Into the Great Wide Open

CAD 39.50

Into the Great Wide Open

CAD 39.50

Edited by architect and theorist Andreas Rumpfhuber, this book deals with a search for a form of architectural practice. Practice here is understood both as a critical reflection of a status quo and its history and as forms of (active) intervention through design and planning. Offering a snapshot of an ongoing, constantly developing and shifting process to find a place in the production and consideration of our built environment, it strives to associatively imagine the two perspectives of “theory” and “practice” together, hoping to establish a multitude of different approaches and associations. With contributions by John Goodbun, Maria S. Giudici, Christian Teckert, Dubravka Sekuli, and others.



Andreas Rumpfhuber

Dpr-barcelona, 2021

24 X 16 cm, 24 pages

Edition *
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