Not available
A folktale from Vietnam: Speeding motorcycles and roasted lemongrass
A Folktale From Vietnam: Speeding Motorcycles and Roasted Lemongrass is the result of eight years of research and the production of a series of photographs taken in 2013, 2015 and 2018 during Gianpaolo Arena’s travels through Vietnam.   Both the...
CAD 55.50
Not available
Not available
Aglaia Konrad: Japan Works
CAD 79.95
Aglaia Konrad: Japan Works
Aglaia Konrad’s photographic work probes the social, cultural, economic, political, and historical parameters that inform architecture and urbanism. 'Japan Works' is the result of her journey through Japan in the autumn of 2019. Using a pre-compiled list of places with...
CAD 79.95
Not available
Aglaia Konrad: Shaping Stones, Angle 17°
In her photographic work Austrian Aglaia Konrad has developed a distinctive way of documenting global urbanization. Her archive contains thousands of pictures concerning infrastructure and architecture, an almost unlimited collection that elucidates the relationship between society and place. The pictures...
CAD 18.00
Not available
Not available
Album Architectures, Abidjan
CAD 54.00
Album Architectures, Abidjan
This is not an architecture book but a photography book on an architecture that expresses itself through diversity. It is a book that intends to offer a photographic view of buildings in Abidjan that bear the imprint of a certain...
CAD 54.00
Ari Marcopoulos: Zines
This project collects in one volume for the first time a selection of zines by Marcopoulos, many never before released, providing a unique insight and overview into an essential part of this influential artist's daily practice. Often self-published or created...
CAD 76.95
Not available
Not available
Armin Linke: 4FLIGHT
CAD 109.95
Armin Linke: 4FLIGHT
4Flight attempts to document the profound metamorphosis within the urban and natural landscape, also due by man. The images’ research, developed with an aesthetic, anthropological and sociological criteria, has led to the creation of an archive in progress with the...
CAD 109.95
Not available
ARN Vol. 5. Atlas des régions naturelles
Avec ce cinquième volet de l’Atlas des Régions Naturelles, Eric Tabuchi et Nelly Monnier poursuivent leur projet au long cours engagé en 2017 : la documentation globale des 450 régions naturelles – ou « pays » – qui composent le...
CAD 70.00
Not available
Not available
ARN Vol.1
CAD 68.95
ARN Vol.1
The Atlas des Régions Naturelles Vol. 1, as its name suggests, is the first of a series representing a singular photographic adventure, unique in terms of both its scope and its duration. Launched five years ago, its objective is to...
CAD 68.95
Not available
Not available
ARN Vol.2
CAD 68.95
ARN Vol.2
Faisant suite au premier volume paru en 2021, L'Atlas des Régions Naturelles Vol.2 est la continuité du projet entrepris par Eric Tabuchi et Nelly Monier il y a cinq ans. Poursuivant la volonté de documenter de façon égales les 450...
CAD 68.95
Not available
ARN vol.4 : Atlas des Régions Naturelles
Avec ce quatrième volet de l’Atlas des Régions Naturelles, Eric Tabuchi et Nelly Monnier poursuivent leur projet au long cours engagé en 2017 : la documentation globale des 450 régions naturelles – ou « pays » – qui composent le...
CAD 70.00
Not available
Arriving: About the architecture of refugee accommodation in Germany
Arriving is a study of architectural infrastructure for state-provided accommodation for refugees in Germany. During the so called European migrant crisis from 2015 on Germany got known for its 'welcome culture' towards refugees. Since 2015 millions of refugees have arrived...
CAD 60.00
Not available
Atlas des Régions Naturelles, Volume 3
Avec ce troisième volet de l’Atlas des Régions Naturelles, Eric Tabuchi et Nelly Monnier poursuivent leur projet au long cours engagé en 2017 : la documentation globale des 450 régions naturelles – ou « pays » – qui composent le...
CAD 63.95
Not available
Not available
Atlas: Tadao Ando
CAD 79.00
Atlas: Tadao Ando
In 2012, Philippe Séclier visited Tadao Ando’s iconic Church of the Light, and was immediately compelled to journey around the world to further study the architect’s buildings. This unique presentation of Ando’s work is the result of what turned into...
CAD 79.00
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Not available
Aurore Bagarry : Roches
CAD 55.00
Aurore Bagarry : Roches
En allant, du côté français, de Calais à Brest et en passant par Varengeville, la pointe du Hoc, le cap Levi dans le Cotentin et nombre de bourgades du Finistère et des Côtes-d’Armor, Aurore Bagarry a photographié un paysage « à bout portant...
CAD 55.00
Not available
Bernd & Hilla Becher: Framework Houses
Bernd and Hilla Becher have profoundly influenced the international photography world over the past several decades. Their unique genre, which falls somewhere between topological documentation and conceptual art, is in line with the aesthetics of such early-twentieth-century masters of German...
CAD 80.00
Not available
Charlotte Perriand : Politique du photomontage, comment voulons-nous vivre ?
Architecte et designer attentive à l'amélioration des conditions de vie, Charlotte Perriand réalise, dans les années 1930, des photomontages de grande taille, juxtaposant des clichés d'agence ou de photographes indépendants, comme F. Kollar, N. Dumas ou P. Boucher, à des...
CAD 74.00
Chefs-d'oeuvre photographiques du MoMA : La collection Thomas Walther
La collection Thomas Walther du Museum of Modern Art (New York) est un fonds photographique réunissant près de 350 photographies. Elle s'avère unique non seulement au regard de la qualité exceptionnelle des tirages, exclusivement d'époque, mais aussi parce qu'elle reflète...
CAD 79.95
Not available
Not available
Cone wars
CAD 52.00
Cone wars
Who would have thought that a simple cone-shaped marker could have such a rich and mysterious history? These seemingly ordinary objects, known by various names such as road cones, safety cones, or construction cones, hold secrets waiting to be unravelled....
CAD 52.00
Not available
Not available
Dafydd Jones: Screen time
CAD 26.95
Dafydd Jones: Screen time
Dafydd Jones is recognized as one of the world's leading social photographers, which over the years has given him unique access to an extraordinary range of social events - from exclusive parties, to the races, to fashion shows, film festivals and...
CAD 26.95
Not available
Not available
Deanna Lawson
CAD 64.00
Deanna Lawson
This first scholarly publication on the artist Deana Lawson, surveying fifteen years of her photography, will be published to accompany the first comprehensive museum survey exhibition featuring Lawson’s artwork. A singular voice in contemporary photography, Lawson has been investigating and...
CAD 64.00
Not available
Not available
Elina Birkehag: D for Daughter
CAD 58.00
Elina Birkehag: D for Daughter
Deep in the woods in Dalarna, Sweden, scattered among stumps and newer-growth trees stand centuries-old Scotch pines – thick, gnarled, and covered with carvings. The messages inscribed in their trunks are from female shepherds who, from the 17th to the...
CAD 58.00
Not available
Not available
Éric Tabuchi : Atlas of forms
CAD 84.95
Éric Tabuchi : Atlas of forms
Ouvrant sur une série de constructions sphériques, comme s’il s’agissait du chantier des mondes, pour se conclure sur l’image d’un bunker renversé, c’est à une longue divagation, une sorte de mélopée hypnotique avec ses récurrences et ses variantes, ses répétitions...
CAD 84.95
Family affairs : Family in current Photography
Since the invention of photography, the family has been a constant subject of photographic observation, both in private photo albums and in artistic series. The group exhibition Family Affairs – Family in Current Photography, conceived by Ingo Taubhorn, Curator of...
CAD 89.50
Not available
Not available
Fifty50: Fifty modernist churches
CAD 50.00
Fifty50: Fifty modernist churches
As an architectural photographer, Amanda Large's creative practice is centred around making evocative images that go beyond the straight documentation of buildings. "Fifty50" investigates how a photograph, or a series of vignettes, can tell the story of a structure through...
CAD 50.00
Geoffrey James: Canadian photographs
A subversive look at the liminal locations and transitional moments that make up the Canadian unconscious and the Not-So-True North. Geoffrey James directs his gaze to the in-between spaces and forgotten places that resist the idea of a cohesive national...
CAD 45.00
Not available
Not available
Gerry Johansson: Spanish Summer
CAD 85.00
Gerry Johansson: Spanish Summer
Over more than three decades, Gerry Johansson has brought his shrewd and sensitive eye to bear on peripheral landscapes the world over, from Ulan Bator to Antarctica. Spanish Summer sees him return to one of the first places that captured his imagination:...
CAD 85.00
Giovanni Chiaramonte: Realismo infinito
Infinite Realism brings together 99+1 photographs, many of them never published before, taken over a period of two decades from 1980 to the early 2000s. This volume forms an organic overview of Giovanni Chiaramonte’s complex work on the representation of...
CAD 80.00
Not available
Guido Guidi: Di sguincio, 1969–81
Di sguincio – meaning aslant, asquint, or seen from the corner of an eye – brings together more than a hundred black-and-white photographs made by Guido Guidi with small-format cameras between 1969 and 1981. These images record experimental early dialogues...
CAD 90.00
Histoire de sports
Des athlètes mis en scène par l'atelier Nadar à Clint Eastwood photographié avec un ballon de football par Xavier Lambours, les rapprochements entre les sportifs et les photographes prennent des chemins de traverse dans la collection de la Médiathèque du...
CAD 37.95
Not available
Not available
I am Inuit
CAD 74.00
I am Inuit
Arctic communities are faced with powerful forces bringing pressures on Inuit culture and society. Global climate change is having a profound impact on the Arctic, its sensitive ecosystem and the communities that rely upon the region’s natural resources. The impacts...
CAD 74.00
Not available
Indeterminacy: Thoughts on time, the image and race(ism)
In a series of written exchanges, David Campany and Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa consider the options for photography in resisting the oppressive orthodoxies of racial capital, conservative history, and neoliberal visual culture. How does the essential indeterminacy of photography square with the...
CAD 28.00
Inga Navickaitė: Pusiniai namai / Half Houses
Projektas Padalink pusiau prasidėjo nuo estetinio galvosūkio – ar namui nestinga antrosios pusės? Keletą metų vis grįžtant į Vilijampolės gatveles ir kiemus, šis galvosūkis netrukus apaugo įvairiais kontekstais. Kompozicinis stygiaus pojūtis žvelgiant į tuščią erdvę šalia pusinių namų, įtaigiai atliepia šios...
CAD 49.95
Not available
Not available
Issei Suda: Family diary
CAD 76.95
Issei Suda: Family diary
Between 1991 and 1992, Issei Suda shot compulsively with a Minox camera, which is one of the smallest cameras there is. It is actually so small that it was commonly used for intelligence activities during the war. Issei Suda turned...
CAD 76.95
Jan Groover, photographe : Le laboratoire des formes
« Le formalisme, c’est l’essentiel. » La déclaration de Jan Groover (1943-2012) résume à elle seule l’ambition plastique de son œuvre, qui incarne aujourd’hui l’un des moments phares de l’histoire de la photographie et du genre de la nature morte....
CAD 88.95
Not available
Not available
Janet Delaney: Red eye to New York
CAD 64.95
Janet Delaney: Red eye to New York
Throughout the 1980s, Janet Delaney’s job in a San Francisco photography lab was punctuated by the last-minute flights she would take to New York as a courier. Within these unexpected pockets of time she spent in New York, Delaney would...
CAD 64.95
Jeff Wall : Refonder la modernité
Avec Jeff Wall. Refonder la modernité, Philippe Bazin nous livre son point de vue d’artiste sur le travail d’un photographe mondialement célébré. Invitant sans arrêt l’irréel au sein du banal, Jeff Wall est passé maître dans l’art de l’étrangeté familière....
CAD 50.95
Not available
Not available
Jeff Wall: Essais et entretiens
CAD 42.95
Jeff Wall: Essais et entretiens
Cette nouvelle édition augmentée des écrits de Jeff Wall présente des essais, des conférences et des entretiens, ainsi que deux longs dialogues avec Jean-François Chevrier. Jeff Wall revient sur sa formation et l'évolution de son travail et analyse celui d'autres...
CAD 42.95
Jessica Backhaus: Plein soleil
Following her series from A Trilogy (2017), Jessica Backhaus embarked on a transformative exploration, shedding the constraints of traditional photography for the depths of abstraction. Cut Outs (2021) marked a breakthrough into a new creative phase with its innovative abstraction....
CAD 82.00
Jürgen Beck: Sun Breakers. Late August, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin
Designed by Irish architect and designer Eileen Gray (1878–1976), E-1027 has only recently taken on the status of an architectural icon. Jürgen Beck’s photographs of the house approach the building as if in search of something. He captures the overgrown...
CAD 65.00
Not available
Not available
Koechlin House
CAD 60.00
Koechlin House
This book by photographer and architect Daisuke Hirabayashi is a meditation on the often overlooked lives of buildings after the architect has left. Through a sequence of intimate, immersive images, Hirabayashi explores Koechlin House, an early private home designed by...
CAD 60.00
L'art d'accomoder les restes
Que peut l’architecture à l’ère de l’Anthropocène? A-t-elle l’énergie de se saisir de l’occasion pour faire autrement et, ce faisant, de construire d’autres histoires? L’acte de transformation négocie avec l’idée de pertes. Le face-à-face de l’architecte avec celles-ci est continu et...
CAD 43.00
L'image édifiante : Le rôle des images de référence en architecture
  La culture architecturale n'est pas seulement constituée d'édifices, de monuments, de bâtiments, remarquables ou ordinaires, elle est peuplée d'images. Innombrables et diverses, celles-ci sont omniprésentes dans la formation, la pensée et l'action de l'architecte. Elles n'interviennent pas seulement en...
CAD 56.00
Not available
Not available
La porte sera débarrée
CAD 25.00
La porte sera débarrée
Vingt-cinq ans passent. Je retourne à Ivujivik. Je suis à nouveau envoûtée par la culture des Ivujivimmiut : les festins communautaires, les jeux qui animent les rassemblements, les sorties dans la toundra, l’entraide des familles, la déférence envers les personnes...
CAD 25.00
LaToya Ruby Frazier: The notion of family
LaToya Ruby Frazier’s award-winning first book, The Notion of Family, offers an incisive exploration of the legacy of racism and economic decline in America’s small towns, as embodied by her hometown of Braddock, Pennsylvania. The work also considers the impact...
CAD 62.00
Not available
Not available
Lewis Baltz
CAD 99.00
Lewis Baltz
This comprehensive book accompanies the first retrospective exhibition of Lewis Baltz's work following his passing in 2014. It explores the artist's oeuvre as a complex whole of interrelated series, from his first Prototypes and the Tract Houses to Park City,...
CAD 99.00
Not available
Light lines: The architectural photographs of Hélène Binet
The Franco-Swiss photographer Helene Binet is renowned for making images that express an intimate experience of architecture. Using a combination of analogue and digital techniques, her photographs are both a representation and a discovery of her subjects, all of them...
CAD 33.00
Not available
Luigi Ghirri: Puglia. Tra albe e tramonti
Puglia. Tra albe e tramonti offers a brilliant account of Luigi Ghirri’s relationship with Puglia — a distinctive region at the heel of Italy, which was pivotal in establishing Ghirri’s career and continued to inspire him throughout it. A first visit...
CAD 90.00
Luigi Ghirri: Viaggi
Among the many recurring interests that connect the rich and open-ended oeuvre of Luigi Ghirri, a fascination with travel resonates through his photographs, publications, and writings. This book by curator James Lingwood charts a course through Ghirri’s photography between 1970...
CAD 60.00
Not available
Lynne Cohen : Double aveugle, 1970-2012
Cette publication parcourt l'intégralité de la carrière d'une figure majeure de la photographie canadienne, depuis ses premières expérimentations, en noir et blanc et en petits formats, du début des années 1970 jusqu'aux commandes monumentales en couleurs des années 2000-2013. Privilégiant...
CAD 42.95
Lynne Cohen : Observatoires / Laboratoires
Cette monographie grand format propose de redécouvrir l’œuvre de Lynne Cohen, figure internationale de la photographie contemporaine, à l’occasion de son exposition tenue au Centre Pompidou entre le 12 avril et 28 août 2023. L’ouvrage présente des photographies inédites de...
CAD 85.95
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