Pascal Greco: Kwai Shing West estate

CAD 59.00
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Pascal Greco: Kwai Shing West estate

CAD 59.00

Kwai Shing West Estate is a residential complex in Hong Kong that is home to 18,000 people. It attracted the attention of filmmaker and photographer Pascal Greco because of its architecture and its atypical hillside construction. This book presents Greco’s ten-year investigation into the complex, during which he captured his strange fascination through both photography and film: walls, staircases, cables, pipes, neon lights, and not a soul to be seen. And yet, discreetly, life pulsates. Together with musician Lea Bertucci he produced an immersive audio-visual work, a tribute to the sometimes strange architecture of public housing but also to the loneliness experienced in such complexes.


Pascal Greco

Building Books, 2024

30 X 22 cm, 144 pages

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