The Architect and the public: On George Baird's contribution to architecture
Presenting a range of original perspectives on the theoretical work of Canadian architect George Baird, this publication constructs for the first time a critical framework of his contribution to architectural discourse over a period of more than 50 years. The...
CAD 75.00
Chez soi : une odyssée de l'espace domestique
Le foyer, un lieu de repli frileux où l’on s’avachit devant la télévision en pyjama informe ? Sans doute. Mais aussi, dans une époque dure et désorientée, une base arrière où l’on peut se protéger, refaire ses forces, se souvenir...
CAD 26.95
Not available
The debt project: 99 portraits across America
Based on the popular online photo series and now published in print for the first time, ''The debt project'' collects 99 portraits of debt across the United States, featuring people of all different backgrounds and stories, to recontextualize an often...
CAD 44.95
Not available
Social transparency: Projects on housing
For the past decade, the Los Angeles architect Michael Maltzan has designed multiunit housing in a city known for its proliferation of single-family residences. Working with the Skid Row Housing Trust, these projects advance new forms of supportive housing that...
CAD 30.00
Not available
Architecture of appropriation: On squatting as spatial practice
The squatting movement in the Netherlands has played a major role in the design of both the urban fabric and domestic interior, and continues to offer alternatives to the dominant, market-oriented housing policies. This book acknowledges squatting as an architectural...
CAD 54.95
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Not available
Glitch feminism: A manifesto
CAD 19.95
Glitch feminism: A manifesto
The divide between the digital and the real world no longer exists. We are connected all the time. How do we find out who we are in this digital era? Where do we create the space to explore our identity?...
CAD 19.95
Liberté n.332 : Nous vieillirons ensemble. Quelle place pour la vieillesse dans notre société ?
Ce numéro est né à la fois d’un hasard et d’une évidence. Le hasard, d’abord: au plus creux du confinement de l’hiver 2021, deux collaborateurs nous ont proposé, coup sur coup et sans se consulter, des textes portant sur les...
CAD 15.00
Into the Great Wide Open
Edited by architect and theorist Andreas Rumpfhuber, this book deals with a search for a form of architectural practice. Practice here is understood both as a critical reflection of a status quo and its history and as forms of (active)...
CAD 39.50
Not available
Sam Chermayeff (et al.): Creatures. 2nd edition
This book takes a look back through nearly two decades of experimental projects undertaken by the Berlin-based architect Sam Chermayeff and his collaborators—for the most part pieces of furniture whose use, appearance, or application has been reimagined and readapted. But...
CAD 54.00
Défaire la police
« Faut-il en finir avec la police ? » La question se pose avec une nouvelle intensité depuis le mouvement mondial déclenché par la mort de George Floyd aux États-Unis.   Alors que les violences policières sont de plus en...
CAD 24.00
Not available
Les Cahiers de l'École de Blois #19 : Le droit au paysage
Confinements et états d'urgence accroissent la pression sur les espaces publics. Comment faire valoir et exercer nos droits de visite, de passage, d'usage des lieux de rencontre ? Alors que nous prenons chaque jour davantage conscience des interdépendances qui nous...
CAD 40.95
Not available
Voir la terre : Six essais sur le paysage et la géographie
Du regard contemplatif que pose Pétrarque sur la nature du haut du mont Ventoux à celui, « distanciel », imposé un temps à l’humanité pour raisons sanitaires, qu’est-ce que voir la Terre ? Et, de la peinture de Bruegel au...
CAD 29.95
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Not available
Atlas de botanique élémentaire
CAD 48.95
Atlas de botanique élémentaire
De ses promenades philosophiques à ses errances bucoliques, Jean-Jacques Rousseau a toujours témoigné d’une véritable passion pour l’herborisation. Entre 1771 et 1773, il rédige huit lettres élémentaires sur la botanique, adressées à Madame Delessert, à l’usage de sa jeune fille...
CAD 48.95
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Not available
Regina Cassolo Bracchi
CAD 85.00
Regina Cassolo Bracchi
Monographie de référence de la sculptrice Regina, figure du second futurisme italien des années 1930, liée au Movimento Arte Concreta, dont l'œuvre méconnue apparaît comme l'une des plus fascinantes et novatrices du panorama artistique européen du XXe siècle. L'ouvrage vise à...
CAD 85.00
Not available
Roberto Burle Marx lectures: Landscape as art and urbanism, 2nd revised edition
Roberto Burle Marx (1909–1994) remains one of the most important landscape architects in the history of the field. His distinctive and widely acclaimed work has been featured and referenced in numerous sources, yet few of Burle Marx’s own words have...
CAD 42.00
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Not available
Aldo Rossi: The urban fact
CAD 88.00
Aldo Rossi: The urban fact
The great Italian architect, designer, theorist and printmaker Aldo Rossi (1931–97) galvanized the postmodernist architectural movement in the middle of the 20th century with his unique synthesis of influences such as Adolf Loos, Giorgio de Chirico and Soviet architecture. From...
CAD 88.00
Not available
Not available
Karel Martens: Patterns
CAD 66.00
Karel Martens: Patterns
This publication contains a collection of patterns designed by Dutch graphic designer Karel Martens. Although Martens is widely recognised for his specialisation in typography, the dozens of full-page patterns shown here are devoid of any text, allowing the sequence to...
CAD 66.00
Not available
Not available
Having and being had
CAD 35.00
Having and being had
'My adult life can be divided into two distinct parts,' Eula Biss writes, 'the time before I owned a washing machine and the time after.' Having just purchased her first home, the poet and essayist now embarks on a provocative...
CAD 35.00
La colonisation du quotidien : dans les laboratoires du capitalisme de plateforme
Le capitalisme ne fait plus : il fait faire. L’économie de plateforme a conféré une dimension paradigmatique à l’usage de l’externalisation, ainsi qu’une place inédite aux activités gratuites. D’où la nécessité d’analyser les nouveaux régimes d'exploitation dans le secteur des...
CAD 33.95
Cite 102
CAD 34.95
Cite 102
'What follows behind this message is the latest—and longest—issue of Cite. Assembled before and during our distanced year, these stories remain fresh and relevant.   Cite, as you can see, has a new look. Its handsome print format is the...
CAD 34.95
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Not available
Accattone #07
CAD 39.00
Accattone #07
Accattone Issue 7 deals with open-air domesticity and the diplomatic hospitality of land. It presents intellectual and architectural projects, both contemporary and historical, for alternative modes of living.   With Costantino Nivola, SNCDA et al. at the Venice Architecture Biennale, Aglaia...
CAD 39.00
Not available
La part de l'eau : Vivre avec les crues en temps de changement climatique
Par son lent passage ou ses soudaines fluctuations, l'eau façonne nos villes et nos paysages : les crues et les inondations jalonnent la longue histoire des sociétés humaines, les contraignant à modifier leur habitat. Hanté par les mythes diluviens, antiques...
CAD 75.00
Log 52, Summer 2021
Through essays, conversations, and reviews, the architects, artists, journalists, and theorists gathered in Log 52 interrogate architecture’s role in a world of social, virological, environmental, and paradigmatic change. As David Adjaye says in a conversation with curator Thelma Golden and...
CAD 22.75
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Not available
El Croquis 210-211 : Gion Caminada
CAD 160.00
El Croquis 210-211 : Gion Caminada
A special double issue devoted to the world of Gion A. Caminada, known for his minimalist style that mixes modern design with traditional Swiss methods and materials, especially using wood. Featuring seventeen projects spanning the past three decades, the magazine...
CAD 160.00
El Croquis 209: Roger Boltshauser (2002-2021) Impure Materiality
Covering almost two decades of work by Roger Boltshauser, this issue takes a look at the Zurich-based architect’s uniquely contemporary manner of expression. With profiles of more than 20 projects conceived since the turn of the century, it outlines Boltshauser’s...
CAD 136.95
Not available
Not available
AV Monographs 237 : Houses 2021
CAD 65.00
AV Monographs 237 : Houses 2021
In this thematic issue, the comparative examination of houses arranged in pairs permits detecting common features and specific characteristics that link the plural of an associated type with the singular of an extraordinary home. According to editor Luis Fernández-Galiano, “It...
CAD 65.00
Not available
The Funambulist 38: Music and the revolution
An issue about music and liberation movements on the African Continent, Colombia, India, Palestine, the Levant, France, Chile, Algeria, Australia, the U.S., and Romania.   The Funambulist, 2021 30 X  21 cm, 60 pages
CAD 19.50
Not available
Twitter and tear gas: The power and fragility of netowkorked protest
To understand a thwarted Turkish coup, an anti–Wall Street encampment, and a packed Tahrir Square, we must first comprehend the power and the weaknesses of using new technologies to mobilize large numbers of people. An incisive observer, writer, and participant...
CAD 23.00
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Not available
Concrete New York
CAD 14.00
Concrete New York
This  issue of a+u features the work of Chilean architect Smiljan Radic. Ranging from sculptures to buildings, 25 key works are presented along with Radic’s own conceptual drawings and paintings. All were produced between 2010 and 2021. Adding depth to...
CAD 14.00
Not available
SO-IL, Solid objectives: Order, edge, aura
This book introduces an attitude towards the design and realization of architecture in a time of increased instability. It is illustrated with rarely seen images and punctuated with essays on the work of the firm SO–IL. Rather than a catalog...
CAD 54.00
Not available
Not available
CCA Publication
Abolish Human Bans: Intertwined Histories of Architecture
CAD 18.00
Abolish Human Bans: Intertwined Histories of Architecture
In the fourth volume of the CCA Singles series, Esra Akcan builds on her theory of architectural translation to construct an activist gesture—through the lens of architectural history—against the anti-immigration policies of ruling powers. To contest the alleged inaccessibility of...
CAD 18.00
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Blockchain chicken farm: And other stories of tech in China's countryside
In Blockchain Chicken Farm, the technologist and writer Xiaowei Wang explores the political and social entanglements of technology in rural China. Their discoveries force them to challenge the standard idea that rural culture and people are backward, conservative, and intolerant....
CAD 23.00
Not available
Lurking: How a person became a user
In a shockingly short amount of time, the internet has bound people around the world together and torn us apart and changed not just the way we communicate but who we are and who we can be. It has created...
CAD 38.00
Family affairs : Family in current Photography
Since the invention of photography, the family has been a constant subject of photographic observation, both in private photo albums and in artistic series. The group exhibition Family Affairs – Family in Current Photography, conceived by Ingo Taubhorn, Curator of...
CAD 89.50
Not available
Not available
Gouverner par la dette
CAD 29.95
Gouverner par la dette
Experts, hommes politiques et éditorialistes sont unanimes : la dette qui grève les finances publiques entrave la croissance, fait exploser le chômage. Les États doivent à tout prix se désendetter s’ils veulent rassurer les marchés et retrouver le chemin de...
CAD 29.95
Not available
Not available
Governing by debt
CAD 21.95
Governing by debt
Experts, pundits, and politicians agree: public debt is hindering growth and increasing unemployment. Governments must reduce debt at all cost if they want to restore confidence and get back on a path to prosperity. Maurizio Lazzarato’s diagnosis, however, is completely...
CAD 21.95
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Not available
Architecture non-référentielle
CAD 45.00
Architecture non-référentielle
Plus que jamais, l'architecture a besoin de provocation, d'une nouvelle voie au-delà de la notion traditionnelle selon laquelle les bâtiments doivent servir de vaisseaux ou de symboles de quelque chose d'extérieur à eux-mêmes. Architecture Non-Référentielle n'est rien de moins qu'un...
CAD 45.00
Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieu
La photographie comme la cinématographie sont des techniques d'expression de la révolution industrielle dans lesquelles le spectateur ne considère jamais l'original, le négatif, la matrice, mais toujours des copies, des tirages, des doubles. Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieu tente...
CAD 30.00
Not available
L'architecture selon Gordon Matta-Clark
Gordon Matta-Clark a produit un corpus d'œuvres d'une grande diversité. Expérimentations sur la matière, installations, performances, découpes architecturales, dessins, films, photographies, ou photomontages témoignent de cette multiplicité de démarches et de mediums explorés. C'est au travers de ses découpes (cuttings)...
CAD 42.00
Marine Pagès : Les Corps flottants
Le travail de Marine Pagès déploie une pratique du dessin élargi : sur papier et dans l'espace. Cet ouvrage prend la forme – lointaine et non exhaustive – d'un inventaire, en échos au processus de travail de l'artiste. La forme...
CAD 39.95
Stefano Graziani: Documents on Raphael
Stefano Graziani's photographs explore the works of the artist from Urbino—with particular reference to his output as an architect—their transformation over time, and his own process that translated them into images. Graziani puts variation before permanence and reflects on the...
CAD 50.00
Not available
Light lines: The architectural photographs of Hélène Binet
The Franco-Swiss photographer Helene Binet is renowned for making images that express an intimate experience of architecture. Using a combination of analogue and digital techniques, her photographs are both a representation and a discovery of her subjects, all of them...
CAD 33.00
Not available
Formulations: Architecture, mathematics, and culture
In Formulations, Andrew Witt examines the visual, methodological, and cultural intersections between architecture and mathematics. The linkages Witt explores involve not the mystic transcendence of numbers invoked throughout architectural history, but rather architecture’s encounters with a range of calculational systems—techniques...
CAD 53.95
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Not available
Todd Saunders: New northern houses
CAD 99.00
Todd Saunders: New northern houses
Norway-based Canadian architect Todd Saunders has a unique understanding of the arctic landscape. His designs, set in some of the most remote locations on earth, splice modern sculptural forms with a deeply rooted respect for nature. His care for the...
CAD 99.00
L'habitude des ruines : le sacre de l'oubli et de la laideur au Québec
Avec L’habitude des ruines, Marie-Hélène Voyer signe un texte sur le rapport trouble du Québec au temps et à l’espace. Elle y parle de nos démolitions en série, de notre manière d’habiter ce territoire en nous berçant trop souvent d’images...
CAD 24.95
Slow spatial reader: Chronicles of radical affection
Slow Spatial Reader offers a collection of essays about ‘Slow’ approaches to spatial practice and pedagogy from around the world. The book’s contributors are from twenty-four countries on five continents. Each one brings distinct philosophical and disciplinary approaches—from ‘spatial’ fields...
CAD 39.95
Not available
Giacomo Balla: Casa Balla. From the house to the universe and back again
Recently opened to the public for the first time, the home of the Futurist artist Giacomo Balla (1871-1958) is depicted and inventoried in this extraordinary book. The apartment in Rome in which Balla lived with his family for over 30...
CAD 67.95
Not available
Bovenbouw Architectuur: Composite presence
How do city and architecture flourish together ? This question is central to the three-dimensional capriccio that displays a fictional Flemish urban environment. Over time, the informal city in Flanders and Brussels has developed a unique relationship with its architecture....
CAD 60.00
Not available
Skyroom: The journey of Brian and Marilyn MacKay-Lyons at Shobac, seaside village on the edge
In partnership with his wife Marilyn Mackay-Lyons and their family, architect Brian Mackay-Lyons has built a unique community over the granite ruins of a historic settlement on the fogbound coast of Nova Scotia. Among the structures at Shobac are homes,...
CAD 39.95
Not available
Not available
2G 82: Ensamble studio
CAD 77.00
2G 82: Ensamble studio
Architectural works by Ensamble Studio—a Madrid and Boston-based architectural studio—are documented here in issue 82 of 2G. Ensamble Studio addresses issues such as prefabricated homes. A balancing act of imagination and reality, art and science.   Texts by Bjarke Ingels,...
CAD 77.00
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