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The new curator: Exhibition architecture and design
The New Curator: Exhibiting Architecture and Design examines the challenges inherent in exhibiting design ideas. Traditionally, exhibitions of architecture and design have predominantly focused on displaying finished outcomes or communicating a work through representation. In this book, Fleur Watson unveils...
CAD 53.50
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Learning to live together: Cars, humans, and kerbs in solidarity
We are on the verge of sharing our cities with autonomous vehicles. Recent developments in driverless technologies are having an impact on our urban environment, raising questions about how self-driving vehicles could be integrated into our daily lives. Automotive and...
CAD 36.95
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Social matter, social design: For good or bad, all design is social
Social matter, social design challenges the way we look at, think of, and interact with the social world by emphasising the role of materiality. This enlarged field for engagement demands that design incorporates a more nuanced and complex reading of...
CAD 35.00
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Designing Motherhood: Things That Make and Break Our Births
While birth often brings great joy, making babies is a knotty enterprise. The designed objects that surround us when it comes to menstruation, birth control, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and early motherhood vary as oddly, messily, and dramatically as the stereotypes...
CAD 59.00
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Architectures typographiques
CAD 37.00
Architectures typographiques
Figure majeure du design graphique européen contemporain, Wim Crouwel (1928-2019) a marqué l’histoire de la discipline par sa pratique étendue du design, appliquée tant au domaine culturel qu’au domaine commercial. Au cours de sa carrière, il a réalisé à la...
CAD 37.00
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Habiter : ville et architecture
CAD 66.95
Habiter : ville et architecture
L'hypothèse initiale est que l'histoire du l'habitat se situe dans un temps long, une longue durée anthropologique, et que les évolutions sont lentes et les profonds changements rares. C'est pourquoi il est nécessaire de s'interroger sur la dimension vernaculaire de...
CAD 66.95
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Atlas: Tadao Ando
CAD 79.00
Atlas: Tadao Ando
In 2012, Philippe Séclier visited Tadao Ando’s iconic Church of the Light, and was immediately compelled to journey around the world to further study the architect’s buildings. This unique presentation of Ando’s work is the result of what turned into...
CAD 79.00
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Serious fun: The landscapes of Claude Cormier
For almost 30 years Claude Cormier et Associes has designed landscapes daring in scope while earnest in execution, courting controversy while inviting public accord. Produced under the leadership of Claude Cormier, the range of these projects has spanned the creation...
CAD 65.00
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CAD 56.00
softspot is a fragile space seeking to make sense of a complex now. Through a collaborative process of editing and exchange between James Taylor-Foster and OK-RM, softspot is a dive into the recent past. Imagined as a container for the...
CAD 56.00
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Gordon Matta-Clark: splitting, cutting, writing, drawing, eating
American artist Gordon Matta-Clark is perhaps best known for the site-specific artworks he made in the 1970s. His body of work includes performance and recycling pieces, space and texture works, and his “building cuts”. Matta-Clark used a number of media...
CAD 55.95
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Gordon Matta-Clark : Open house (v.f.)
Pièce majeure de la collection du MAMCO de Genève, Open House, créée à l'origine à SoHo (New York) durant le printemps 1972, est la seule œuvre de grande dimension de l'artiste américain Gordon Matta-Clark (1943-1978) conservée par une institution.  ...
CAD 46.00
Gordon Matta-Clark: Open house
In 1972, Gordon Matta-Clark (1943–78) installed a dumpster on the street between 98 and 112 Greene Street in New York’s SoHo neighborhood, an architectural artwork he called Open House. Matta-Clark used discarded, scavenged materials—old pieces of wood, doors—to subdivide the space...
CAD 41.95
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Going solo: The extraordinary rise and surprising appeal of living alone
With eye-opening statistics, original data, and vivid portraits of people who live alone, renowned sociologist Eric Klinenberg upends conventional wisdom to deliver the definitive take on how the rise of going solo is transforming the American experience.   Klinenberg shows...
CAD 24.00
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How to do nothing: resisting the attention economy
In a world where addictive technology is designed to buy and sell our attention, and our value is determined by our 24/7 data productivity, it can seem impossible to escape. But in this inspiring field guide to dropping out of...
CAD 23.99
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Age Inclusive Public Space
CAD 56.00
Age Inclusive Public Space
Public spaces tend to over-represent facilities and spatial design for the young and the middle-aged, whereas elderly citizens are all too often neglected by contemporary urban design practice. Age Inclusive Public Space establishes a dialogue between architects and academic contributors from a...
CAD 56.00
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Aunties: The seven summers of Alevtina and Ludmila
In northwest Russia, in a small village called Alekhovshchina, Nadia Sablin's aunts spend the warmer months together in the family home and live as the family has always lived; chopping wood to heat the house, bringing water from the well,...
CAD 58.95
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Dafydd Jones: Screen time
CAD 26.95
Dafydd Jones: Screen time
Dafydd Jones is recognized as one of the world's leading social photographers, which over the years has given him unique access to an extraordinary range of social events - from exclusive parties, to the races, to fashion shows, film festivals and...
CAD 26.95
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La crise de la reproduction sociale
Nées en Italie dans les années 1940, Silvia Federici et Mariarosa Dalla Costa sont des militantes pionnières et des intellectuelles féministes de premier plan. Dans ces entretiens avec Louise Toupin, elles reviennent sur le mouvement qu’elles ont cofondé en 1972,...
CAD 9.95
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Impossible (tm) the Cookbook: How to save our planet, one delicious meal at a time
Cook Impossible at home. Meat-loving gourmets stood in line for hours when the world’s top chefs began serving Impossible Burger in 2016. Now, for the first time, these pioneering chefs have joined forces with Impossible Foods’ team of culinary leaders...
CAD 39.95
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Je n’en ai jamais parlé à personne : Échos de #MeToo
En octobre 2017, devant le déferlement suscité par le mouvement #MeToo, il y avait une urgence : une fois sortis du silence, ces récits ne devaient pas tomber dans l’oubli. C’est la raison pour laquelle Martine Delvaux, écrivaine, militante et...
CAD 19.95
Matières premières
Matières premières s’ouvre sur trois citations de femmes – Anne Truitt, Anni Albers et The Slits – qui donnent le ton au premier livre de l’artiste visuelle Annie Descôteaux. Entre la confidence et le désaveu, la révolte et la boutade,...
CAD 18.00
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Sigurd Lewerentz: Architect of death and life
This publication is based on extensive research undertaken at ArkDes, Sweden’s national center for architecture and design, where his archive and personal library are kept. It features a wealth of drawings and sketches, designs for furniture and interiors, model photographs,...
CAD 185.00
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2G Essays Sigurd Lewerentz: A trip to Italy
Using enigmatic negatives found in Sigurd Lewerentz’s archive at the Museum of Architecture in Stockholm, A Trip to Italy further explores the Swedish architect’s legacy through his personal travel photos.     Edited by Moisés Puente. Walther Konïg, 2021 21.3...
CAD 47.00
Jean Tschumi, architecte
Partageant sa vie entre Paris et Lausanne, Jean Tschumi (1904-1962) s'est imposé comme l'inventeur d'une architecture moderne et fonctionnelle au service d'entreprises et d'institutions, tels les Sièges de la Mutuelle Vaudoise Accidents (1951-1956) à Lausanne, de Nestlé (1956-1960) à Vevey...
CAD 84.95
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Breathe: Investigations into our environmentally tangled future
This book explores breathing and the atmosphere as leitmotifs for the design of an inclusive future in a new climate regime, uncovering intertwinements of societal activities with the air and the atmosphere.With this awareness of entanglement, the deeply performative characteristics...
CAD 65.95
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Écrits naturels
CAD 35.00
Écrits naturels
À la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust a rendu internationalement célèbre le nom de Ruskin. Mais l’image ainsi donnée de son œuvre est biaisée, car John Ruskin (1819-1900) n’était pas qu’un spécialiste de Turner ou de l’architecture gothique....
CAD 35.00
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Charlotte Perriand : Politique du photomontage, comment voulons-nous vivre ?
Architecte et designer attentive à l'amélioration des conditions de vie, Charlotte Perriand réalise, dans les années 1930, des photomontages de grande taille, juxtaposant des clichés d'agence ou de photographes indépendants, comme F. Kollar, N. Dumas ou P. Boucher, à des...
CAD 74.00
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Non-extractive architecture: On designing without depletion
The first step architects can take towards a more just, harmonious, and non-exploitative designed environment is to redesign themselves, and what the word "architect" stands for. Architecture-and architects- have immense influence in defining the way we live, work, and interact...
CAD 42.00
Dark mirrors
CAD 50.00
Dark mirrors
Dark Mirrors assembles sixteen essays by photographer and critic Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa focusing on contemporary fine art photographic and video practices that are principally, though not exclusively, rooted in the United States, written between 2015 and 2021. Wolukau-Wanambwa analyses the image’s relationship...
CAD 50.00
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Leafy house plants
CAD 44.95
Leafy house plants
The cultivation of house plants does not always prove to be easy. With many plants there are special peculiarities that should be considered. In 1899, the German botanist Udo Dammer wrote down his knowledge of the ins and outs of...
CAD 44.95
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Kind of boring: Canonical work and other visible things meant to be viewed as architecture
Being boring (or boringness) has been one of the qualities of architecture an architect desperately tries to avoid. Not to provoke (or at least try to provoke) some reaction from one’s audience is to admit to a lack of ideas...
CAD 55.00
DÉCOR n° 01
CAD 54.00
DÉCOR n° 01
Traiter la notion de « décor » implique au moins deux présupposés : d'une part que la critique moderne de l'ornementation et du décoratif n'a pas eu raison du décor ; et d'autre part que la réhabilitation ludique et parfois...
CAD 54.00
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Design pour un monde réel
CAD 48.95
Design pour un monde réel
Réédition critique en français d'un ouvrage absolument précurseur et fondamental pour l'inclusion des problématiques sociales, environnementales et des enjeux de durabilité dans les démarches de conception : le manifeste d'une reconfiguration radicale du domaine du design, de ses formes mais...
CAD 48.95
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Incursions au-delà du moderne : L'architecture d'Umberto Riva / Forays beyond the modern: The architecture of Umberto Riva
Une anthologie monumentale d'essais critiques consacrés à la figure d'Umberto Riva, l'un des maîtres de l'architecture italienne, designer et peintre, introduits et édités par Maria Bottero, accompagnés d'un ensemble de croquis et de dessins issus des archives personnelles de l'architecte....
CAD 110.00
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Land. Milk. Honey. Animal stories in imagined landscapes. 17th Venice Biennale
A unique documentation of how ideology translated into colonialism, settlement, urbanization, infrastructure, and mechanized agriculture radically reshaped the environment of Palestine-Israel.   The biblical metaphor of a ''Land of Milk and Honey'' has denoted for millennia a prophecy and promise...
CAD 42.95
Habiter autrement
S'il existe de nombreux livres consacrés aux maisons d'architectes, rares sont ceux qui s'intéressent réellement aux modes de vie. Habiter autrement réunit 23 maisons qui explorent d'autres façons d'habiter, ouvertes, permissives et suscitant l'imaginaire. Plus ou moins radicales, très différentes...
CAD 64.95
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Cruiser l'utopie : L'après et ailleurs de l'advenir queer
Cruiser l'utopie décrit un mouvement, une avancée en forme de dérive entre théorie, approche philosophique, critique d'art et récit personnel. Les œuvres citées, racontées, se mêlent au récit familial ou individuel et aux considérations plus universitaires. Cette pratique de la...
CAD 42.95
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Landscape works with Piet Oudolf and Lola: In search of Sharawadgi
In Search of Sharawadgi presents the ideas and dreams of Piet Oudolf and LOLA Landscape Architects. Piet Oudolf is the Netherlands’ most well-known garden designer and he has completed such famous projects as the High Line in New York. This...
CAD 61.00
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Bedaux De Brouwer Architecten: Works 2021-2003
The Architecture Observer and Bedaux de Brouwer Architecten offer an homage to this multigenerational office based in North Brabant. Despite a number of prestigious commissions, the firm has always remained somewhat peripheral in the landscape of Dutch post-war architecture. Its...
CAD 90.00
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OMA NY: Search term
CAD 130.00
OMA NY: Search term
Well into its fourth decade, the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), founded by Rem Koolhaas in 1975, remains one of the most influential and successful practices of its kind. OMA describes itself as ''a firm operating within the traditional boundaries...
CAD 130.00
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Fifty50: Fifty modernist churches
CAD 50.00
Fifty50: Fifty modernist churches
As an architectural photographer, Amanda Large's creative practice is centred around making evocative images that go beyond the straight documentation of buildings. "Fifty50" investigates how a photograph, or a series of vignettes, can tell the story of a structure through...
CAD 50.00
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Louis Sullivan's idea
CAD 62.99
Louis Sullivan's idea
The story of Louis H. Sullivan is considered one of the great American tragedies. While Sullivan reshaped architectural thought and practice and contributed significantly to the foundations of modern architecture, he suffered a sad and lonely death. Many have since...
CAD 62.99
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Canadian architecture: Evolving a cultural identity
Canadian Architecture: Evolving a Cultural Identity surveys the countrys most accomplished architectural firms, whose work enhances cities and landscapes across Canadas geographically varied expanse. Author Leslie Jen explores a number of significant projects in urban and rural environmentsprivate residences, cultural...
CAD 50.00
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Athens by collage: The representation of the metropolis between realism, intervention and autonomy
In this publication, Athens is depicted like an incomplete and unfinished city, in which its parts are in permanent construction, or continual ruination. But it is exactly this permanent condition of instability – its openness and formal instability – that...
CAD 44.95
Umberto Riva: Interiors and exhibitions
The architecture of Umberto Riva (1928-2021) has, over the span 60 years, distinguished itself by its stimulating complexity. This monograph analyzes, for the first time in a chronologically extended form, his work in the field of interiors and exhibitions; fundamental...
CAD 54.95
Tall Buildings: their problems and some ideas
Tall Buildings: their problems and some ideas humbly deconstructs and reconstructs what a tall building can be. Its content is informed by a half-day symposium held in Melbourne in 2018 that investigated new and radical approaches to vertical city-building, co-curated...
CAD 25.00
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Spectre n.3 : Ruines contemporaines
La vue des ruines est nécessaire. « C'est un temps pur, non datable, absent de notre monde d'images, de simulacres et de reconstitutions, de notre monde violent dont les décombres n'ont plus le temps de devenir des ruines. Un temps...
CAD 59.95
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Apartamento n.28
CAD 30.00
Apartamento n.28
Featuring: Soisy and the Sphinx: the homes of Niki de Saint Phalle, Fritz Haeg, Paa Joe, Katherine Bernhardt, Gianni Pettena, Jose Dávila, Lisa Walker & Karl Fritsch, Joan E. Biren, Luigi Serafini, Paul Moakley, Nathalie de Saint Phalle, Roman Uranjek,...
CAD 30.00
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BAUKUNST : Pensées
CAD 71.95
BAUKUNST : Pensées
Construction de collisions d’idées, d’assemblages de pensées, qui font émerger des images inédites, des silences, des certitudes, des doutes, des mondes et qui nous livrent en creux une méthode de penser et de composer. Le dessin d’un portrait, celui de...
CAD 71.95
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Reference #1
CAD 40.00
Reference #1
Reference #1 is a limited edition print publication centered around an exploration of living design in recent history. The publication aims to highlight a myriad of approaches towards the topic, with subjects including the late Cristiano Toraldo di Francia of...
CAD 40.00
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