Faire – Regarder le graphisme n° 46 : Une approche calculée, la raison déraisonnée de Norm
CAD 28.00
Faire – Regarder le graphisme n° 46 : Une approche calculée, la raison déraisonnée de Norm
Le 46e numéro de la revue critique sur le graphisme est consacré au studio de design graphique zurichois Norm. Faire – Regarder le graphisme est une revue critique bimensuelle consacrée au design graphique, qui paraît en librairie au numéro ou sous...
CAD 28.00
Fala Atelier: Butterflies / Farfalle
CAD 30.00
Fala Atelier: Butterflies / Farfalle
Architectural drawings are laden with responsibility. They have legal and contractual status, an instructional function, order the act of construction, and direct the labor involved in the building's construction: drawings have a purpose in the world that exceeds their own...
CAD 30.00
Falling in: Movement and becoming in curatorial research
Published within the context of the Frame Curatorial Research Fellowship, Falling In brings together curatorial essays addressing the field’s performative, activist and communal dimensions, and highlighting the substantial amount of research beyond traditional academic circles. The essays delve into...
CAD 44.00
Family affairs : Family in current Photography
Since the invention of photography, the family has been a constant subject of photographic observation, both in private photo albums and in artistic series. The group exhibition Family Affairs – Family in Current Photography, conceived by Ingo Taubhorn, Curator of...
CAD 89.50
Fashion spaces: a theoretical view
CAD 29.95
Fashion spaces: a theoretical view
Social media has brought a new type of space into the world of fashion retail. When architecture and fashion meet in the creation of ephemeral spaces for the immediate presentation of new collections, for example, these temporary but real spaces...
CAD 29.95
Feminist art activisms and artivisms
CAD 49.00
Feminist art activisms and artivisms
‘Feminisms’ (as a plural) is widely used today to draw attention to inequalities and to critique the status quo in limiting women’s roles/ positions/ lives/ potential. Art can offer a vision of future worlds, manifesting a desire for projecting change,...
CAD 49.00
Feminist city: a field guide
CAD 22.95
Feminist city: a field guide
Leslie Kern wants your city to be feminist. An intrepid feminist geographer, Kern combines memoir, theory, pop culture, and geography in this collection of essays that invites the reader to think differently about city spaces and city life. From the...
CAD 22.95
Femme, Indigène, autre : Écrire le féminisme et la postcolonialité
Dans Femme, indigène, autre, Trinh T. Minh-ha explore la question de l’écriture d’un point de vue postcolonial et féministe. Ce livre qui s’inscrit à l’intersection de différents domaines – critique littéraire, anthropologie, études culturelles, études de genre – juxtapose plusieurs...
CAD 41.00
Field notes on scarcity. Sharjah Architecture Triennial 2023
The scarcity of resources in all forms is commonly portrayed in a negative light. Yet these conditions—which have long been a reality in many extreme climate conditions across the global South and are increasingly becoming a global reality—often stimulate an...
CAD 47.95
CAD 28.00
Depuis toujours Ronan Bouroullec dessine quotidiennement. Une pratique artistique pure qu'il juge autonome du métier pour lequel il est internationalement reconnu. Mais s'il existe une porosité entre ces deux faces de son activité qui se nourrissent l'une l'autre, Ronan Bouroullec...
CAD 28.00
Fifty50: Fifty modernist churches
CAD 50.00
Fifty50: Fifty modernist churches
As an architectural photographer, Amanda Large's creative practice is centred around making evocative images that go beyond the straight documentation of buildings. "Fifty50" investigates how a photograph, or a series of vignettes, can tell the story of a structure through...
CAD 50.00
fig. n.06 : antithèse
CAD 45.00
fig. n.06 : antithèse
Dans la continuité du dernier numéro consacré à l’oxymore, fig. décide de prolonger les réflexions sur les notions de contraire et de contradiction dont notre époque déborde, à travers ce nouveau numéro consacré à l'antithèse. Attendez-vous de l’architecture qu’elle...
CAD 45.00
Film X Autochthonous struggles today
CAD 36.95
Film X Autochthonous struggles today
Film X Autochthonous Struggles Today brings together for the first time filmmakers, activists, film curators, and scholars who share a common interest in filmmaking practices that emerge from and participate in the various situations of struggle that the Autochthonous/Indigenous/Native/Aboriginal/First Nations...
CAD 36.95
Flanders Architectural Review n.16 : Responses in responsibility
The pressing challenges of our time mean that designers are facing new, less familiar areas of responsibility. They are required to negotiate their way through regulations, ecological commitment, building conventions and economic constraints. This manifests itself in careful approaches to...
CAD 60.00
forA on the urban, issue #0
CAD 40.00
forA on the urban, issue #0
In one way or another, most of the demands on today’s world are intrinsically linked to the urban condition.''forA on the urban'' aims to detect, examine, analyze, and understand these situations in a way that goes beyond conventional frames of...
CAD 40.00
forA on the urban, Issue #1: Eleven frictions from an urbanized world
The first issue of the interdisciplinary periodical forA on the Urban explores the open, multilayered, interconnected, complex, and unbridled nature of urban design. Through eleven contributions from eighteen international experts on architecture, art, social criticism, and activism, this issue illuminates specific realities...
CAD 64.95
Formulations: Architecture, mathematics, and culture
In Formulations, Andrew Witt examines the visual, methodological, and cultural intersections between architecture and mathematics. The linkages Witt explores involve not the mystic transcendence of numbers invoked throughout architectural history, but rather architecture’s encounters with a range of calculational systems—techniques...
CAD 53.95
François Roche - Water Flux
CAD 0.00
François Roche - Water Flux
This publication presents François Roche’s Water Flux, a project for a geology and glaciology museum and research centre in the Swiss Alps.Water Flux, begun in 2007 but never realized, involved digital design to control an automated manufacturing process. It was...
CAD 0.00
Frank Gehry - Lewis Residence
CAD 0.00
Frank Gehry - Lewis Residence
This publication presents the Lewis Residence, an unbuilt residential project for Peter B. Lewis in Lyndhurst, Ohio, that evolved over six years from 1989 to 1995 and in the process fundamentally altered Gehry’s architectural practice.The Lewis Residence house, landscape and...
CAD 0.00
Frank Lloyd Wright: Designs for an American Landscape, 1922–1932
In 1922, when Frank Lloyd Wright returned permanently to the United States, he chose not to refine and simplify the course and cause of his earlier work, but rather to reinvent himself—in new territory, for new clients, in projects of...
from CAD 39.95
Frank Lloyd Wright: Designs for an American Landscape, 1922–1932
Five revolutionary projects examined here were developed by Wright during a single transitional decade. This publication follows the design histories of these unrealized projects, tracing the ideas the architect explored in successive drawings. It also provides a record of the...
CAD 15.95
Frederick Law Olmsted : Architecte du paysage
Connu principalement pour sa conception du Central Park à New York, Frederick Law Olmsted est un architecte du paysage, homme engagé et penseur du progrès à l'époque où l'industrialisation transforme profondément la structure des villes et le rapport de l'homme...
CAD 68.95
Fugitive Archives: A Sourcebook for Centring Africa in Histories of Architecture
A collection of primary sources chosen by the research fellows Centring Africa: Postcolonial Perspectives on Architecture, Doreen Adengo, Dele Adeyemo, Warebi Gabriel Brisibe and Ramota Obagah-Stephen, Rachel Lee and Monika Motylinska, Ikem Stanley Okoye, Cole Roskam, Łukasz Stanek, and Huda...
CAD 35.00
Future cities: Conversations with Norman Foster
A collection of recent conversations with Norman Foster leads to a deeper understanding of his thinking about architecture and our future in it. Protagonists include Antoine Picon, Anne Lacaton, Ian Golding, Vicki Arroyo, Sheela Patel, Ricky Burdett, Mariana Mazzucato, Alejandro Aravena,...
CAD 38.00
Futurefarmers: Out of place, in place
CAD 64.95
Futurefarmers: Out of place, in place
Futurefarmers: Out of Place, in Place presents a survey of ten projects and a new work created during a solo exhibition at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. Central to understanding the art group’s practice, concepts, and...
CAD 64.95
Futures of the architectural exhibition: Five conversations on the display of space
Architecture and design exhibitions have long been important public sites of broadcasting, experimentation, position-taking, and the interrogation of fundamental aspects of the designed environment. Just as individual exhibitions have constituted key benchmarks within the disciplinary history of architecture, the representation...
CAD 56.00
Ge(ssenwiese), K(anigsberg): Library for Radioactive Afterlife
Gessenwiese and Kanigsberg form part of a landscape that has been in a process of constant change since 1946. The overburden from the mining industry created radioactive spoil heaps and lakes that are being rehabilitated by various means: plants growing...
CAD 40.00
Geoffrey Bawa: Drawing from the archives
CAD 69.00
Geoffrey Bawa: Drawing from the archives
Sri Lankan architect Geoffrey Bawa fused sensitivity for local context with the technological discoveries and design principles of modernism. Accordingly, Bawa often incorporated materials (local stone and timber) and layouts (high roofs, cross-ventilation, vast overhangs) specific to Sri Lanka’s monsoon...
CAD 69.00
Geoffrey James: Canadian photographs
CAD 45.00
Geoffrey James: Canadian photographs
A subversive look at the liminal locations and transitional moments that make up the Canadian unconscious and the Not-So-True North. Geoffrey James directs his gaze to the in-between spaces and forgotten places that resist the idea of a cohesive national...
CAD 45.00
Geostories: Another architecture for the environment
How do we make sense of the Earth at a moment in which it is presented in crisis? Geostories is a manifesto on the environmental imagination that renders sensible the issues of climate change and through geographic fiction invites readers...
CAD 47.00
Gerry Johansson: Spanish Summer
CAD 85.00
Gerry Johansson: Spanish Summer
Over more than three decades, Gerry Johansson has brought his shrewd and sensitive eye to bear on peripheral landscapes the world over, from Ulan Bator to Antarctica. Spanish Summer sees him return to one of the first places that captured his imagination:...
CAD 85.00
Giacomo Balla: Casa Balla. From the house to the universe and back again
Recently opened to the public for the first time, the home of the Futurist artist Giacomo Balla (1871-1958) is depicted and inventoried in this extraordinary book. The apartment in Rome in which Balla lived with his family for over 30...
CAD 67.95
Giancarlo De Carlo: Experiments in thickness
Giancarlo de Carlo first visited Urbino in 1951 to carry out a minor refurbishment of the offices of the rector of the University. This was the beginning of his lifetime engagement with the small town where he continued working over...
CAD 69.95
Giovanni Chiaramonte: Realismo infinito
CAD 80.00
Giovanni Chiaramonte: Realismo infinito
Infinite Realism brings together 99+1 photographs, many of them never published before, taken over a period of two decades from 1980 to the early 2000s. This volume forms an organic overview of Giovanni Chiaramonte’s complex work on the representation of...
CAD 80.00
Glitch feminism: A manifesto
CAD 19.95
Glitch feminism: A manifesto
The divide between the digital and the real world no longer exists. We are connected all the time. How do we find out who we are in this digital era? Where do we create the space to explore our identity?...
CAD 19.95
Global Tools: When education coincides with life, 1973–1975
Global Tools 1973–1975 documents and narrates the story of the eponymous experience of Radical Design and its multidisciplinary school program "without students or teachers." The Global Tools journey began with its foundation in 1973 by groups and figures drawn from...
CAD 70.00
Going solo: The extraordinary rise and surprising appeal of living alone
With eye-opening statistics, original data, and vivid portraits of people who live alone, renowned sociologist Eric Klinenberg upends conventional wisdom to deliver the definitive take on how the rise of going solo is transforming the American experience. Klinenberg shows...
CAD 24.00
Goodbye, Oil
CAD 19.00
Goodbye, Oil
The illustrated book Goodbye, Oil explores how oil is produced and how we might lessen our dependence on this non-renewable resource. Harriet Russell’s story offers alternative modes of powering the vehicles we drive, making the goods we consume and heating...
CAD 19.00
Gordon Matta-Clark : Open house (v.f.)
CAD 46.00
Gordon Matta-Clark : Open house (v.f.)
Pièce majeure de la collection du MAMCO de Genève, Open House, créée à l'origine à SoHo (New York) durant le printemps 1972, est la seule œuvre de grande dimension de l'artiste américain Gordon Matta-Clark (1943-1978) conservée par une institution. ...
CAD 46.00
Gordon Matta-Clark: An archival sourcebook
Gordon Matta-Clark has never been an easy artist to categorize or to explain. Although trained as an architect, he has been described as a sculptor, a photographer, an organizer of performances, and a writer of manifestos, but he is best...
CAD 60.00
Gordon Matta-Clark: Doors, floors, doors
CAD 14.95
Gordon Matta-Clark: Doors, floors, doors
Made in 1976 as part of "Rooms," the inaugural exhibition at PS1, Matta-Clark cut vertically aligned rectangular openings through three floors of PS1's building so that visitors standing in a third-floor classroom could look directly into the basement. Initially, Matta-Clark...
CAD 14.95
Gordon Matta-Clark: Open house
CAD 41.95
Gordon Matta-Clark: Open house
In 1972, Gordon Matta-Clark (1943–78) installed a dumpster on the street between 98 and 112 Greene Street in New York’s SoHo neighborhood, an architectural artwork he called Open House. Matta-Clark used discarded, scavenged materials—old pieces of wood, doors—to subdivide the space...
CAD 41.95
Gordon Matta-Clark: splitting, cutting, writing, drawing, eating
American artist Gordon Matta-Clark is perhaps best known for the site-specific artworks he made in the 1970s. His body of work includes performance and recycling pieces, space and texture works, and his “building cuts”. Matta-Clark used a number of media...
CAD 55.95
Gouverner par la dette
CAD 29.95
Gouverner par la dette
Experts, hommes politiques et éditorialistes sont unanimes : la dette qui grève les finances publiques entrave la croissance, fait exploser le chômage. Les États doivent à tout prix se désendetter s’ils veulent rassurer les marchés et retrouver le chemin de...
CAD 29.95
Governing by debt
CAD 21.95
Governing by debt
Experts, pundits, and politicians agree: public debt is hindering growth and increasing unemployment. Governments must reduce debt at all cost if they want to restore confidence and get back on a path to prosperity. Maurizio Lazzarato’s diagnosis, however, is completely...
CAD 21.95
Graph vision: Digital architecture's skeletons
How a protean mathematical object, the graph, ushered in new images, tools, and infrastructures for design and catalyzed a digital future for architecture. In Graph Vision, Theodora Vardouli offers a fresh history of architecture's early entanglements with modern mathematics...
CAD 79.00
Graphic design is (…) not innocent
CAD 39.00
Graphic design is (…) not innocent
This volume questions ingrained approaches, values and assumptions of graphic design in globalized societies. It aims to initiate a dialogue between designers, scholars, critics and commissioners, who investigate responsibilities, potentials, politics, limits and risks of designing visual communication. How innocent...
CAD 39.00
Green obsession: Trees towards cities, humans towards forests
Cities have contributed for centuries to the promotion of some of humanity's greatest ideas, we must now urgently include them as among the principal players in the environmental debate and at the forefront of any policy tackling and countering -...
CAD 73.95
Groundwork Ch.2: To Build Law
CAD 20.00
Groundwork Ch.2: To Build Law
Produced for the exhibition To Build Law, held at the CCA from 11 December 2024 to 25 May 2025.
Graphic design by H I T
97 X 66 cm
CAD 20.00
Grundkurs: What is architecture about?
CAD 55.00
Grundkurs: What is architecture about?
In this collection of idiosyncratic lessons, architect and teacher Pier Paolo Tamburelli engages with the very foundations of architecture, proposing a series of new and open-ended perspectives on how we build the world. Developed for the ‘Grundkurs’, or ‘basic course’,...
CAD 55.00