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Incursions au-delà du moderne : L'architecture d'Umberto Riva / Forays beyond the modern: The architecture of Umberto Riva
Une anthologie monumentale d'essais critiques consacrés à la figure d'Umberto Riva, l'un des maîtres de l'architecture italienne, designer et peintre, introduits et édités par Maria Bottero, accompagnés d'un ensemble de croquis et de dessins issus des archives personnelles de l'architecte....
CAD 110.00
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Imagining the evident: Álvaro Siza
The referential book by Álvaro Siza on his own work, in its first English edition. Describing some of his projects, his expectations and struggles, references and decisions, this book is a fundamental contribution to the understanding of Álvaro Siza’s architectural...
CAD 45.95
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MOS Casa no. 1-17
CAD 30.00
MOS Casa no. 1-17
This volume presents seventeen houses designed by the New York studio MOS Architects. "It is an article of faith for MOS that the house is like a small city. MOS think urbanistically through the architectural scale, insisting that even the...
CAD 30.00
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2G Essays Kersten Geers: Without content
Belgian architect Kersten Geers combines his work at OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen architecture studio with his academic work and writing.   In this compilation of essays, written between 2010 and 2020, the author writes about diverse historical architects...
CAD 47.00
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Préliminaires : Études et maquettes
Depuis 1983, le Centre national des arts plastiques a constitué un fonds d’esquisses, de maquettes et de travaux préparatoires liés aux commandes publiques d’œuvres d’art. Riche de près de 4 600 objets réalisés par des plasticiens, architectes, designers, vidéastes ou...
CAD 65.00
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Race and modern architecture: A critical history from Enlightenment to the present
This volume offers a welcome and long-awaited intervention for the field by shining a spotlight on constructions of race and their impact on architecture and theory in Europe and North America and across various global contexts since the eighteenth century....
CAD 63.95
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La théorie du diamant et le projet d’architecture
Dans La théorie du diamant  le projet d’architecture est envisagé autant dans sa dimension pratique que théorique. Pensée critique et création sont ici indissociables. C’est ainsi que le travail de l’architecte est comparé à celui du tailleur de diamants et...
CAD 26.00
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Architects after architecture: alternative pathways for practice
What can you do with a degree in architecture? Where might it take you? What kind of challenges could you address? Architects After Architecture reframes architecture as a uniquely versatile way of acting on the world, far beyond that of...
CAD 47.00
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Histoire naturelle de l'architecture : comment le climat, les épidémies et et l’énergie ont façonné la ville et les bâtiments
Pourquoi notre nature homéotherme a donné naissance à l’architecture ? Comment le blé a engendré la ville ? Comment les petits pois ont fait s'élever les cathédrales gothiques ? Ce que les dômes doivent à la peur de l'air stagnant...
CAD 58.95
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The Living Museums: Franco Albini, BBPR, Lina Bo Bardi, Carlo Scarpa
L'historienne de l'architecture Orietta Lanzarini analyse quatre musées construits entre les années 1940 et 1960, conçus par quatre des architectes italiens les plus avant-gardistes du XXe siècle. Avec des approches et des stratégies différentes, Franco Albini, BBPR, Lina Bo Bardi...
CAD 44.00
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Les variations de l'identité : le type en architecture
Première traduction française de l’essai fondateur de l’architecte espagnol sur le type en architecture. Après avoir déjà traduit en 2019 un autre livre – Silencios elocuentes – du même auteur, les éditions Cosa Mentale veulent continuer à rendre possible la découverte...
CAD 53.00
Umberto Riva: Interiors and exhibitions
The architecture of Umberto Riva (1928-2021) has, over the span 60 years, distinguished itself by its stimulating complexity. This monograph analyzes, for the first time in a chronologically extended form, his work in the field of interiors and exhibitions; fundamental...
CAD 54.95
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BIG, Formgiving
CAD 66.95
BIG, Formgiving
With Formgiving, BIG presents the third part of its trilogy, which began with Yes is More, and continued with Hot to Cold. The book is presented in a timeline, stretching from the Big Bang into the most distant future. Projects...
CAD 66.95
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Women in architecture: past, present, and future
Despite the number of women who have shaped the discipline, female architects still frequently struggle to receive the recognition their work deserves. This volume serves as a manifesto for the great achievements of contemporary female architects the world over, paying...
CAD 77.00
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The Modern architecture of Cadaqués: 1955–71
Inspired by the early style of Corbusier and ideas on Mediterranean architecture espoused by the likes of Bernard Rudofsky and Josep Lluís Sert, a younger generation of architects found the perfect conditions to explore the future of the Mediterranean house...
CAD 82.00
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Serious fun: The landscapes of Claude Cormier
For almost 30 years Claude Cormier et Associes has designed landscapes daring in scope while earnest in execution, courting controversy while inviting public accord. Produced under the leadership of Claude Cormier, the range of these projects has spanned the creation...
CAD 65.00
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Shim-Sutcliffe, The architecture of Point William: A laboratory for living.
Shim-Sutcliffe's work at Point William intertwines landscape and architecture with ancient rock and water reshaping and reimagining a site on the Canadian Shield over two decades. Found conditions and new buildings are interwoven and choreographed to create a rich spatial...
CAD 65.00
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Open architecture
CAD 64.00
Open architecture
La collection Open-A a pour ambition majeure d’explorer le potentiel de réinterprétation lié à l’histoire et à la théorie en architecture. En d’autres termes, Open-A vise à parcourir les récits des époques antérieures, de construire de nouvelles associations, de faire émerger de nouveaux concepts,...
CAD 64.00
Superstudio Migrazioni
Débutée en 1966, l’aventure du groupe d’avant-garde Superstudio a mené ses membres à spéculer sur les façons d’habiter ce monde « rond et qui tourne ». Superstudio Migrazioni offre une nouvelle perspective sur l'œuvre du groupe, décrite comme "radicale" par...
CAD 86.95
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Thought by hand: The architecture of Flores and Prats
Argentinian architect Ricardo Flores and Spanish architect Eva Prats began their artistic partnership with the foundation of their studio in Barcelona in 1998. Since its conception, Flores & Prats has operated according to a design ethos that fuses craft with...
CAD 49.00
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Paths to prison: on the architecture of carcerality
As Angela Y. Davis has proposed, the "path to prison," which so disproportionately affects communities of color, is most acutely guided by the conditions of daily life. Architecture, then, as fundamental to shaping these conditions of civil existence, must be...
CAD 25.95
CAD 39.95
Ouvrage collectif consacré à l'analyse des pavillons d'exposition (expositions universelles, biennales) du point de vue de leur architecture, croisant les contributions de designers et architectes, d'historiens, de philosophes et esthéticiens.   Qu'il s'agisse, entre autres exemples, du Pavillon France réalisé par l'architecte Jean-Paul Viguier...
CAD 39.95
Retail apocalypse
As shopping shifts online and the economic shocks associated with the coronavirus pandemic push bankruptcies to unprecedented levels, retail is facing its own version of the end of days. The arsenal of commercial techniques that retail has developed can no...
CAD 79.95
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Habiter : ville et architecture
CAD 66.95
Habiter : ville et architecture
L'hypothèse initiale est que l'histoire du l'habitat se situe dans un temps long, une longue durée anthropologique, et que les évolutions sont lentes et les profonds changements rares. C'est pourquoi il est nécessaire de s'interroger sur la dimension vernaculaire de...
CAD 66.95
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Sigurd Lewerentz: Architect of death and life
This publication is based on extensive research undertaken at ArkDes, Sweden’s national center for architecture and design, where his archive and personal library are kept. It features a wealth of drawings and sketches, designs for furniture and interiors, model photographs,...
CAD 185.00
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2G Essays Sigurd Lewerentz: A trip to Italy
Using enigmatic negatives found in Sigurd Lewerentz’s archive at the Museum of Architecture in Stockholm, A Trip to Italy further explores the Swedish architect’s legacy through his personal travel photos.     Edited by Moisés Puente. Walther Konïg, 2021 21.3...
CAD 47.00
Jean Tschumi, architecte
Partageant sa vie entre Paris et Lausanne, Jean Tschumi (1904-1962) s'est imposé comme l'inventeur d'une architecture moderne et fonctionnelle au service d'entreprises et d'institutions, tels les Sièges de la Mutuelle Vaudoise Accidents (1951-1956) à Lausanne, de Nestlé (1956-1960) à Vevey...
CAD 84.95
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Breathe: Investigations into our environmentally tangled future
This book explores breathing and the atmosphere as leitmotifs for the design of an inclusive future in a new climate regime, uncovering intertwinements of societal activities with the air and the atmosphere.With this awareness of entanglement, the deeply performative characteristics...
CAD 65.95
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Kind of boring: Canonical work and other visible things meant to be viewed as architecture
Being boring (or boringness) has been one of the qualities of architecture an architect desperately tries to avoid. Not to provoke (or at least try to provoke) some reaction from one’s audience is to admit to a lack of ideas...
CAD 55.00
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Habiter autrement
CAD 64.95
Habiter autrement
S'il existe de nombreux livres consacrés aux maisons d'architectes, rares sont ceux qui s'intéressent réellement aux modes de vie. Habiter autrement réunit 23 maisons qui explorent d'autres façons d'habiter, ouvertes, permissives et suscitant l'imaginaire. Plus ou moins radicales, très différentes...
CAD 64.95
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Bedaux De Brouwer Architecten: Works 2021-2003
The Architecture Observer and Bedaux de Brouwer Architecten offer an homage to this multigenerational office based in North Brabant. Despite a number of prestigious commissions, the firm has always remained somewhat peripheral in the landscape of Dutch post-war architecture. Its...
CAD 90.00
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OMA NY: Search term
CAD 130.00
OMA NY: Search term
Well into its fourth decade, the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), founded by Rem Koolhaas in 1975, remains one of the most influential and successful practices of its kind. OMA describes itself as ''a firm operating within the traditional boundaries...
CAD 130.00
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Fifty50: Fifty modernist churches
CAD 50.00
Fifty50: Fifty modernist churches
As an architectural photographer, Amanda Large's creative practice is centred around making evocative images that go beyond the straight documentation of buildings. "Fifty50" investigates how a photograph, or a series of vignettes, can tell the story of a structure through...
CAD 50.00
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Louis Sullivan's idea
CAD 62.99
Louis Sullivan's idea
The story of Louis H. Sullivan is considered one of the great American tragedies. While Sullivan reshaped architectural thought and practice and contributed significantly to the foundations of modern architecture, he suffered a sad and lonely death. Many have since...
CAD 62.99
Tall Buildings: their problems and some ideas
Tall Buildings: their problems and some ideas humbly deconstructs and reconstructs what a tall building can be. Its content is informed by a half-day symposium held in Melbourne in 2018 that investigated new and radical approaches to vertical city-building, co-curated...
CAD 25.00
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Spectre n.3 : Ruines contemporaines
La vue des ruines est nécessaire. « C'est un temps pur, non datable, absent de notre monde d'images, de simulacres et de reconstitutions, de notre monde violent dont les décombres n'ont plus le temps de devenir des ruines. Un temps...
CAD 59.95
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Athens by collage: The representation of the metropolis between realism, intervention and autonomy
In this publication, Athens is depicted like an incomplete and unfinished city, in which its parts are in permanent construction, or continual ruination. But it is exactly this permanent condition of instability – its openness and formal instability – that...
CAD 44.95
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Canadian architecture: Evolving a cultural identity
Canadian Architecture: Evolving a Cultural Identity surveys the countrys most accomplished architectural firms, whose work enhances cities and landscapes across Canadas geographically varied expanse. Author Leslie Jen explores a number of significant projects in urban and rural environmentsprivate residences, cultural...
CAD 50.00
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Not available
BAUKUNST : Pensées
CAD 71.95
BAUKUNST : Pensées
Construction de collisions d’idées, d’assemblages de pensées, qui font émerger des images inédites, des silences, des certitudes, des doutes, des mondes et qui nous livrent en creux une méthode de penser et de composer. Le dessin d’un portrait, celui de...
CAD 71.95
The Architect and the public: On George Baird's contribution to architecture
Presenting a range of original perspectives on the theoretical work of Canadian architect George Baird, this publication constructs for the first time a critical framework of his contribution to architectural discourse over a period of more than 50 years. The...
CAD 75.00
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Architecture of appropriation: On squatting as spatial practice
The squatting movement in the Netherlands has played a major role in the design of both the urban fabric and domestic interior, and continues to offer alternatives to the dominant, market-oriented housing policies. This book acknowledges squatting as an architectural...
CAD 54.95
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Social transparency: Projects on housing
For the past decade, the Los Angeles architect Michael Maltzan has designed multiunit housing in a city known for its proliferation of single-family residences. Working with the Skid Row Housing Trust, these projects advance new forms of supportive housing that...
CAD 30.00
Chez soi : une odyssée de l'espace domestique
Le foyer, un lieu de repli frileux où l’on s’avachit devant la télévision en pyjama informe ? Sans doute. Mais aussi, dans une époque dure et désorientée, une base arrière où l’on peut se protéger, refaire ses forces, se souvenir...
CAD 26.95
Écrits climatiques
Depuis l'Hormonorium à la Biennale de Venise de 2002, où les Lausannois Décosterd & Rahm avaient rafraîchi la lagune par un climat artificiel des Alpes, le néomodernisme de Philippe Rahm s'est maintes fois reconfiguré. Les premiers effets du réchauffement climatique...
CAD 22.00
Not available
SO-IL, Solid objectives: Order, edge, aura
This book introduces an attitude towards the design and realization of architecture in a time of increased instability. It is illustrated with rarely seen images and punctuated with essays on the work of the firm SO–IL. Rather than a catalog...
CAD 54.00
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Architecture non-référentielle
CAD 45.00
Architecture non-référentielle
Plus que jamais, l'architecture a besoin de provocation, d'une nouvelle voie au-delà de la notion traditionnelle selon laquelle les bâtiments doivent servir de vaisseaux ou de symboles de quelque chose d'extérieur à eux-mêmes. Architecture Non-Référentielle n'est rien de moins qu'un...
CAD 45.00
L'architecture selon Gordon Matta-Clark
Gordon Matta-Clark a produit un corpus d'œuvres d'une grande diversité. Expérimentations sur la matière, installations, performances, découpes architecturales, dessins, films, photographies, ou photomontages témoignent de cette multiplicité de démarches et de mediums explorés. C'est au travers de ses découpes (cuttings)...
CAD 42.00
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Not available
Todd Saunders: New northern houses
CAD 99.00
Todd Saunders: New northern houses
Norway-based Canadian architect Todd Saunders has a unique understanding of the arctic landscape. His designs, set in some of the most remote locations on earth, splice modern sculptural forms with a deeply rooted respect for nature. His care for the...
CAD 99.00
L'habitude des ruines : le sacre de l'oubli et de la laideur au Québec
Avec L’habitude des ruines, Marie-Hélène Voyer signe un texte sur le rapport trouble du Québec au temps et à l’espace. Elle y parle de nos démolitions en série, de notre manière d’habiter ce territoire en nous berçant trop souvent d’images...
CAD 24.95
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Not available
2G 82: Ensamble studio
CAD 77.00
2G 82: Ensamble studio
Architectural works by Ensamble Studio—a Madrid and Boston-based architectural studio—are documented here in issue 82 of 2G. Ensamble Studio addresses issues such as prefabricated homes. A balancing act of imagination and reality, art and science.   Texts by Bjarke Ingels,...
CAD 77.00
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