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Twitter and tear gas: The power and fragility of netowkorked protest
To understand a thwarted Turkish coup, an anti–Wall Street encampment, and a packed Tahrir Square, we must first comprehend the power and the weaknesses of using new technologies to mobilize large numbers of people. An incisive observer, writer, and participant...
CAD 23.00
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SO-IL, Solid objectives: Order, edge, aura
This book introduces an attitude towards the design and realization of architecture in a time of increased instability. It is illustrated with rarely seen images and punctuated with essays on the work of the firm SO–IL. Rather than a catalog...
CAD 54.00
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Not available
OMA NY: Search term
CAD 130.00
OMA NY: Search term
Well into its fourth decade, the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), founded by Rem Koolhaas in 1975, remains one of the most influential and successful practices of its kind. OMA describes itself as ''a firm operating within the traditional boundaries...
CAD 130.00
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Lurking: How a person became a user
In a shockingly short amount of time, the internet has bound people around the world together and torn us apart and changed not just the way we communicate but who we are and who we can be. It has created...
CAD 38.00
Not available
Blockchain chicken farm: And other stories of tech in China's countryside
In Blockchain Chicken Farm, the technologist and writer Xiaowei Wang explores the political and social entanglements of technology in rural China. Their discoveries force them to challenge the standard idea that rural culture and people are backward, conservative, and intolerant....
CAD 23.00
Family affairs : Family in current Photography
Since the invention of photography, the family has been a constant subject of photographic observation, both in private photo albums and in artistic series. The group exhibition Family Affairs – Family in Current Photography, conceived by Ingo Taubhorn, Curator of...
CAD 89.50
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Regina Cassolo Bracchi
CAD 85.00
Regina Cassolo Bracchi
Monographie de référence de la sculptrice Regina, figure du second futurisme italien des années 1930, liée au Movimento Arte Concreta, dont l'œuvre méconnue apparaît comme l'une des plus fascinantes et novatrices du panorama artistique européen du XXe siècle. L'ouvrage vise à...
CAD 85.00
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Not available
Architecture non-référentielle
CAD 45.00
Architecture non-référentielle
Plus que jamais, l'architecture a besoin de provocation, d'une nouvelle voie au-delà de la notion traditionnelle selon laquelle les bâtiments doivent servir de vaisseaux ou de symboles de quelque chose d'extérieur à eux-mêmes. Architecture Non-Référentielle n'est rien de moins qu'un...
CAD 45.00
L'architecture selon Gordon Matta-Clark
Gordon Matta-Clark a produit un corpus d'œuvres d'une grande diversité. Expérimentations sur la matière, installations, performances, découpes architecturales, dessins, films, photographies, ou photomontages témoignent de cette multiplicité de démarches et de mediums explorés. C'est au travers de ses découpes (cuttings)...
CAD 42.00
Marine Pagès : Les Corps flottants
Le travail de Marine Pagès déploie une pratique du dessin élargi : sur papier et dans l'espace. Cet ouvrage prend la forme – lointaine et non exhaustive – d'un inventaire, en échos au processus de travail de l'artiste. La forme...
CAD 39.95
Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieu
La photographie comme la cinématographie sont des techniques d'expression de la révolution industrielle dans lesquelles le spectateur ne considère jamais l'original, le négatif, la matrice, mais toujours des copies, des tirages, des doubles. Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieu tente...
CAD 30.00
Stefano Graziani: Documents on Raphael
Stefano Graziani's photographs explore the works of the artist from Urbino—with particular reference to his output as an architect—their transformation over time, and his own process that translated them into images. Graziani puts variation before permanence and reflects on the...
CAD 50.00
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Governing by debt
CAD 21.95
Governing by debt
Experts, pundits, and politicians agree: public debt is hindering growth and increasing unemployment. Governments must reduce debt at all cost if they want to restore confidence and get back on a path to prosperity. Maurizio Lazzarato’s diagnosis, however, is completely...
CAD 21.95
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Gouverner par la dette
CAD 29.95
Gouverner par la dette
Experts, hommes politiques et éditorialistes sont unanimes : la dette qui grève les finances publiques entrave la croissance, fait exploser le chômage. Les États doivent à tout prix se désendetter s’ils veulent rassurer les marchés et retrouver le chemin de...
CAD 29.95
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Formulations: Architecture, mathematics, and culture
In Formulations, Andrew Witt examines the visual, methodological, and cultural intersections between architecture and mathematics. The linkages Witt explores involve not the mystic transcendence of numbers invoked throughout architectural history, but rather architecture’s encounters with a range of calculational systems—techniques...
CAD 53.95
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Light lines: The architectural photographs of Hélène Binet
The Franco-Swiss photographer Helene Binet is renowned for making images that express an intimate experience of architecture. Using a combination of analogue and digital techniques, her photographs are both a representation and a discovery of her subjects, all of them...
CAD 33.00
Todd Saunders: New northern houses
Norway-based Canadian architect Todd Saunders has a unique understanding of the arctic landscape. His designs, set in some of the most remote locations on earth, splice modern sculptural forms with a deeply rooted respect for nature. His care for the...
CAD 99.00
L'habitude des ruines : le sacre de l'oubli et de la laideur au Québec
Avec L’habitude des ruines, Marie-Hélène Voyer signe un texte sur le rapport trouble du Québec au temps et à l’espace. Elle y parle de nos démolitions en série, de notre manière d’habiter ce territoire en nous berçant trop souvent d’images...
CAD 24.95
Slow spatial reader: Chronicles of radical affection
Slow Spatial Reader offers a collection of essays about ‘Slow’ approaches to spatial practice and pedagogy from around the world. The book’s contributors are from twenty-four countries on five continents. Each one brings distinct philosophical and disciplinary approaches—from ‘spatial’ fields...
CAD 39.95
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Not available
2G 82: Ensamble studio
CAD 77.00
2G 82: Ensamble studio
Architectural works by Ensamble Studio—a Madrid and Boston-based architectural studio—are documented here in issue 82 of 2G. Ensamble Studio addresses issues such as prefabricated homes. A balancing act of imagination and reality, art and science.   Texts by Bjarke Ingels,...
CAD 77.00
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Bovenbouw Architectuur: Composite presence
How do city and architecture flourish together ? This question is central to the three-dimensional capriccio that displays a fictional Flemish urban environment. Over time, the informal city in Flanders and Brussels has developed a unique relationship with its architecture....
CAD 60.00
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Janet Delaney: Red eye to New York
CAD 64.95
Janet Delaney: Red eye to New York
Throughout the 1980s, Janet Delaney’s job in a San Francisco photography lab was punctuated by the last-minute flights she would take to New York as a courier. Within these unexpected pockets of time she spent in New York, Delaney would...
CAD 64.95
Skyroom: The journey of Brian and Marilyn MacKay-Lyons at Shobac, seaside village on the edge
In partnership with his wife Marilyn Mackay-Lyons and their family, architect Brian Mackay-Lyons has built a unique community over the granite ruins of a historic settlement on the fogbound coast of Nova Scotia. Among the structures at Shobac are homes,...
CAD 39.95
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Deanna Lawson
CAD 64.00
Deanna Lawson
This first scholarly publication on the artist Deana Lawson, surveying fifteen years of her photography, will be published to accompany the first comprehensive museum survey exhibition featuring Lawson’s artwork. A singular voice in contemporary photography, Lawson has been investigating and...
CAD 64.00
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A folktale from Vietnam: Speeding motorcycles and roasted lemongrass
A Folktale From Vietnam: Speeding Motorcycles and Roasted Lemongrass is the result of eight years of research and the production of a series of photographs taken in 2013, 2015 and 2018 during Gianpaolo Arena’s travels through Vietnam.   Both the...
CAD 55.50
Vivian Maier
CAD 74.95
Vivian Maier
Photographe de rue dont l'œuvre monumentale réalisée durant la seconde moitié du XXe siècle aux Etats-Unis n'a été découverte qu'après sa mort en 2009, Vivian Maier est désormais au panthéon de l'histoire de la photographie. Le catalogue de l'exposition au...
CAD 74.95
Not available
Things we do together: The post-reader
A call for collectivism and collaboration in a world that prioritizes individualism, with insights from artists and researchers worldwide.   This anthology collects essays and honest conversations with creative practitioners invested in social justice. Artists, activists, researchers and educators initiate...
CAD 39.00
SeARCH Dig it! Building bound to the ground
Building is one of very few endeavours that are physically connected to the surface of the earth, fixed and enduring. Nevertheless, for centuries, especially in the West, we have considered ourselves separate and above nature, drifting away, defining our own...
CAD 154.00
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Giacomo Balla: Casa Balla. From the house to the universe and back again
Recently opened to the public for the first time, the home of the Futurist artist Giacomo Balla (1871-1958) is depicted and inventoried in this extraordinary book. The apartment in Rome in which Balla lived with his family for over 30...
CAD 67.95
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Bas-Reliefs / Bas-Reliefs Détails (2 livres)
Les bas-relief en céramique de Ronan Bouroullec. Depuis le début des années 2000, le travail de Ronan et Erwan Bouroullec apparaît comme l'un des plus représentatifs du dynamisme du design français. Travaillant en duo depuis 1998, les deux frères dessinent aujourd'hui...
CAD 26.95
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La mémoire de l'ordre : Les paradoxes du sens dans l'architecture moderne
S'interroger sur le sens de l'architecture signifie essayer d'établir un principe de légitimation globale et intemporelle, ne se référant pas seulement au passé ou au présent. L'architecture moderne, malgré le fait qu'elle se présente sous une condition fragmentaire, aspire, pour...
CAD 31.00
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Not available
Platform capitalism
CAD 15.00
Platform capitalism
What unites Google and Facebook, Apple and Microsoft, Siemens and GE, Uber and Airbnb? Across a wide range of sectors, these firms are transforming themselves into platforms: businesses that provide the hardware and software foundation for others to operate on....
CAD 15.00
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Architecture unbound: A century of the disruptive avant-garde
In Architecture Unbound, Joseph Giovannini proposes that our current architectural landscape ultimately emerged from transgressive and progressive art movements that had roiled Europe before and after World War I. By the 1960s, social unrest and cultural disruption opened the way...
CAD 67.50
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Not available
As if, Uta Eisenreich
CAD 80.00
As if, Uta Eisenreich
This book of photographs is the sequel to ‘A NOT B’ (2010), wherein quotidian items are again staged and captured through the camera’s unblinking eye. Yet the images are no longer set in the innocent atmosphere of the preschool years,...
CAD 80.00
Seven sisters ou les villes jumelles
De déambulations en souvenirs, la narratrice traverse des villes immenses qui se mélangent à des villages, à la recherche des traces de leurs histoires entremêlées. Brighton, New Brighton. Lisbonne, New Lisbon. Berlin, New Berlin. Paris, New Paris. Carlisle, New Carlisle....
CAD 40.00
What we talk about when we talk about architecture
A series of conversations with thinkers and practitioners of contemporary architecture today, featuring visiting lecturers Beatriz Colomina, Peter Wilson, and John Lin and Joshua Bolchover of Rural Urban Framework. The talks, which took place in 2018 and 2019 at the...
CAD 56.95
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The turn of the century: A reader about architecture within Europe 1990-2020
German designer Matthias Sauerbruch and British designer Louisa Hutton have asked a diverse group of authors to reflect on the various conditions that have shaped the conception, production and circulation of European architecture over the past 30 years. While the...
CAD 47.00
Not available
Brave New Home: Our future in smarter, simpler, happier housing
Over the past century, American demographics and social norms have shifted dramatically. If trends continue, we should expect to see more people living alone, later-in-life marriages, fewer (and smaller) new families, and a majority-minority population that skews older and older....
CAD 35.00
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Frederick Law Olmsted : Architecte du paysage
Connu principalement pour sa conception du Central Park à New York, Frederick Law Olmsted est un architecte du paysage, homme engagé et penseur du progrès à l'époque où l'industrialisation transforme profondément la structure des villes et le rapport de l'homme...
CAD 68.95
Le promoteur, la banque et le rentier : Fondements et évolution du logement capitaliste
Il n’est pas courant de considérer sa résidence d’abord et avant tout comme une marchandise intrinsèquement liée à l’économie capitaliste. Pourtant, ce chez-soi dont on a tant rêvé, et auquel on a finalement accès, a été construit puis mis en...
CAD 29.95
Not available
Let the river flow: An eco-indigenous uprising and its legacies in art and politics
The People's Action against the Nordic Áltá-Guovdageaidnu Waterway radically shook the course of history in the region. Its call to "let the river live" clamored against the construction of a large dam across the Alltáeatnu river in Norway. The action...
CAD 38.50
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Not available
The archive of Dark
CAD 98.00
The archive of Dark
A spectacle, a theatre, a multi dimensional document. An effort to merge language and formlessness in a yearn for a cyclic work. A stage for these merges to play out. A reminder that when we grow we don’t only grow...
CAD 98.00
Not available
Dear to me: Peter Zumthor in conversation
In summer 2017, celebrated Swiss architect Peter Zumthor curated the exhibition Dear to Me at the Kunsthaus Bregenz, marking the 20th anniversary of one of his most famous designs. Part of the program were conversations with philosophers, curators, historians, composers,...
CAD 220.00
Not available
Futurefarmers: Out of place, in place
Futurefarmers: Out of Place, in Place presents a survey of ten projects and a new work created during a solo exhibition at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco. Central to understanding the art group’s practice, concepts, and...
CAD 64.95
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Paysans Designers, l'agriculture en mouvement
L'exposition « Paysans designers » présentée au Musée des Arts décoratifs et du Design Bordeaux se penche sur ces pratiques visant à résoudre les problèmes des agriculteurs et à fluidifier leurs usages : nourrir tout en régénérant les sols et...
CAD 70.00
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Not available
Aurore Bagarry : Roches
CAD 55.00
Aurore Bagarry : Roches
En allant, du côté français, de Calais à Brest et en passant par Varengeville, la pointe du Hoc, le cap Levi dans le Cotentin et nombre de bourgades du Finistère et des Côtes-d’Armor, Aurore Bagarry a photographié un paysage « à bout portant...
CAD 55.00
The House of Xavier Corberó
Xavier Corberó is among the foremost Spanish artists of the last century. His sculptures in rough-hewn stone, marble, and bronze gave form to ideas running through a circle of contemporary surrealist artists, including Salvador Dalí, Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, and...
CAD 80.00
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Not available
Lewerentz fragments
CAD 69.95
Lewerentz fragments
Through new essays, recently discovered archival material, photography, and drawings, the publication Lewerentz Fragments explores the architect’s body of work spanning three-quarters of the twentieth century. Comprising writings from all the major scholars on Lewerentz’ work, along with several new voices, this...
CAD 69.95
Not available
Natura urbana: Ecological constellations in urban space
A study of urban nature that draws together different strands of urban ecology as well as insights derived from feminist, posthuman, and postcolonial thought.   Postindustrial transitions and changing cultures of nature have produced an unprecedented degree of fascination with...
CAD 40.00
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Not available
Issei Suda: Family diary
CAD 76.95
Issei Suda: Family diary
Between 1991 and 1992, Issei Suda shot compulsively with a Minox camera, which is one of the smallest cameras there is. It is actually so small that it was commonly used for intelligence activities during the war. Issei Suda turned...
CAD 76.95
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