Journeys: How Travelling Fruit, Ideas and Buildings Rearrange Our Environment
Journeys: How Travelling Fruit, Ideas and Buildings Rearrange Our Environment
Over time, migrants have been linked to global issues such as poverty, development, and human rights. They are the most enterprising members of society and their number is growing by the day. Though the social or anthropological dimensions of migrations and movements can tell part of their story, the main focus of this research project is on the physical transformations such movement engenders.
A book of sixteen stories, Journeys: How travelling fruit, ideas and buildings rearrange our environment accompanies the CCA exhibition of the same name. The stories in the book are based on actual events and archival documentation, and continue the narrative explorations of the exhibition in a portable format.
Edited by Giovanna Borasi
Stories by Kozy Amemiya, Anders Bell, Giovanna Borasi, Ilaria Brancoli Busdraghi, Lev Bratishenko, Ian Chodikoff, Curtis C. Ebbesmeyer, Bernard L. Herman, David Howes, Serge Michel, Riitta Oittinen, Wouter Oostendorp, Maureen Power, Peter Sealy, Jouke Sieswerda, Jean Teillet, and David Theodore
Illustrations by Erika Beyer
Graphic design by ActarBirkhäuserPro
Published in French as Trajets : Comment la mobilité des fruits, des idées et des architectures recompose notre environnement
Co-published in 2010 with Actar
Softcover, 304 pages
Related exhibition: Journeys: How travelling fruit, ideas and buildings rearrange our environment