CCA Products
Superstudio Migrazioni
CAD 86.95
Superstudio Migrazioni
Débutée en 1966, l’aventure du groupe d’avant-garde Superstudio a mené ses membres à spéculer sur les façons d’habiter ce monde « rond et qui tourne ». Superstudio Migrazioni offre une nouvelle perspective sur l'œuvre du groupe, décrite comme "radicale" par...
CAD 86.95
The intimacy of making: three historical sites in Korea
Swiss French photographer Hélène Binet takes us on a visual journey through a world of stone, walls and gardens that define and celebrate the Korean art of making. In pure and calm photographs, The Intimacy of Making captures the traditional...
CAD 91.00
fig. n.06 : antithèse
CAD 45.00
fig. n.06 : antithèse
Dans la continuité du dernier numéro consacré à l’oxymore, fig. décide de prolonger les réflexions sur les notions de contraire et de contradiction dont notre époque déborde, à travers ce nouveau numéro consacré à l'antithèse. Attendez-vous de l’architecture qu’elle...
CAD 45.00
The Things Around Us: 51N4E and Rural Urban Framework
The architectural offices 51N4E and Rural Urban Framework operate at the seams of urbanization, with projects situated in transitional settlements in Ulaanbaatar, in the new vernacular of rural China, in the transforming centres of Western European cities and in Albania’s...
CAD 35.00
A section of Now: Norms and Rituals as Sites for Architectural Intervention
Conceived as part of the one-year investigation Catching Up with Life, A Section of Now aims to re-establish a dialogue between architecture and society that would allow for architecture to begin to contend with and address our changed and changing social norms. The...
CAD 42.00
Real Review 10
CAD 19.50
Real Review 10
We can't go back, but we don't want to. Nor can we go on like this much longer. What will emerge from such a transitional phase, when the civic body is so lacking in health (physical, moral, political and economic)?...
CAD 19.50
Manifest 3: Bigger than big
CAD 31.50
Manifest 3: Bigger than big
What does it mean to grapple with the immensity of the continent itself? For the third issue, Manifesto aims to highlight propositions that have taken seriously the 'bigger than big'—design and representational experiments aimed at narrating, framing, or enacting the...
CAD 31.50
Log 50, Fall 2020
CAD 25.00
Log 50, Fall 2020
From the economic to the political, from public health to the climate, models seem to run the world. In architecture, the model is no longer just a physical tool for conceptualizing or representing architects’ visions but must also encompass digital...
CAD 25.00
Dixit n.01 : Hyperconfort, Bruther & Laurent Stalder
Premier numéro de la revue critique d'architecture publiée par Cosa Mentale, dans lequel les voix de l'agence d'architecture Bruther et de Laurent Stalder, professeur en Histoire de l'architecture à L'ETH, se confrontent autour du thème de l'« hyperconfort ». Doit-on sortir...
CAD 23.00
El Croquis 206: Studio Anne Holtrop, 2009-2020
Dutch architect Anne Holtrop started his own practice in 2009 and completed his first two major projects in 2015, Museum Fort Vechten in the Netherlands and the National Pavilion of the Kingdom of Bahrain. In some of his works, form...
CAD 130.95
Architects after architecture: alternative pathways for practice
What can you do with a degree in architecture? Where might it take you? What kind of challenges could you address? Architects After Architecture reframes architecture as a uniquely versatile way of acting on the world, far beyond that of...
CAD 47.00
What seems random usually isn't
CAD 75.00
What seems random usually isn't
In the words of Douglas Coupland, KNOWING EVERYTHING TURNS OUT TO BE SLIGHTLY BORING, and A LACK OF SHAME IS RESISTANCE. From big data to democracy, his ongoing slogan series presents the topics of our times with bracing, provocative wit...
CAD 75.00
Pli n.06 : Minimal et maximal
CAD 60.00
Pli n.06 : Minimal et maximal
Le minimal décrit ce qui atteint son plus bas degré ; quant au maximal, il incarne la valeur la plus haute, l'échelon maximum. Pour autant, le minimal décrit-il un effacement, ou une épure extrême ? Face à cela, doit-on considérer ce...
CAD 60.00
Superposition, n.1: Hardcore home
CAD 65.95
Superposition, n.1: Hardcore home
Superposition is a periodical, investigating the human side of architecture. Based in Europe and founded in 2020 by a group of architects and artists – Leo Bettini Oberkalmsteiner, Tibor Bielicky, Max Creasy, Ellena Ehrl and Dominic Kim – ''Superposition'' is...
CAD 65.95
The Funambulist n.35 : Decolonial ecologies
In the issue’s “News From the Fronts,” Shamsher Singh provides a Sikh perspective on the massive farmer strike from Punjab to Delhi, Sara Salem reflects on the legacies of colonialism in the Netherlands, and Panashe Chigumadzi & Hopewell Chin’ono converse on the struggle against corruption and...
CAD 19.95
Kazuo Shinohara: on the threshold of space-making
Kazuo Shinohara (1925–2006) is one of the most influential architects of Japan's postwar generation. Shinohare himself divided his creative work into four styles. In placing his later, institutional scale works of his fourth style, which have been overlooked until now,...
CAD 67.50
Slow disturbance: infrastructural mediation on the settler colonial resource frontier
From the late nineteenth through most of the twentieth century, the evangelical Protestant Grenfell Mission in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, created a network of hospitals, schools, orphanages, stores, and industries with the goal of bringing health and organized society to...
CAD 35.95
Shim-Sutcliffe, The architecture of Point William: A laboratory for living.
Shim-Sutcliffe's work at Point William intertwines landscape and architecture with ancient rock and water reshaping and reimagining a site on the Canadian Shield over two decades. Found conditions and new buildings are interwoven and choreographed to create a rich spatial...
CAD 65.00
The Modern architecture of Cadaqués: 1955–71
Inspired by the early style of Corbusier and ideas on Mediterranean architecture espoused by the likes of Bernard Rudofsky and Josep Lluís Sert, a younger generation of architects found the perfect conditions to explore the future of the Mediterranean house...
CAD 82.00
MOS Casa no. 1-17
CAD 30.00
MOS Casa no. 1-17
This volume presents seventeen houses designed by the New York studio MOS Architects. "It is an article of faith for MOS that the house is like a small city. MOS think urbanistically through the architectural scale, insisting that even the...
CAD 30.00
Women in architecture: past, present, and future
Despite the number of women who have shaped the discipline, female architects still frequently struggle to receive the recognition their work deserves. This volume serves as a manifesto for the great achievements of contemporary female architects the world over, paying...
CAD 77.00
Avant-garde as method: Vkhutemas and the pedagogy of space 1920-1930
Throughout the 1920s and ’30s, the Higher Art and Technical Studios in Moscow, more commonly known as Vkhutemas, adopted what it called the ''objective method'' to facilitate instruction on a mass scale. The school was the first to implement mass...
CAD 100.00
Superstructures: Notes on Experimental Jetset, Volume 2
Experimental Jetset’s second volume in its self-reflective series is an inquiry into the role of the city as an infrastructure for language and vice versa, seen through the lens of four significant movements: Constructivism, Situationist International, Provo, and Post-Punk. Emerging...
CAD 49.95
Jean-François Pirson : Pratiques de territoire - marches et workshops
Après un premier ouvrage consacré à Jean-François Pirson et à son travail pédagogique centré sur l’espace, la Cellule architecture de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles poursuit cette collaboration en consacrant le troisième volume de sa collection « Fenêtre sur » aux marches...
CAD 26.95
La théorie du diamant et le projet d’architecture
Dans La théorie du diamant le projet d’architecture est envisagé autant dans sa dimension pratique que théorique. Pensée critique et création sont ici indissociables. C’est ainsi que le travail de l’architecte est comparé à celui du tailleur de diamants et...
CAD 26.00
Ronan Bouroullec : crayon-pinceau
CAD 24.00
Ronan Bouroullec : crayon-pinceau
Une sélection de dessins récents de Ronan Bouroullec. Depuis le début des années 2000, le travail de Ronan et Erwan Bouroullec (nés respectivement en 1971 et 1976) apparaît comme l'un des plus représentatifs du dynamisme du design français. Travaillant...
CAD 24.00
Silent Blocks
CAD 42.95
Silent Blocks
Au printemps 2020, à Toronto, David Cayley, ancien journaliste scientifique pour la radio publique canadienne et écrivain, s'interroge sur la pandémie. En s'appuyant sur sa connaissance des travaux philosophiques de son ami Ivan illich, il se demande si « l'ontologie...
CAD 42.95
Takashi Homma: Vedove/Widows
CAD 250.00
Takashi Homma: Vedove/Widows
Extremely accurate in concept and printing, Vedove/Widows has been published in an edition of 350 copies. The project is the result of the cooperation between Andrea Botto and Francesco Zanot, respectively director and curator of the annual Rapallo Fotografia festival, who entrusted...
CAD 250.00
Takashi Homma: Tokyo and my daughter
CAD 34.00
Takashi Homma: Tokyo and my daughter
The intention behind Takashi Homma: Tokyo and My Daughter is best explained by the photographer himself: “I love my daughter very much. I love Tokyo very much.” Homma’s (born 1963) affection is nearly tangible in this series of 32 color...
CAD 34.00
Construire l'image: Le Corbusier et la photographie
Le Corbusier avait bien compris les multiples pouvoirs de la photographie. Tout au long de sa vie, il s’en est servi pour étayer l’élaboration de son travail d’architecture, jouant sur un vaste répertoire iconographique pour illustrer ses écrits et ses...
CAD 84.95
Race and modern architecture: A critical history from Enlightenment to the present
This volume offers a welcome and long-awaited intervention for the field by shining a spotlight on constructions of race and their impact on architecture and theory in Europe and North America and across various global contexts since the eighteenth century....
CAD 63.95
CAD 85.00
Yoshiharu Tsukamoto of Atelier Bow-Wow tours the world in his quest to seek out and analyse the behaviour of windows. Featuring gorgeous photographs of hundreds of these objects and their associated interior and exterior spaces – from the mundane to...
CAD 85.00
The language of secret proof: Indigenous truth and representation. Critical spatial practice 10
CAD 28.95
The language of secret proof: Indigenous truth and representation. Critical spatial practice 10
The Language of Secret Proof challenges the conditions under which Indigenous rights to protect and regain traditional lands are currently negotiated in United States legal frameworks. This tenth volume in the Critical Spatial Practice series responds to the urgent need for...
CAD 28.95
Itee Pootoogook: Hymns to the silence
CAD 45.00
Itee Pootoogook: Hymns to the silence
Itee Pootoogook belonged to a new generation of Inuit artists who are transforming and reshaping the creative traditions that were successfully pioneered by their parents and grandparents in the second half of the 20th century. A meticulous draughtsman who...
CAD 45.00
Itsuko Hasegawa with Kozo Kadowaki and others - Meanwhile in Japan
In the third volume of the CCA Singles series, Itsuko Hasegawa is in conversation with Kozo Kadowaki and revisits her earliest projects. The conversation was held in Tokyo with the participation of Chié Rokutanda, Mikio Wakabayashi, Yutaro Muraji, Takehiko Higa, Teppei Fujiwara,...
CAD 14.00
CAD 45.00
Nuages a pris son origine sur un journal de bord tenu par Gilles Clément du 18 septembre au 18 octobre 2004 sur un cargo porte-conteneurs, le Monteverde, qui, depuis Hambourg joint Valparaiso en trente-deux jours. Cette publication aborde les relations entretenues entre...
CAD 45.00
Préliminaires : Études et maquettes
CAD 65.00
Préliminaires : Études et maquettes
Depuis 1983, le Centre national des arts plastiques a constitué un fonds d’esquisses, de maquettes et de travaux préparatoires liés aux commandes publiques d’œuvres d’art. Riche de près de 4 600 objets réalisés par des plasticiens, architectes, designers, vidéastes ou...
CAD 65.00
« Alternatives » à la prison
CAD 35.00
« Alternatives » à la prison
Que penser des « alternatives » à la prison ? À l’occasion d’une conférence donnée à Montréal peu après la publication de Surveiller et punir, Michel Foucault avance l’idée que les sanctions « alternatives », loin de rompre avec l’emprisonnement,...
CAD 35.00
Aglaia Konrad: Japan Works
CAD 79.95
Aglaia Konrad: Japan Works
Aglaia Konrad’s photographic work probes the social, cultural, economic, political, and historical parameters that inform architecture and urbanism. 'Japan Works' is the result of her journey through Japan in the autumn of 2019. Using a pre-compiled list of places with...
CAD 79.95
Couleur et soin
CAD 44.95
Couleur et soin
Depuis une dizaine d'années, quelques hôpitaux, des formations en art et en design, des chercheurs en sciences sociales et des agences de design se mobilisent autour de la notion de care, concept issu de la philosophie féministe américaine, que l'on...
CAD 44.95
2G Essays Kersten Geers: Without content
CAD 47.00
2G Essays Kersten Geers: Without content
Belgian architect Kersten Geers combines his work at OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen architecture studio with his academic work and writing. In this compilation of essays, written between 2010 and 2020, the author writes about diverse historical architects...
CAD 47.00
Spring / Summer + Autumn / Winter
CAD 45.00
Spring / Summer + Autumn / Winter
Nigel Peake's drawings for Japanese distillery Mitosaya. Mitosaya is a distillery founded by Hiroshi Eguchi, located in Chiba prefecture, a few hours outside of Tokyo. It use to be a botanical garden. I have visited twice, both times in...
CAD 45.00
Imagining the evident: Álvaro Siza
CAD 45.95
Imagining the evident: Álvaro Siza
The referential book by Álvaro Siza on his own work, in its first English edition. Describing some of his projects, his expectations and struggles, references and decisions, this book is a fundamental contribution to the understanding of Álvaro Siza’s architectural...
CAD 45.95
Archetypes: David K. Ross
CAD 64.95
Archetypes: David K. Ross
Archetypes features a recent series by Canadian artist David K. Ross, who works at the interface of photography, film, and installation. His images of architectural mock-ups, staged at night with dramatic lighting that isolates structures from their surroundings, demonstrate how these...
CAD 64.95
Real Review 11
CAD 19.50
Real Review 11
The collective trauma of the pandemic has become an excuse for global capital to accelerate the total commodification of everyday life. Everything is for sale. There is more merchandise than love, more sponsored content than truth. No society in human...
CAD 19.50
Buildings in print: 100 influential and inspiring illustrated architecture books
This volume showcases the best illustrated architecture books ever published. Author John Hill is the founder of the influential architecture blog "A Daily Dose of Architecture," which recently shifted course to focus entirely on architecture books of all kinds. His...
CAD 79.00
Retail apocalypse
CAD 79.95
Retail apocalypse
As shopping shifts online and the economic shocks associated with the coronavirus pandemic push bankruptcies to unprecedented levels, retail is facing its own version of the end of days. The arsenal of commercial techniques that retail has developed can no...
CAD 79.95
Éric Tabuchi : Atlas of forms
CAD 84.95
Éric Tabuchi : Atlas of forms
Ouvrant sur une série de constructions sphériques, comme s’il s’agissait du chantier des mondes, pour se conclure sur l’image d’un bunker renversé, c’est à une longue divagation, une sorte de mélopée hypnotique avec ses récurrences et ses variantes, ses répétitions...
CAD 84.95