CCA Publication
Victor Burgin: Voyage to Italy
CAD 46.00
Victor Burgin: Voyage to Italy
For the internationally known artist and theoretician Victor Burgin, a nineteenth-century photograph from the CCA collection, a view of the Basilica at Pompeii by Carlo Fratacci, prompted a series of images. Voyage to Italy documents the many perspectives of the...
CAD 46.00
Al Hayya Issue 3: Everything is on the table
Issue 3, Everything is on the tableالعدد الثالث، المَطبَخ والطَّعَامThe third issue focuses on the infinite ways that food and feminism intersect.يركز العدد الثالث على الطرق اللامتناهية التي يتقاطع بها الطعام مع النسوية.Conversations over a meal, or about a meal,...
CAD 32.00
Not available
Smooth city: Against urban perfection, towards collective alternatives
How urban paradigms of efficiency, sanitization and surveillance transform city life into seamless "experience" and erode the non-normative.   In cities across the world, a new urban condition is spreading rapidly: an ever-increasing push toward efficiency, sanitization, surveillance and the...
CAD 36.00
Not available
Not available
The architecture of public space
CAD 85.00
The architecture of public space
This new book by Italian architecture firm Labics is devoted to the architecture of public space. Squares, galleries, loggias, porticoes, and courtyards are the elements that characterize Italy’s historic towns and cities—and that make the experience of these public spaces...
CAD 85.00
Not available
Women in architecture: Documents and histories
The first installment in nai010’s new Women in Architecture series, Documents and Histories offers a many-faceted exploration of multivocality in architecture. Catja Edens reflects on the diverse roles of women in architecture; Lara Schrijver's essay strives for a shift from...
CAD 87.00
Koechlin House
This book by photographer and architect Daisuke Hirabayashi is a meditation on the often overlooked lives of buildings after the architect has left. Through a sequence of intimate, immersive images, Hirabayashi explores Koechlin House, an early private home designed by...
CAD 60.00
Alison and Peter Smithson: Upper lawn, solar pavilion
In 1958, the architects Alison and Peter Smithson bought a derelict cottage on the Fonthill Estate in Wiltshire, southwest England. Over the next four years they transformed it into a country home for their young family and an extended experiment...
CAD 68.00
Not available
Not available
Architecture and abstraction
CAD 45.95
Architecture and abstraction
A landmark study of abstraction in architectural history, theory, and practice that challenges our assumptions about the meaning of abstract forms. Pier Vittorio Aureli argues for a reconsideration of abstraction, its meanings, and its sources. Although architects have typically interpreted...
CAD 45.95
Not available
Arch + The Great Repair: Politics for a society of repair, A reader
A theoretical approach to repairing society from the perils of capitalism and overconsumption This collaborative project between ARCH+, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, ETH Zurich and the University of Luxembourg proposes a vision of societal repair based on practices of care,...
CAD 50.50
Femme, Indigène, autre : Écrire le féminisme et la postcolonialité
Dans Femme, indigène, autre, Trinh T. Minh-ha explore la question de l’écriture d’un point de vue postcolonial et féministe. Ce livre qui s’inscrit à l’intersection de différents domaines – critique littéraire, anthropologie, études culturelles, études de genre – juxtapose plusieurs...
CAD 41.00
Polygone no.1 : Amour
Dans un monde terreau de multiples scissions, ce second numéro explore les liens entre l’amour, l’architecture et la société, au travers de 400 pages unissant texte et représentation graphique. Du fantasme à la rupture, la structure éditoriale dessine les étapes...
CAD 54.95
Not available
Let's Become Fungal! Mycelium Teachings and the Arts: Based on Conversations with Indigenous Wisdom Keepers, Artists, Curators, Feminists and Mycologists
The enormous popular interest in the world of fungi and the mycelium testifies to its tremendous resonance as a metaphor for new ways of thinking, new systems and behaviors. Taking its inspiration from this world, Let’s Become Fungal! looks at...
CAD 42.95
Jürgen Beck: Sun Breakers. Late August, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin
Designed by Irish architect and designer Eileen Gray (1878–1976), E-1027 has only recently taken on the status of an architectural icon. Jürgen Beck’s photographs of the house approach the building as if in search of something. He captures the overgrown...
CAD 65.00
Not available
L'Avenue du Parc et son histoire : témoin privilégié de la diversité montréalaise
L’avenue du Parc occupe un emplacement stratégique au cœur de l’île de Montréal. Au cours de son siècle et demi d’existence, l’avenue fut tour à tour un chemin privé menant à d’opulentes villas, la porte d’entrée du parc du Mont-Royal,...
CAD 34.95
Not available
Not available
Paris Moderne 1914-1945
CAD 94.95
Paris Moderne 1914-1945
Un panorama de la création artistique de la première moitié du XXe siècle à Paris et de son contexte historique révélant les interactions entre les différentes figures des arts, de la politique, de la littérature, de la haute couture, du...
CAD 94.95
C'est toi l'architecte, Tadao Ando
Un livre-jeu et des autocollants pour découvrir les lignes épurées et les matériaux de l'architecture de Tadao Ando.   Gaia Stella Hélium, 2021 29 X 21 cm, 48 pages
CAD 38.95
Pierre Chareau, vol. 1 : Biographie, exposition, mobilier
Ce premier volume richement illustré embrasse quatre décennies de créations en Europe et aux États-Unis. Il permet d’approfondir, grâce aux nombreuses découvertes des auteurs, des aspects méconnus de sa biographie : sa formation chez Waring & Gillow, sa participation à...
CAD 130.00
Pierre Chareau, vol. 2 : Architecture interieure, architecture
Identifiant plus de 90 aménagements, l’ouvrage offre une présentation développée et analytique de plus de 45 chantiers d’architecture intérieure, privés ou publics. Il dévoile l’évolution de l’approche de Pierre Chareau en matière d’aménagement intérieur, de ses débuts de décorateur intégrant...
CAD 130.00
Not available
Not available
Apartamento 32
CAD 30.00
Apartamento 32
Autumn / Winter 2023-24   Featuring: Marianna Rothen, Nona Gaprindashvili, Deanna & Ed Templeton, King Krule, Anthea Hamilton, John Divola, Wayne Ngan, Ruby Neri, Not Vital, Akwaeke Emezi, Louise Bonnet & Adam Silverman, Vincent Darré, Jago Rackham & Lowena Hearn,...
CAD 30.00
Not available
Climatic Architecture: Philippe Rahm Architectes
Architecture and urbanism were traditionally based on climate and health, as we can read in the treatises of Vitruvius, Palladio or Alberti, where exposure to wind and sun, variations in temperature and humidity influenced the forms of cities and buildings....
CAD 88.00
Not available
Not available
Marisa Portolese: Goose Village
CAD 50.00
Marisa Portolese: Goose Village
Goose Village unveils the lost history of a vibrant neighbourhood decimated by urban development in the 1960s. This first edition chronicles the once-thriving Goose Village in Pointe-Saint-Charles, Montreal, and the lives of its displaced inhabitants. Portolese's comprehensive body of work,...
CAD 50.00
Marisa Portolese: Goose Village (ed. français)
Ce petit quartier de Montréal fut détruit en 1964. C’était, nous disait-on, la route du progrès qui devait passer là… Il s’agit du Village-aux-Oies, nommé aussi Goose Village ou plus officiellement Victoriatown. Il fut rasé de la carte comme le...
CAD 50.00
L'image édifiante : Le rôle des images de référence en architecture
  La culture architecturale n'est pas seulement constituée d'édifices, de monuments, de bâtiments, remarquables ou ordinaires, elle est peuplée d'images. Innombrables et diverses, celles-ci sont omniprésentes dans la formation, la pensée et l'action de l'architecte. Elles n'interviennent pas seulement en...
CAD 56.00
Lynne Cohen : Observatoires / Laboratoires
Cette monographie grand format propose de redécouvrir l’œuvre de Lynne Cohen, figure internationale de la photographie contemporaine, à l’occasion de son exposition tenue au Centre Pompidou entre le 12 avril et 28 août 2023. L’ouvrage présente des photographies inédites de...
CAD 85.95
Roni Horn: Mother, wonder
In the south of Iceland is Landbrot, whose geologic particulars present a unique landscape. It is a place closer to fairy tales than to science, indeed a place easy to imagine as the singular source of fairies and elves worldwide....
CAD 101.50
Jan Groover, photographe : Le laboratoire des formes
« Le formalisme, c’est l’essentiel. » La déclaration de Jan Groover (1943-2012) résume à elle seule l’ambition plastique de son œuvre, qui incarne aujourd’hui l’un des moments phares de l’histoire de la photographie et du genre de la nature morte....
CAD 88.95
Not available
Protest architecture: Barricades, camps, spatial tactics 1830-2023
Protest movements shape public space not only through their messages but in many cases also through their mostly temporary buildings. Frankfurt’s Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM and Vienna’s MAK—Museum of Applied Arts explore this thesis in a joint exhibition project. The exhibition...
CAD 34.00
Not available
Not available
Soil lab: A built experiment
CAD 52.95
Soil lab: A built experiment
This anthology is a critical reflection on the making of Soil Lab, a project built with a community in North Lawndale, Chicago, and hosted by the Danish Arts Foundation at the 2021 edition of the Chicago Architecture Biennial. The pages...
CAD 52.95
Architecture Studio en liberté : L'agence époque
« Agence-époque », Architecture Studio a grandi avec son temps, depuis sa fondation en 1973, en exprimant toujours les grands moments des périodes qu'elle a traversées, qu'ils soient empreints d'espoir ou signes de préoccupation. Les années soixante-dix, l'effervescence du militantisme,...
CAD 42.00
D'après maquettes
Les maquettes ont des usages multiples et précieux pour construire l'exposition, elles sont des outils de conception, d'imagination et de vérification. Légères dans leur manipulation, elles mettent en jeu le regard, la main et l'ensemble du corps, en multipliant les...
CAD 56.95
Archive of forgetfulness
Archive of Forgetfulness is a catalogue of the pan-African digital exhibition and podcast series which ran from September 2020 and December 2021 at The publication acts as a physical translation of the collection of work online, and opens up...
CAD 34.00
Not available
Journal Superposition, issue 2 : Workout
Founded in 2020 by a group of architects, the story behind Superposition's title is as follows: ‘Super connotes the extraordinary in a positive sense. Position refers equally to a spatial, a temporal and an intellectual emplacement.'   After a debut...
CAD 65.95
Not available
Not available
Harvard Design Magazine 51
CAD 31.00
Harvard Design Magazine 51
Multihyphenation refers to alternate modes of creative production: “collab” culture, “brand X brand” projects, and multiple or even opaque styles of attribution and ownership among individuals, studios, and practices. For them, the body of work they produce matters more than...
CAD 31.00
Typobiographie : Jost Hochuli, 60 ans de travaux
Typobiographie revient sur l’ensemble de la longue et prolifique carrière du designer et typographe suisse Jost Hochuli. Rassemblant textes et un corpus d’images d’archives inédites, cette monographie visuelle entend générer des réflexions sur la question du design de livres et...
CAD 65.95
Peter Märkli: Dessins, disegni
L'œuvre « dessinée » de Peter Märkli peut être étudiée indépendamment de son œuvre construite. Parfois, on retrouve ces dessins dans ses œuvres réalisées mais, en général, il s'agit plutôt de projets ou plus précisément de thèmes de projets en puissance. Pour...
CAD 96.95
Paris postmoderne : Architectures 1973-93
Sous la direction de Jean-Louis Violeau, sociologue à l'ENSA Nantes et enseignant à l'école urbaine de Sciences po Paris, chercheur au CRENAU-CNRS Si le mouvement postmoderne en architecture a désormais « fait son temps », ici délimité par les années...
CAD 86.00
Not available
Not available
Cone wars
CAD 52.00
Cone wars
Who would have thought that a simple cone-shaped marker could have such a rich and mysterious history? These seemingly ordinary objects, known by various names such as road cones, safety cones, or construction cones, hold secrets waiting to be unravelled....
CAD 52.00
Et si on faisait une grande exposition ?
Comment les artistes travaillent-ils? Qu'est-ce qui les inspire? Comment leurs créations arrivent-elles dans un musée ? Comment une exposition est-elle montée ?   Voici une passionnante plongée dans les coulisses d’un musée, où conservateur, gardien, installateurs, artistes, médiatrice, et tant d’autres...
CAD 32.95
Seeing things: A kid's guide to looking at photographs
In this book, photographer Joel Meyerowitz takes readers on a journey through the power and magic of photography: its abilities to freeze time, tell a story, combine several layers into one frame and record life's fleeting and beautiful moments. The...
CAD 34.95
Karel Martens Calendar 2024, Everyday is a new day
A tear-off calendar for 2024 by Dutch graphic designer Karel Martens. For each day of the year, Martens has created a unique arrangement, originally constructed using his signature method of printing letterpress monoprints from found metal forms, and then digitized...
CAD 59.95
Ronan Bouroullec: Day after day
Ronan Bouroullec works at the very forefront of design. Over his 30-year career he has used photography to document his process and communicate his unique perspective, amassing a vast archive of images in the process. He shares these images on...
CAD 64.95
Not available
William Eggleston: Mystery of the ordinary
Although the first universal color slide film came onto the market in 1935, it was reserved for the world of advertising, and as late as the 1980s it was still considered commercial, vulgar and unartistic. Despite this, from the 1960s...
CAD 88.00
Coco Capitan: Casa Dali
Casa Dalí opens up Salvador Dalí’s home on the shores of Spain’s Costa Brava, with photos by Coco Capitán offering a rare glimpse of the artist’s surreal house and workshop. Purchased by Dalí in the early 1930s, the house served as the artist’s primary residence...
CAD 84.00
The monster Leviathan: Anarchitecture
Lurking under the surface of our modern world lies an unseen architecture—or anarchitecture. It is a possible architecture, an analogous architecture, an architecture of anarchy, which haunts in the form of monsters that are humans and machines and cities all...
CAD 59.00
De l'eau jusqu'au nombril
De 1973 à 1978, le groupe d’architectes, artistes et designers Ant Farm, composé d’une dizaine de membres, a travaillé à la conception d’une plateforme marine destinée à communiquer avec les dauphins. Il ne s’agissait pas seulement de les observer mais...
CAD 14.95
Architecture Simple : La Villa Baizeau à Carthage de Le Corbusier et Jeanneret
Les questions sociales, économiques, constructives, environnementales et climatiques qui, au début du XXIe siècle, ont remis en question les fondements du projet d'architecture, constituent l'arrière-plan théorique des événements consacrés à la villa que Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret ont construite...
CAD 88.95
Not available
Takashi Homma: Thirty-Six views of Mount Fuji
This collection of new work by celebrated photographer Takashi Homma approaches one of the most iconic and widely represented images in Japan and the world: Mount Fuji. With its title referencing Hokusai’s famous series of ukiyo-e woodblock prints, Homma evokes...
CAD 60.00
La traversée de ma bibliothèque
Un livre d'aventure, écrite et dessinée, de Luca Merlini qui nous emmène au plus près du processus créatif de l'architecte et du parallèle qu'il est possible de tisser avec la littérature, mettant en lumière la question du livre et son...
CAD 56.95
Real Review 15
It isn’t the representation of violence in the Gaza Strip that is so disturbing; it is the absence of representation. The grief and despair of a child is penetratingly real. The extreme realism of these events has now driven a...
CAD 22.50
Giancarlo De Carlo: Experiments in thickness
Giancarlo de Carlo first visited Urbino in 1951 to carry out a minor refurbishment of the offices of the rector of the University. This was the beginning of his lifetime engagement with the small town where he continued working over...
CAD 69.95
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