forA on the urban, Issue #1: Eleven frictions from an urbanized world

CAD 64.95

forA on the urban, Issue #1: Eleven frictions from an urbanized world

CAD 64.95

The first issue of the interdisciplinary periodical forA on the Urban explores the open, multilayered, interconnected, complex, and unbridled nature of urban design. Through eleven contributions from eighteen international experts on architecture, art, social criticism, and activism, this issue illuminates specific realities of fraught spaces – urban frictions – in different parts of the world.


Everyday frustrations, manifest inequalities, and social and political conflicts are examined throughout this issue in a process of description, discussion, and designation. The relationships between urban objects reflect the emergence of plurality and coexistence within and beyond what can be seen and understood as urban within an expanded concept of architecture.



Edited by Gerald Bast, Andrea Börner, Cristina Díaz Moreno, Efrén García Grinda and Baerbel Mueller

Birkhäuser, 2024

22 X 17 cm, 152 pages

Edition *
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