’exprimer, par sa modernité architecturale,...
CAD 101.95
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Architectures of spatial justice
CAD 45.95
Architectures of spatial justice
Establishing an ethics of spatial justice to lead architecture forward, Dana Cuff shows why the discipline requires critical examination—in relation to not only buildings and the capital required to realize them but privilege, power, aesthetics, and sociality. The book draws...
CAD 45.95
Tutto, tutto, tutto...o quasi
Gianni Pettena was a founding member of the Radical architecture movement in the late 1960s, which included names like Archizoom, Remo Buti, 9999, UFO, Superstudio, and Zziggurat. Besides critiquing modernist functionalism, the self-proclaimed “anarchitect” became noted for a purposeful reluctance...
CAD 77.95
Portals: The visionary architecture of Paul Goesch
Paul Goesch produced one of the most inventive, peculiar, and poignant bodies of work to emerge from Weimar Germany. An artist and architect, he made both fanciful figurative drawings and visionary architectural designs. The latter, from the holdings of the...
CAD 36.95
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Socializing architecture: Top-down/bottom-up
Situated at the intersection of architecture, art, public culture, and political theory, Socializing Architecture urges architects and urbanists to intervene in the contested space between public and private interests, to design political and civic processes that mediate top-down and bottom-up...
CAD 71.95
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Pourquoi photographier
CAD 48.95
Pourquoi photographier
Robert Adams a publié plusieurs textes théoriques en marge de sa pratique. Why People Photograph, paru chez Aperture en 1994, constitue l’un de ses ouvrages critiques les plus influents. Pourquoi photographier en est la traduction française inédite, enrichie d’une préface...
CAD 48.95
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Maa Ka Maaya Ka Ca A Yere Kono, 13ème édition des rencontres de Bamako – Biennale africaine de la photographie
Dans ce « monde globalisé », le récit dominant est précisément celui de la singularité – de l'universalisme, des identités uniques, des cultures singulières, des systèmes politiques isolés. Ce récit s'accompagne toutefois d'un sentiment illusoire de stabilité et de stase...
CAD 69.95
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Photobooks &: A critical companion to the contemporary medium
Elucidating key issues and themes in contemporary photobook culture, from the medium’s post-digital and post-photographic condition to the aims of publishing, issues of accessibility and the act of reading, Photobooks & combines research and interviews with key individuals from the...
CAD 34.00
Recaptioning Congo: African stories and colonial pictures / Récits africains et photographies coloniales
Recaptioning Congo places the colonial Congo's photography history in new perspectives. Six writers and everyday Congolese urban voices take an African-centered look at imperial archival images and provide them with creative, contemporary and/or literary 'captions'. The book, linked to an...
CAD 71.50
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We were here: Sexuality, photography, and cultural difference
We Were Here offers an unparalleled firsthand account of the influential photographer and curator Sunil Gupta’s writing and critical inquiry since the 1970s. Newspaper articles, speeches, and essays show Gupta’s crucial role at the center of grassroots queer and postcolonial organizing...
CAD 39.95
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Marianne Mueller: Stairs etc
CAD 125.00
Marianne Mueller: Stairs etc
Over the years Marianne Mueller has accumulated an archive of photographs taken both at home and on extended journeys. Completely nonhierarchical, the pictures capture whatever strikes the artist's fancy. In Stairs etc, her archive has supplied the copious images of the...
CAD 125.00
Susanne Kriemann, 10%: Das Bildarchiv eines Kernforschungszentrums betreffend
Unknown lady in the radiation protection department, puddle, dancing couple in costume, damage to a waste drum, retiree send-off, lead shielding, burnt-out glovebox, scorpion with microchip—these are all captions to photographs of Germany’s first major nuclear research facility. In 1957,...
CAD 68.00
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Not available
Armin Linke: 4FLIGHT
CAD 109.95
Armin Linke: 4FLIGHT
4Flight attempts to document the profound metamorphosis within the urban and natural landscape, also due by man. The images’ research, developed with an aesthetic, anthropological and sociological criteria, has led to the creation of an archive in progress with the...
CAD 109.95
Symphony: Mushrooms from the forest
Inspired by the Ed Ruscha series Coloured People, Takashi Homma visited forests on three continents to search for radioactive mushrooms. The mushrooms—gathered in Scandinavia, Fukushima, Chernobyl and Stony Point—were photographed in front of a white background, with occasional photographs from...
CAD 125.00
Susanne Kriemann: P(ech) B(blende). Library for radioactive afterlife
Susanne Kriemann's artist’s book P(ech) B(lende), Library for Radioactive Afterlife looks at the political and actual invisibility of the highly radioactive mineral pitchblende (uraninite). From 1946 to 1989 pitchblende was mined in the Erzgebirge (Ore) Mountains in an area contained within the...
CAD 40.00
Jeff Wall: Essais et entretiens
Cette nouvelle édition augmentée des écrits de Jeff Wall présente des essais, des conférences et des entretiens, ainsi que deux longs dialogues avec Jean-François Chevrier. Jeff Wall revient sur sa formation et l'évolution de son travail et analyse celui d'autres...
CAD 42.95
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Sur la photographie
CAD 29.00
Sur la photographie
« Tout a débuté par un essai, consacré à quelques-uns des problèmes esthétiques et moraux que pose l’omniprésence des images photographiques : mais plus je réfléchissais à la nature des photographies, plus elles devenaient complexes et suggestives. Si bien qu’un...
CAD 29.00
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Not available
Naoya Hatakeyama : Rikuzentakata
CAD 64.95
Naoya Hatakeyama : Rikuzentakata
Cette série est la suite logique de Kesengawa, où le photographe, cette fois, touché personnellement par le tsunami de 2011 qui détruit sa ville natale, Rikuzentakata, observe la naissance d'un monde inconnu dans le bruit des engins de construction. Il...
CAD 64.95
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Lynne Cohen : Double aveugle, 1970-2012
Cette publication parcourt l'intégralité de la carrière d'une figure majeure de la photographie canadienne, depuis ses premières expérimentations, en noir et blanc et en petits formats, du début des années 1970 jusqu'aux commandes monumentales en couleurs des années 2000-2013. Privilégiant...
CAD 42.95
CAD 28.00
Depuis toujours Ronan Bouroullec dessine quotidiennement. Une pratique artistique pure qu'il juge autonome du métier pour lequel il est internationalement reconnu. Mais s'il existe une porosité entre ces deux faces de son activité qui se nourrissent l'une l'autre, Ronan Bouroullec...
CAD 28.00
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Not available
Thomas Struth: Unconscious places
CAD 66.00
Thomas Struth: Unconscious places
In this new edition of his striking collection of street views from 1970 to 2010. Thomas Struth presents a series of urban streetscapes from cities such as Edinburgh, Lima, Pyongyang, Naples, and New York City, all taken in similar conditions--devoid...
CAD 66.00
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Ari Marcopoulos: Ainsi soit-il / So be it
Limited edition photobook by Ari Marcopoulos with text by Kara Walker. All photographs were taken on trips in 2018 and 2019, when Ari and Kara went to visit their friends Robert Frank and June Leaf in their home in Mabou...
CAD 88.00
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Not available
Tokuko Ushioda: My husband (2 vol.)
CAD 102.00
Tokuko Ushioda: My husband (2 vol.)
Tokuko Ushioda launched her career as a photographer around 1975, befriending figures such as Shigeo Gocho and Fusako Kodama, who became important inspirations. While studying under Kiyoji Otsuji, she crossed paths with Shinzo Shimao, who would later become her husband....
CAD 102.00
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Richard Misrach: Destroy this memory
The photographs by Richard Misrach assembled in this volume are a stark, affecting reminders of the physical and psychological impact of Hurricane Katrina as told by those on the ground, and seen through the lens of a contemporary master. Rather...
CAD 85.00
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Not available
Island zombie: Iceland writings
CAD 40.75
Island zombie: Iceland writings
"I’m often asked, but have no idea why I chose Iceland, why I first started going, why I still go. In truth I believe Iceland chose me." Artist Roni Horn first visited Iceland in 1975 at the age of nineteen,...
CAD 40.75
Lynne Cohen: Occupied territory
In 1987 Aperture published Lynne Cohen's first monograph, Occupied Territory, an exploration of space as simulated experience--a sham reality, idealized and standardized. The expanded and updated reissue of this classic monograph makes Cohen's pioneering work available to a contemporary audience,...
CAD 80.00
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Sol LeWitt: Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour
Originally published in 1977, Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour  is a classic artist’s book by conceptual artist Sol LeWitt (1928–2007). Featuring 34 pages of drawings, the work is an early example of LeWitt’s rigorous, algorithmic process in which a...
CAD 24.95
Bernd & Hilla Becher: Framework Houses
Bernd and Hilla Becher have profoundly influenced the international photography world over the past several decades. Their unique genre, which falls somewhere between topological documentation and conceptual art, is in line with the aesthetics of such early-twentieth-century masters of German...
CAD 80.00
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Not available
Too Much 09: The Sacred
CAD 48.00
Too Much 09: The Sacred
TOO MUCH is a magazine about romantic geography. Its purpose is to document our collective experience of cities and look at the ways people and landscapes make and remake one another. This volume of TOO MUCH Magazine asks: Who is to...
CAD 48.00
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Apartamento 31
CAD 32.50
Apartamento 31
Issue 31, Spring / Summer 2023 Featuring: Tal R & Emma Rosenzweig, Pedro Costa, Dayanita Singh, Alexander Calder, Paul Mpagi Sepuya, Laura & Deanna Fanning, Misha Kahn, Abdellah Taïa, Lucia Di Luciano & Giovanni Pizzo, Robert Barber, Bas Princen, Seyni...
CAD 32.50
The Colour Journal: The blue issue, Vol. 1
The Colour Journal is not simply another publication about the meaning of colour. Colours have not been approached in a literal way but as a starting point, a pretext to tell bigger stories, a means of revealing the story within...
CAD 111.00
Geoffrey Bawa: Drawing from the archives
Sri Lankan architect Geoffrey Bawa fused sensitivity for local context with the technological discoveries and design principles of modernism. Accordingly, Bawa often incorporated materials (local stone and timber) and layouts (high roofs, cross-ventilation, vast overhangs) specific to Sri Lanka’s monsoon...
CAD 69.00
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Not available
Valerio Olgiati: Built
CAD 65.00
Valerio Olgiati: Built
Valerio Olgiati’s latest book is about the beauty of the very varied buildings he has realized to date. This exquisite small volume features them all in seventy-nine striking color photographs, each of them supplemented by a floor plan or section...
CAD 65.00
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How to not demolish a building
CAD 54.95
How to not demolish a building
Part of the Chapters series developed by the Belgian architects 51N4E, this third instalment tells the story of two office towers from the 1970s that have been transformed according to the principles of reduce/reuse/recycle. In collaboration with Jaspers-Eyers Architects, the former...
CAD 54.95
Crash métropolis : Design écosocial et critique de la métropolisation des territoires
Le risque majeur de notre époque est celui d'un crash territorial total. La métropolisation à marche forcée provoque la marchandisation des territoires et la dégradation des milieux qui les rendent habitables. Ce volume tente d'y répondre en réunissant chercheurs, concepteurs...
CAD 52.50
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Not available
La Fábrica, Ricardo Bofill
CAD 81.00
La Fábrica, Ricardo Bofill
La Fábrica is one of Ricardo Bofill’s most iconoclastic creations. A former cement factory on the outskirts of Barcelona, serendipitously discovered while driving, the building became the centre of the late Catalan architect’s life, serving both as his home and...
CAD 81.00
John Hejduk: Building characters
John Hejduk is known to critics as a theoretician, teacher, poet and draftsman of extraordinary architecture, but he was above all an architect and builder in the deepest way. His built architectures have been rarely investigated but they manifest that...
CAD 69.00
Ari Marcopoulos: Zines
This project collects in one volume for the first time a selection of zines by Marcopoulos, many never before released, providing a unique insight and overview into an essential part of this influential artist's daily practice. Often self-published or created...
CAD 76.95
Grundkurs: What is architecture about?
In this collection of idiosyncratic lessons, architect and teacher Pier Paolo Tamburelli engages with the very foundations of architecture, proposing a series of new and open-ended perspectives on how we build the world. Developed for the ‘Grundkurs’, or ‘basic course’,...
CAD 55.00
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