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Steel cities: the architecture of logistics in Central and Eastern Europe
In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, a certain type of industry has rapidly developed—an industry that produces nothing physical. Storing, packaging, classifying, assembling, and other ancillary processes of manufacturing and distribution are carried out 24/7 in extensive logistics...
CAD 50.95
Shopping Mall (object lessons)
The mall near Matthew Newton's childhood home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was one of the state's first enclosed shopping malls. Like all malls in their heyday, this one was a climate-controlled pleasuredome where strangers converged. It boasted waterfalls, fish ponds, an...
CAD 23.70
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La fabrique du consommateur : Une histoire de la société marchande
Vers 1800, la plupart des Français étaient des paysans qui construisaient eux-mêmes leur maison, récoltaient leurs céréales, pétrissaient leur pain et tissaient leurs vêtements. Aujourd'hui, l'essentiel de ce que nous consommons est produit par un réseau de grandes et lointaines...
CAD 32.95
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Les Grands magasins
CAD 68.95
Les Grands magasins
Les Grands magasins sont nés du grand élan libérateur de la Révolution qui supprima le carcan des corporations. A l'heure où les déplacements se faisaient à pied, ils se sont développés dans le centre de la ville grâce aux omnibus,...
CAD 68.95
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Dixit n.03 : Nature Morte / Still life
The third issue of the critical review Dixit in which the words of the architectural practice OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen and the Brussels artist Richard Venlet confront each other around the theme of "Still Life".   The completion of the...
CAD 36.00
Archivio: UCSC Centenary Edition
This special edition was conceived on the occasion of the Centenary of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, which relied on Promemoria to talk about its archives through a new perspective and an unusual format as proposed by the editorial...
CAD 28.00
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Beyrouth : Les temps du design
CAD 63.00
Beyrouth : Les temps du design
C'est dans une situation pleine de paradoxes qu'une scène du design se développe au Liban dès 2000, et se voit rapidement saluée par les critiques, les foires et l'ensemble des acteurs de la branche. Cette effervescence du design au Liban...
CAD 63.00
Faire : Regarder le graphisme – Volume 10 (n° 35, 36, 37)
Les numéros 35 à 37 de la revue critique consacrée au graphisme. nº 35 — Un œil : le regard des artistes sur le monde moderne 1911-1938. Auteure : Sonia de Puineuf. nº 36 — La photographie suspendue : Herbert Bayer. Auteur : Remi Parcollet. nº 37 —...
CAD 36.95
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Sam Chermayeff: Beasts
CAD 54.00
Sam Chermayeff: Beasts
Sam Chermayeff: Beasts presents the latest furniture collection by the Berlin- based architect and designer, following his previous project-turned-book, Creatures (Apartamento Publishing, 2020). These ‘beasts’ actively merge typologies: a chair becomes the base of an umbrella; a closet becomes a place to sit,...
CAD 54.00
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Apartamento 29
CAD 30.00
Apartamento 29
Featuring: Claudia Roden, Minjae Kim, Duane Michals, Alice Mackler, Alvaro Siza, Solveig Fernlund, Joan Thiele, Choi Byung-hoon, Marco Glaviano, Sydney Loren Bennett, Reza & Mamali Shafahi, Alvaro Matxinbarrena, Sarah Ortmeyer, Kunle Martins, Mounir Neamatalla, and Brian Harding.   Plus: Allen...
CAD 30.00
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Cooking Sections: Offsetted
CAD 64.50
Cooking Sections: Offsetted
Established in London in 2013 by artists Daniel Fernández Pascual and Alon Schwabe, and nominated for the 2021 Turner Prize, Cooking Sections examines the systems that organize the world through food, exploring the overlap between art, architecture, ecology and geopolitics...
CAD 64.50
Marcel Lods : Éduquer à l'architecture moderne
Si l'œuvre de Marcel Lods est, pour une assez large part, connue de tous en France comme à l'étranger, force est de constater qu'une part substantielle de sa réflexion sur l'architecture et planification territoriale demeure à ce jour sinon ignorée, à...
CAD 39.95
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Victor Prus : Architecte de la modernité. Guide d'architecture
L’objectif de cet ouvrage est de mieux faire connaître ce grand architecte et de rendre hommage à sa contribution à l’architecture québécoise. En première partie, le guide présente les principaux jalons de la carrière de Victor Prus et met en...
CAD 23.50
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Radical pedagogies
CAD 78.95
Radical pedagogies
In the decades after World War II, new forms of learning transformed architectural education. These radical experiments sought to upend disciplinary foundations and conventional assumptions about the nature of architecture as much as they challenged modernist and colonial norms, decentered...
CAD 78.95
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Project without form: OMA, Rem Koolhaas and the 1989 laboratorium
In 1989, the Office for Metropolitan Architecture developed a new architectural typology helmed by the Dutch architecture firm's founder Rem Koolhaas (born 1944). The goal of this endeavor was to enact a "project without form" as part of an international...
CAD 61.00
Dogma: Living and working
Despite the increasing numbers of people who now work from home, in the popular imagination the home is still understood as the sanctuary of privacy and intimacy. Living is conceptually and definitively separated from work. This book argues against such...
CAD 59.95
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E 1027 : Renaissance d'une maison en bord de mer
À l'occasion de la réouverture au public de la maison, entièrement restaurée au plus près de son état de 1929, ce livre relate son histoire replacée dans le contexte de l'architecture moderne. Jean-Louis Cohen a assemblé les contributions d’une équipe...
CAD 99.95
Services Working Group
Folio F presents complete transcripts from the ground-breaking working group on labour relations and institutional governance in the arts organized in 1994 by Helmut Draxler and Andrea Fraser at the Kunstraum of the University of Lüneburg.   Held on January...
CAD 25.00
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Meet me by the fountain: An inside history of the Mall
Design critic Lange delivers a thought-provoking cultural history of the shopping mall. Noting that malls emerged as the U.S. "reinvented itself" in the decades after WWII, Lange recounts how Austrian architect Victor Gruen convinced the owners of J. L. Hudson...
CAD 37.00
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La porte sera débarrée
CAD 25.00
La porte sera débarrée
Vingt-cinq ans passent. Je retourne à Ivujivik. Je suis à nouveau envoûtée par la culture des Ivujivimmiut : les festins communautaires, les jeux qui animent les rassemblements, les sorties dans la toundra, l’entraide des familles, la déférence envers les personnes...
CAD 25.00
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Lo-TEK. Design by Radical Indigenism
Three hundred years ago, intellectuals of the European Enlightenment constructed a mythology of technology. Influenced by a confluence of humanism, colonialism, and racism, this mythology ignored local wisdom and indigenous innovation, deeming it primitive. Today, we have slowly come to...
CAD 66.95
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Je veux que les Inuit soient libres de nouveau
Chasseur, pêcheur, trappeur et homme politique, Taamusi Qumaq (1914-1993) est considéré comme l’un des grands penseurs des Inuit du Nunavik. Il a consacré sa vie à consigner, à l’écrit, la vie des siens ainsi que leur langue – et il s’est...
CAD 25.00
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Water, kinship, belief. Toronto Biennale of Art 2022
The inaugural Toronto Biennial of Art in 2019, titled The Shoreline Dilemma, was the first edition of a two-part biennial that traced interconnected narratives around the city’s ever-changing shoreline. These connections sought to reveal strategies of resistance against industrial-colonial systems,...
CAD 39.00
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I am Inuit
CAD 74.00
I am Inuit
Arctic communities are faced with powerful forces bringing pressures on Inuit culture and society. Global climate change is having a profound impact on the Arctic, its sensitive ecosystem and the communities that rely upon the region’s natural resources. The impacts...
CAD 74.00
Le droit au froid : Combat d'une femme pour protéger sa culture, l'Arctique et la planète
Il existe une autre façon de plaider pour la protection de notre planète: exiger de la communauté internationale la reconnaissance du bien-être environnemental comme un droit humain fondamental. Sans la jouissance d’un climat stable et sécuritaire, les peuples ne peuvent...
CAD 30.00
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Not available
Shuvinai Ashoona: Mapping worlds
CAD 72.50
Shuvinai Ashoona: Mapping worlds
Shuvinai Ashoona is best known for her highly personal and imaginative iconographic art. In this catalogue spanning a twenty-year career, Ashoona’s imagery begins with closely observed naturalistic scenes of her Arctic home of Kinngait (formerly known as Cape Dorset), continuing...
CAD 72.50
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Not available
CAD 34.95
Un roman atypique. Sur la vie. Au jour le jour. Les joies et les peines d'une petite communauté de l'Arctique canadien. On y apprend à construire en toute hâte un iglou, à repérer la glace traîtresse, à chasser l'ours avec...
CAD 34.95
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INUA: Inuit Nunangat Ungammuaktut Atautikkut / Inuit Moving Forward Together
INUA: Inuit Nunangat Ungammuaktut Atautikkut / Inuit Moving Forward Together refers to the life force of all things. As an acronym, it also speaks to our collective vision for Qaumajuq as a place for Inuit to work together towards an...
CAD 56.00
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Qu'est-ce que l'imaginaire du Nord ? Principes éthiques
Le Nord est un espace imaginé et représenté depuis des siècles par les artistes et les écrivains du monde occidental, ce qui a mené, au fil du temps et de l'accumulation successive de couches de discours, à la création d'un...
CAD 20.00
Mii lea "davi govvádallan"? Ehtalaš prinsihpat
Oarjemáilmmi dáiddárat ja čállit leat govvádallan ja ovdanbuktán Davviriikkaid jahkečuđiid čađa, mii lea dagahan ahte, logijagiid suksessiva akkumulašuvnnain diskurssaiguin, leat ráhkaduvvon “davi govvádallamat” - mat vulget “Davvin” Skandinávias, Ruonáeatnamis ja Ruoššas, “davvi allagassii” dahje Davvináhpái. Oarjemáilmmálaččat leat johtán davvináhpái beare...
CAD 20.00
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Our voices II: The de-colonial project
Our Voices II: the DE-Colonial Project will showcase decolonizing projects which work to destable and disquiet colonial built environments. The land, towns, and cities on which we live have always been Indigenous places yet, for the most part our Indigenous...
CAD 40.00
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SakKijâjuk : Art and craft From Nunatsiavut
Nunatsiavut, the Inuit region of Canada that achieved self-government in 2005, produces art that is distinct within the world of Canadian and circumpolar Inuit art. The world's most southerly population of Inuit, the coastal people of Nunatsiavut have always lived...
CAD 45.00
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SakKijâjuk : Art et artisanat du Nunatsiavut
Le Nunatsiavut, région inuite du Canada qui possède une administration autonome depuis 2005, a une production artistique à part dans le monde de l’art canadien et de l’art inuit circumpolaire. Population inuite la plus méridionale au monde, le peuple côtier...
CAD 45.00
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Blueprint for a hack: Leveraging informal building practices
This publication aims to reimagine community spaces. Faced with extreme housing shortages, physical isolation, and a challenging climate, outdoor public spaces in northern communities remain largely undesigned and underused. These ‘in-between’ spaces are strewn with stuff. Most housing and civic...
CAD 40.00
Čatnosat: The Sámi Pavilion, Indigenous Art, Knowledge and Sovereignty, Biennale Pavilion Norway 2022
For the first time, Sámi artists will present their art and worldviews at the 2022 Venice Biennale as a sovereign call representing their homeland of Sápmi. The project for the Sámi Pavilion revolves around three key elements: transgenerational relations, holistic...
CAD 39.95
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Project stories volume 01 : Atelier Tomas Dirrix, Studio Muoto, Erika Nakagawa Office
Project Stories takes an intimate, behind-the-scenes look at the stories of built projects to offer an insight into the nature of architectural practice today.   The book series invites an eclectic constellation of architectural practices from across the globe to...
CAD 40.00
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Everyday matters: Contemporary approaches to architecture
Many architects are seeking ways to respond to a world that suffers from overbuilding, yet where millions remain homeless and lack rudimentary infrastructure. Beyond the built form, these practitioners are expanding their focus to quotidian objects, basic resources, issues of race...
CAD 48.00
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Not available
ARN Vol.2
CAD 68.95
ARN Vol.2
Faisant suite au premier volume paru en 2021, L'Atlas des Régions Naturelles Vol.2 est la continuité du projet entrepris par Eric Tabuchi et Nelly Monier il y a cinq ans. Poursuivant la volonté de documenter de façon égales les 450...
CAD 68.95
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Not available
Wiel Arets: Nature is nature
CAD 165.00
Wiel Arets: Nature is nature
A monograph on the architecture and design studio of Wiel Arets, Nature is Nature encompasses drawings, images, diagrams, texts, theories, sketches, and more. In his work and philosophy, Arets engages with the relations between humans and nature, interior and exterior,...
CAD 165.00
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Transbordeur n.06 : L‘image verticale. Politiques de la vue aérienne.
L’histoire des vues aériennes est liée au développement des moyens de locomotion aériens qui, depuis le XVIIIe siècle, produisent de nouveaux points de vue fixes et mobiles sur la terre. Des premières montgolfières aux drones contemporains, les dispositifs de vision...
CAD 54.95
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Sámi media and Indigenous agency in the Arctic North
In Sámi Media and Indigenous Agency in the Arctic North, Thomas DuBois and Coppélie Cocq examine how Sámi people of Norway, Finland, and Sweden use media to advance a social, cultural, and political agenda anchored in notions of cultural continuity...
CAD 45.00
Not available
Contre le colonialisme dopé aux stéroïdes : Le combat des Inuit du Québec pour leurs terres ancestrales
Pour les Québécois, le projet hydroélectrique de la Baie-James, lancé en 1971, a marqué le point culminant de la Révolution tranquille. C’était la prise de possession, physique et symbolique, de l’ensemble du territoire sur lequel le peuple du Québec était...
CAD 18.95
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D'horizons et d'estuaires : Entres mémoires et créations autochtones
D’horizons et d’estuaires : entre mémoires et créations autochtones est une collection d’essais réunissant les voix de 16 artistes, commissaires, historien·ne·s de l’art et travailleur·se·s culturel·le·s autochtones, tant francophones qu’anglophones, oeuvrant dans les territoires que l’on nomme Québec. Faisant suite à...
CAD 27.95
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Tunirrusiangit: Kenojuak Ashevak and Tim Pitsiulak
Kenojuak Ashevak shot to fame in 1970 when Canada Post printed The Enchanted Owl, a print of a black-and-red plumed nocturnal bird, on a postage stamp. She later became known as the magic-marker-wielding "grandmother of Inuit art," famous for her fluid graphic...
CAD 45.00
Real Review 12
The people and things we want feel very far away. Everything else feels far too near. Daily life is incorrectly calibrated. Lockdown kept us painfully apart. The virtual keeps us painfully together. Everyone wants the same thing. We all crave...
CAD 19.50
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Not available
A treaty guide for Torontonians
CAD 35.00
A treaty guide for Torontonians
Part of Jumblies Theatre & Arts’s multi-year Talking Treaties project, A Treaty Guide for Torontonians is an artful examination of the complex intercultural roots of treaty relationships in the place we now call Toronto. Scholarly and historical research is complemented...
CAD 35.00
Vitruvius without text: The biography of a book
De architectura, written by Vitruvius in the first century BCE, is revered as the first treatise on architectural theory. Since its Renaissance resurrection, the enigmatic text has been adapted, refined, and redefined in subsequent iterations. ‘Vitruvius Without Text’ bypasses critical...
CAD 44.95
Arriving: About the architecture of refugee accommodation in Germany
Arriving is a study of architectural infrastructure for state-provided accommodation for refugees in Germany. During the so called European migrant crisis from 2015 on Germany got known for its 'welcome culture' towards refugees. Since 2015 millions of refugees have arrived...
CAD 60.00
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Not available
Martín Chambi. Photography
CAD 75.00
Martín Chambi. Photography
Of indigenous origin, Chambi dedicated a large part ofhis life to photographing the Peruvian Andes, reclaiming the pre-Hispanic past through the images of Inca ruins and portraits of life in Andean communities in the early 20th century. Chambi brings a...
CAD 75.00
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El Croquis 214: Pezo Von Ellrichshausen
The Chilean practice of Pezo von Ellrichshausen takes centre stage in this issue. Founded in 2002 by Mauricio Pezo and Sofia von Ellrichshausen, the studio’s work is characterised by its focus on a combination of residential and small-scale architecture and...
CAD 130.00
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