Silent Blocks
CAD 42.95
Silent Blocks
Au printemps 2020, à Toronto, David Cayley, ancien journaliste scientifique pour la radio publique canadienne et écrivain, s'interroge sur la pandémie. En s'appuyant sur sa connaissance des travaux philosophiques de son ami Ivan illich, il se demande si « l'ontologie...
CAD 42.95
Skyroom: The journey of Brian and Marilyn MacKay-Lyons at Shobac, seaside village on the edge
CAD 39.95
Skyroom: The journey of Brian and Marilyn MacKay-Lyons at Shobac, seaside village on the edge
In partnership with his wife Marilyn Mackay-Lyons and their family, architect Brian Mackay-Lyons has built a unique community over the granite ruins of a historic settlement on the fogbound coast of Nova Scotia. Among the structures at Shobac are homes,...
CAD 39.95
Slow disturbance: infrastructural mediation on the settler colonial resource frontier
From the late nineteenth through most of the twentieth century, the evangelical Protestant Grenfell Mission in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, created a network of hospitals, schools, orphanages, stores, and industries with the goal of bringing health and organized society to...
CAD 35.95
Slow spatial reader: Chronicles of radical affection
Slow Spatial Reader offers a collection of essays about ‘Slow’ approaches to spatial practice and pedagogy from around the world. The book’s contributors are from twenty-four countries on five continents. Each one brings distinct philosophical and disciplinary approaches—from ‘spatial’ fields...
CAD 39.95
Small Practices: In conversation with Malaysian & Japanese Architects
Small Practices : In Conversation with Malaysian and Japanese Architects provides an intimate look into how small practices find their niche and pursue their passion in a field that is often perceived as aggressive and vigorous. Noorul Fadzlee Khamis, a...
CAD 54.95
Smooth city: Against urban perfection, towards collective alternatives
How urban paradigms of efficiency, sanitization and surveillance transform city life into seamless "experience" and erode the non-normative. In cities across the world, a new urban condition is spreading rapidly: an ever-increasing push toward efficiency, sanitization, surveillance and the...
CAD 36.00
SO-IL, Solid objectives: Order, edge, aura
This book introduces an attitude towards the design and realization of architecture in a time of increased instability. It is illustrated with rarely seen images and punctuated with essays on the work of the firm SO–IL. Rather than a catalog...
CAD 54.00
So-Il: In depth. Urban domesticities today
For over a decade, Brooklyn-based SO–IL has been envisioning houses, housings and other projects in between and adjacent to domestic spaces. Reflecting on the state of housing design today – often constrained by pressures of production – SO–IL approaches these...
CAD 68.00
Social matter, social design: For good or bad, all design is social
Social matter, social design challenges the way we look at, think of, and interact with the social world by emphasising the role of materiality. This enlarged field for engagement demands that design incorporates a more nuanced and complex reading of...
CAD 35.00
Social transparency: Projects on housing
CAD 30.00
Social transparency: Projects on housing
For the past decade, the Los Angeles architect Michael Maltzan has designed multiunit housing in a city known for its proliferation of single-family residences. Working with the Skid Row Housing Trust, these projects advance new forms of supportive housing that...
CAD 30.00
Socializing architecture: Top-down/bottom-up
Situated at the intersection of architecture, art, public culture, and political theory, Socializing Architecture urges architects and urbanists to intervene in the contested space between public and private interests, to design political and civic processes that mediate top-down and bottom-up...
CAD 71.95
Soil lab: A built experiment
CAD 52.95
Soil lab: A built experiment
This anthology is a critical reflection on the making of Soil Lab, a project built with a community in North Lawndale, Chicago, and hosted by the Danish Arts Foundation at the 2021 edition of the Chicago Architecture Biennial. The pages...
CAD 52.95
Sol LeWitt: Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour
Originally published in 1977, Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour is a classic artist’s book by conceptual artist Sol LeWitt (1928–2007). Featuring 34 pages of drawings, the work is an early example of LeWitt’s rigorous, algorithmic process in which a...
CAD 24.95
Solar Futures: How to design a post-fossil world with the sun
This publication by solar designer Marjan van Aubel explores the future of solar energy. Solar energy needs a new narrative - one that says goodbye to old perspectives and only talks about the efficiency and the payback time of blue solar...
CAD 70.00
Some Ideas on Living in London and Tokyo: Stephen Taylor, Ryue Nishizawa
Some Ideas on Living in London and Tokyo presents architectural projects by Stephen Taylor and Ryue Nishizawa that reflect new thinking on living in contemporary cities. Taylor and Nishizawa’s residential projects both respect and respond to the particular cultural environments of...
CAD 29.90
Sorry, Out of Gas: Architecture's Response to the 1973 Oil Crisis
Published on occasion of the CCA exhibition 1973: Sorry, Out of Gas, Sorry, Out of Gas is a unique publishing project combining the diverse materials assembled for the exhibition with a specifically commissioned children’s component by illustrator Harriet Russell. Russell’s thirty-two-page story,...
CAD 49.95
Soviet Avant-garde Publications; Architectural Drawings of the Russian Avant-garde, 1917–1935
CAD 9.95
Soviet Avant-garde Publications; Architectural Drawings of the Russian Avant-garde, 1917–1935
Soviet Avant-garde Publications explores how the ideas that underlay the various movements connected with the Soviet avant-garde —Constructivism, Futurism, Rationalism, and the International Style— were communicated. Architectural Drawings brings into full view a range of works by architects in these...
CAD 9.95
Spatializing justice: Building blocks
CAD 29.95
Spatializing justice: Building blocks
Spatializing Justice calls for architects and urban designers to do more than design buildings and physical systems. Architects should take a position against inequality and practice accordingly. With these thirty short, manifesto-like texts—building blocks for a new kind of architecture—Spatializing Justice offers...
CAD 29.95
Spectre n.3 : Ruines contemporaines
CAD 59.95
Spectre n.3 : Ruines contemporaines
La vue des ruines est nécessaire. « C'est un temps pur, non datable, absent de notre monde d'images, de simulacres et de reconstitutions, de notre monde violent dont les décombres n'ont plus le temps de devenir des ruines. Un temps...
CAD 59.95
Spectres III : Fantômes dans la machine
CAD 31.50
Spectres III : Fantômes dans la machine
Le troisième numéro de la publication annuelle consacrée à l'expérimentation sonore et musicale, autour de la question des intelligences artificielles. L'expression « fantôme dans la machine » a trouvé naissance dans un contexte particulier, celui de la critique du...
CAD 31.50
Speed Limits
CAD 47.00
Speed Limits
Addressing the pivotal role played by speed in modern life – from art, architecture, and urbanism to graphics and design, to economics and the material culture of the eras of industry and information – Speed Limits presents a multifaceted view...
CAD 47.00
Spring / Summer + Autumn / Winter
CAD 45.00
Spring / Summer + Autumn / Winter
Nigel Peake's drawings for Japanese distillery Mitosaya. Mitosaya is a distillery founded by Hiroshi Eguchi, located in Chiba prefecture, a few hours outside of Tokyo. It use to be a botanical garden. I have visited twice, both times in...
CAD 45.00
Stanley Greenberg: Olmsted trees
CAD 59.95
Stanley Greenberg: Olmsted trees
Frederick Law Olmsted (1822–1903) is considered the father of landscape architecture in the United States for his creation of several renowned urban parks and park systems around the country. Whether in Central Park in New York, the Emerald Necklace in...
CAD 59.95
Steel cities: the architecture of logistics in Central and Eastern Europe
In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, a certain type of industry has rapidly developed—an industry that produces nothing physical. Storing, packaging, classifying, assembling, and other ancillary processes of manufacturing and distribution are carried out 24/7 in extensive logistics...
CAD 50.95
Stefano Graziani: Documents on Raphael
CAD 50.00
Stefano Graziani: Documents on Raphael
Stefano Graziani's photographs explore the works of the artist from Urbino—with particular reference to his output as an architect—their transformation over time, and his own process that translated them into images. Graziani puts variation before permanence and reflects on the...
CAD 50.00
Strange design
CAD 45.00
Strange design
Une histoire du design critique, spéculatif et réflexif, en quatre moments, du design radical italien des années 1960 et 1970 à la scène contemporaine, en passant par le design. Depuis quelques années, des objets étranges ont fait leur apparition...
CAD 45.00
Studio Muoto: Holy Highway
CAD 74.95
Studio Muoto: Holy Highway
Un recueil de textes, de projets et d'images de l'agence d'architecture parisienne autour du sujet de l'autoroute, l'espace public le plus radical jamais imaginé mais aussi le plus clivant et le plus critiqué aujourd'hui, interrogeant notre relation à la modernité....
CAD 74.95
Suburban alternatives: Survey of low-rise high-density housing projects in the US
The expression “low-rise high-density” refers to the ensembles of grouped housing units that maintain characteristics of the individual home, but whose compactness facilitates collective services and amenities, thereby reducing land consumption. These hybrid projects also generate a variety of housing...
CAD 75.00
Superposition, n.1: Hardcore home
CAD 65.95
Superposition, n.1: Hardcore home
Superposition is a periodical, investigating the human side of architecture. Based in Europe and founded in 2020 by a group of architects and artists – Leo Bettini Oberkalmsteiner, Tibor Bielicky, Max Creasy, Ellena Ehrl and Dominic Kim – ''Superposition'' is...
CAD 65.95
Superstructures: Notes on Experimental Jetset, Volume 2
Experimental Jetset’s second volume in its self-reflective series is an inquiry into the role of the city as an infrastructure for language and vice versa, seen through the lens of four significant movements: Constructivism, Situationist International, Provo, and Post-Punk. Emerging...
CAD 49.95
Superstudio Migrazioni
CAD 86.95
Superstudio Migrazioni
Débutée en 1966, l’aventure du groupe d’avant-garde Superstudio a mené ses membres à spéculer sur les façons d’habiter ce monde « rond et qui tourne ». Superstudio Migrazioni offre une nouvelle perspective sur l'œuvre du groupe, décrite comme "radicale" par...
CAD 86.95
Sur la photographie
CAD 29.00
Sur la photographie
« Tout a débuté par un essai, consacré à quelques-uns des problèmes esthétiques et moraux que pose l’omniprésence des images photographiques : mais plus je réfléchissais à la nature des photographies, plus elles devenaient complexes et suggestives. Si bien qu’un...
CAD 29.00
Sur la projettation : Pour une pragmatique architecturale
Par un travail de lecture et d'étymologie attentive des traités d'architecture, de Vitruve à Vittone, Bruno Queysanne nous révèle un aspect peu connu de ces textes « classiques », dans lesquels les architectes laissent de côté leur rhétorique savante et...
CAD 28.00
Sur le terrain ch.2: Bâtir des lois
CAD 20.00
Sur le terrain ch.2: Bâtir des lois
Produced for the exhibition To Build Law, held at the CCA from 11 December 2024 to 25 May 2025.
Graphic design by H I T
97 X 66 cm
CAD 20.00
Susanne Kriemann, 10%: Das Bildarchiv eines Kernforschungszentrums betreffend
Unknown lady in the radiation protection department, puddle, dancing couple in costume, damage to a waste drum, retiree send-off, lead shielding, burnt-out glovebox, scorpion with microchip—these are all captions to photographs of Germany’s first major nuclear research facility. In 1957,...
CAD 68.00
Susanne Kriemann: P(ech) B(blende). Library for radioactive afterlife
Susanne Kriemann's artist’s book P(ech) B(lende), Library for Radioactive Afterlife looks at the political and actual invisibility of the highly radioactive mineral pitchblende (uraninite). From 1946 to 1989 pitchblende was mined in the Erzgebirge (Ore) Mountains in an area contained within the...
CAD 40.00
Symphony: Mushrooms from the forest
CAD 125.00
Symphony: Mushrooms from the forest
Inspired by the Ed Ruscha series Coloured People, Takashi Homma visited forests on three continents to search for radioactive mushrooms. The mushrooms—gathered in Scandinavia, Fukushima, Chernobyl and Stony Point—were photographed in front of a white background, with occasional photographs from...
CAD 125.00
Takashi Homma: Islands, islets, and their mushrooms
For this book, Takashi Homma revisited the Finnish islands he first travelled to in 2016, inspired by the documentary film about Tove Jansson, ‘Haru: The Island of the Solitary’ (1998). Homma’s photographs capture the beauty of the islands and the...
CAD 54.95
Takashi Homma: Real estate opportunities
CAD 54.00
Takashi Homma: Real estate opportunities
Real Estate Opportunities continues Japanese photographer Takashi Homma’s homage series to the influential American artist Ed Ruscha. Ruscha’s original 'Real Estate Opportunities' series was published in 1970 and featured photographs of empty building lots for sale in Los Angeles. For...
CAD 54.00
Takashi Homma: Thirty-Six views of Mount Fuji
This collection of new work by celebrated photographer Takashi Homma approaches one of the most iconic and widely represented images in Japan and the world: Mount Fuji. With its title referencing Hokusai’s famous series of ukiyo-e woodblock prints, Homma evokes...
CAD 60.00
Takashi Homma: Tokyo and my daughter
CAD 34.00
Takashi Homma: Tokyo and my daughter
The intention behind Takashi Homma: Tokyo and My Daughter is best explained by the photographer himself: “I love my daughter very much. I love Tokyo very much.” Homma’s (born 1963) affection is nearly tangible in this series of 32 color...
CAD 34.00
Takashi Homma: Vedove/Widows
CAD 250.00
Takashi Homma: Vedove/Widows
Extremely accurate in concept and printing, Vedove/Widows has been published in an edition of 350 copies. The project is the result of the cooperation between Andrea Botto and Francesco Zanot, respectively director and curator of the annual Rapallo Fotografia festival, who entrusted...
CAD 250.00
Tall Buildings: their problems and some ideas
Tall Buildings: their problems and some ideas humbly deconstructs and reconstructs what a tall building can be. Its content is informed by a half-day symposium held in Melbourne in 2018 that investigated new and radical approaches to vertical city-building, co-curated...
CAD 25.00
Tangente : Alain Paiement
CAD 24.95
Tangente : Alain Paiement
Tangent(e): Alain Paiement juxtaposes the work of the Quebec artist Alain Paiement with photographs drawn from the CCA collection: images of interiors and exteriors, thresholds, spaces under construction, ranging from the beginnings of photography to the present day.Hubertus von Amelunxen...
CAD 24.95
Terres chinoises : Mutations et défis urbains en milieu rural
Etude du phénomène d'urbanisation massive des territoires ruraux en Chine en cours depuis le début du XXIe siècle, piloté par un plan national d'édification des campagnes socialistes. Les mêmes principes urbains sont ainsi appliqués systématiquement à l'ensemble du pays en...
CAD 52.95
CAD 36.95
Incontournables dans le paysage contemporain de la pensée urbaine, les écrits théoriques d'Igniasi de Solà-Morales n'avaient jusqu'ici jamais été traduits en français. Ce recueil de dix textes recèle pourtant une richesse de vues propres à nourrir toute réflexion sur le...
CAD 36.95
Testa/Weiser - Carbon Tower
CAD 0.00
Testa/Weiser - Carbon Tower
This publication presents Testa & Weiser’s Carbon Tower, a prototype for a forty-storey building made almost entirely of carbon fibre. The project exploits the affinities between two technologies that were rapidly advancing during the early 2000s: scripting and fibre-reinforced composite...
CAD 0.00
The 60s: Montréal Thinks Big
CAD 55.00
The 60s: Montréal Thinks Big
In the 1960s, Montréal embarked on a program of urban change on a monumental scale. With its metro, expressways, new skyscrapers, underground shopping promenades, and the 1967 World’s Fair, the Montréal of that era offers a powerful example through which...
CAD 55.00
The advanced school of collective feeling: Inhabiting modern physical culture 1926-38
The Advanced School of Collective Feeling explores the advent of radical new conceptions of the body—a phenomenon known in the 1920s and ’30s as “physical culture”—and their impact on the thinking of some of modern architecture’s most influential figures. Using...
CAD 60.00