Montréal Metropolis, 1880–1930
CAD 49.95
Montréal Metropolis, 1880–1930
The fifty years between 1880 and 1930 were extraordinarily prosperous for the industrialized world and a great period of wealth especially for Montréal. A prime juncture for trade by both transcontinental rail and European sea links, a headquarters for national...
CAD 49.95
Morphosis, Hypo Alpe-Adria centre
CAD 0.00
Morphosis, Hypo Alpe-Adria centre
This publication presents Morphosis’s Hypo Alpe-Adria Center, a project located in Klagenfurt, Austria, that creates a new landform in order to mediate the edge-city condition.In the 1990s, Austrian based Hypo Alpe-Adria Bank group was expanding into a major international corporation...
CAD 0.00
MOS Casa no. 1-17
CAD 30.00
MOS Casa no. 1-17
This volume presents seventeen houses designed by the New York studio MOS Architects. "It is an article of faith for MOS that the house is like a small city. MOS think urbanistically through the architectural scale, insisting that even the...
CAD 30.00
MOS: Laboratorio de Vivienda / Housing laboratory
Laboratorio de Vivienda presents the 32 projects selected and built, including research, drawings, and descriptions by the architects. It considers the problem of low-income housing by bringing thoughtful attention and expertise of architects, considering how these proposals, assembled into a...
CAD 69.95
Moving mountains
CAD 79.95
Moving mountains
The Moving Mountains book is a selection of material enquiries of the Swedish landscape, narrated through a series of texts, recipes and visual materials that ask how we can reconfigure and inform our understanding of the land that surrounds us....
CAD 79.95
Museum of the future: Now what?
CAD 39.95
Museum of the future: Now what?
Following and completing the acclaimed publications Museum of the Future (2014) and The Private Museum of the Future (2018), this new volume proposes a global mapping of museological thinking in our unprecedented times to respond to the need to rethink...
CAD 39.95
Museums at the ecological turn
CAD 36.00
Museums at the ecological turn
A reflection on the relation between art, museum institutions and climate activism.In recent years, the intersection between ecological thought and contemporary art has sparked a generative reflection encompassing sustainability, conservation, and survivability. Confronted with the climate catastrophe, ecology questions the...
CAD 36.00
Myron Goldsmith: Poet of Structure
CAD 9.95
Myron Goldsmith: Poet of Structure
This publication celebrates the CCA’s acquisition of the personal archives of the Chicago architect Myron Goldsmith (1918–1996). Reflecting over fifty years of study, work, and teaching, this rich body of notes, sketchbooks, drawings, and study documents traces the unique, experimental...
CAD 9.95
Naoya Hatakeyama : Rikuzentakata
CAD 64.95
Naoya Hatakeyama : Rikuzentakata
Cette série est la suite logique de Kesengawa, où le photographe, cette fois, touché personnellement par le tsunami de 2011 qui détruit sa ville natale, Rikuzentakata, observe la naissance d'un monde inconnu dans le bruit des engins de construction. Il...
CAD 64.95
Narrating the globe: The emergence of world histories of architecture
How notions of progress, beauty, and cultural superiority structured the genre of nineteenth-century world histories of architecture—and shaped the discipline as we know it today. The nineteenth century saw the emergence of a new genre of architectural writing: the...
CAD 79.00
Natura urbana: Ecological constellations in urban space
A study of urban nature that draws together different strands of urban ecology as well as insights derived from feminist, posthuman, and postcolonial thought. Postindustrial transitions and changing cultures of nature have produced an unprecedented degree of fascination with...
CAD 40.00
Natures urbaines : Une histoire technique et sociale 1600-2030
Depuis plus de trois siècles, se pose la question de la place de la nature dans l'aménagement des villes. Des premiers jardins ouverts au public à la fin du XVIe siècle, comme les Tuileries à Paris ou Hyde Park à...
CAD 85.00
Neil Denari, Interrupted Projections
CAD 0.00
Neil Denari, Interrupted Projections
This publication presents Interrupted Projections, an exhibition by Neil Denari at TOTOGALLERY・MA in Tokyo in 1996. Denari realized in built form the spatial character of his drawings and digital renderings of continuous curved surfaces, blending floor, wall, and ceiling. He...
CAD 0.00
Ness 3: What's an object?
CAD 27.00
Ness 3: What's an object?
In the Browser section, cultural player Agustin Schang interviews Matevz Čelik Vidmar, founder of the Future Architecture Platform; Berlin-based artist Sarah Entwistle shares personal musings in working with her grandfather's archive; Brazilian architect Carla Juaçaba talks about the lightness, transparency,...
CAD 27.00
New Geographies 12: Commons
CAD 45.00
New Geographies 12: Commons
The commons as a contested political idea has been continually articulated and reproduced in many disciplines and in relation to specific historical and geographical contexts. Since the 1960s, the concept of commons has started to play an increasingly important role...
CAD 45.00
Non-extractive architecture: On designing without depletion
The first step architects can take towards a more just, harmonious, and non-exploitative designed environment is to redesign themselves, and what the word "architect" stands for. Architecture-and architects- have immense influence in defining the way we live, work, and interact...
CAD 42.00
Notes from another Los Angeles: Gregory Ain and the construction of a social landscape
The Southern California architect Gregory Ain (1908–1988) collaborated with some of the most important figures of midcentury design, including Rudolph Schindler, Richard Neutra, and Charles and Ray Eames, and yet remains relatively unknown. Perhaps one reason for this anonymity is...
CAD 65.95
CAD 45.00
Nuages a pris son origine sur un journal de bord tenu par Gilles Clément du 18 septembre au 18 octobre 2004 sur un cargo porte-conteneurs, le Monteverde, qui, depuis Hambourg joint Valparaiso en trente-deux jours. Cette publication aborde les relations entretenues entre...
CAD 45.00
Nueva Vivienda: New housing paradigms in Mexico
In the period following World War II, eminent Mexican architects such as Juan O'Gorman and Luis Barragán pioneered the adaptation of an international narrative in housing design to their own cultural environment. Seven decades on, Mexican architecture, and housing design...
CAD 70.00
NYRA 29 : New York Review of Architecture issue #29
The latest issue remembers Christopher Alexander, amongst other topics.
New York Review of Architecture, 2022
17 X 11 cm, 16 pages
CAD 15.00
Objects of fascination
CAD 35.00
Objects of fascination
During the pandemic, 45 people were invited to take part in a "serious game": each participant selected the image of a personal object of fascination, out of which a shape was extracted, redrawn, scaled and sent to a CNC machine...
CAD 35.00
Observation is a constant that underlies all approaches
In this collection of Phyllis Lambert’s personal photographs taken over several decades during her daily routines, her travels, or at work, observation turns into a quest to understand and reveal what might otherwise remain overlooked. “Many persuasive reasons to...
CAD 56.00
Ocean North - Jyväskylä Music and Arts Centre
This publication presents the Jyväskylä Music and Arts Centre, a project that uses a system of abstracted flows mapped through particle animations to generate a rich interior/exterior social landscape.Johan Bettum and Kivi Sotamaa of OCEAN North, one branch of an...
CAD 0.00
Office d'A - Witte Arts Center
CAD 0.00
Office d'A - Witte Arts Center
This publication presents Office dA, Witte Arts Center, an unbuilt project in Green Bay, Wisconsin, that explores the expressive and structural potential of a continuous composite brick facade.Mónica Ponce de León and Nader Tehrani of Office dA designed the Witte...
CAD 0.00
Old materials, new climate: Traditional building materials in a changing world
Old Materials, New Climate: Traditional Building Materials in a Changing World is an accessible guidebook to understanding historic materials – how they were traditionally made, how they survived the test of time, and how changes in climate are now impacting materials...
CAD 62.00
OMA NY: Search term
CAD 130.00
OMA NY: Search term
Well into its fourth decade, the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA), founded by Rem Koolhaas in 1975, remains one of the most influential and successful practices of its kind. OMA describes itself as ''a firm operating within the traditional boundaries...
CAD 130.00
On Bramante
CAD 53.00
On Bramante
In On Bramante, architect Pier Paolo Tamburelli considers the work of the celebrated Italian Renaissance architect Donato Bramante and through this reappraisal suggests a possible agenda for current architectural practice. Bramante, Tamburelli argues, offers an excellent starting point to imagine a...
CAD 53.00
On cities: Masterclass Vol.1
CAD 46.95
On cities: Masterclass Vol.1
This first volume launches the Norman Foster Foundation’s Masterclass Series with a close examination of cities and urbanism today. Following an introduction by Norman Foster, “Cities in Pandemics”, various experts and critics in the field weigh in on a number...
CAD 46.95
On the anarchic organization of cinematic spaces: Evoking spaces beyond cinema
Employing the concept of an anarchic organization of cinematic spaces, the author embarks in this volume on a journey toward an imaginary political trope for the cinema of the present – a working principle that aims to form a new...
CAD 35.00
On the necessity of gardening: An ABC of art, botany and cultivation
For centuries, the garden has been regarded as a mirror of society, a microcosm, in which the broader relationships between nature and culture are played out on small scale. From this long cultural tradition also raises a call for a...
CAD 47.00
Open architecture
CAD 64.00
Open architecture
La collection Open-A a pour ambition majeure d’explorer le potentiel de réinterprétation lié à l’histoire et à la théorie en architecture. En d’autres termes, Open-A vise à parcourir les récits des époques antérieures, de construire de nouvelles associations, de faire émerger de nouveaux concepts,...
CAD 64.00
Opening the Gates of Eighteenth-Century Montréal
Opening the Gates of Eighteenth-Century Montréal considers the building of the eighteenth-century military and commercial town of Montréal, the nucleus from which the present city grew. Based on a fifteen-year study of manuscript sources from Europe and North America, the...
CAD 19.95
Other Space Odysseys: Greg Lynn, Michael Maltzan, Alessandro Poli
Other Space Odysseys has nothing to do with Space Architecture or architecture in outer space. It is not a celebration of high-tech architecture and imagery or extreme physical and mental conditions. Instead, this book proposes a letting go of architecture...
CAD 35.00
Our Happy Life: Architecture and Well-Being in the Age of Emotional Capitalism
How do we design our cities when our most intimate experiences are incessantly tracked and our feelings become the base of new modes of production that prioritize the immaterial over the material? Since the 2008 financial crisis, lists of well-being...
CAD 50.00
Our voices II: The de-colonial project
CAD 40.00
Our voices II: The de-colonial project
Our Voices II: the DE-Colonial Project will showcase decolonizing projects which work to destable and disquiet colonial built environments. The land, towns, and cities on which we live have always been Indigenous places yet, for the most part our Indigenous...
CAD 40.00
Parables and Other Allegories: The Work of Melvin Charney, 1975–1990
The Canadian artist and architect Melvin Charney has produced a complex body of work that lies on the cutting edge between art and architecture. His site-related installations, drawings, collages, and texts have stimulated discussion on such topics as the nature...
CAD 42.50
Paris 2024 : Une ville face à la violence olympique
Les organisateurs des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques de Paris 2024 ont obtenu carte blanche pour fabriquer en Seine-Saint-Denis la ville rêvée des promoteurs et investisseurs : moderne, innovante, lucrative. Sans pauvre, sans cité à la dérive, sans caillassage de voiture de...
CAD 27.95
Paris Moderne 1914-1945
CAD 94.95
Paris Moderne 1914-1945
Un panorama de la création artistique de la première moitié du XXe siècle à Paris et de son contexte historique révélant les interactions entre les différentes figures des arts, de la politique, de la littérature, de la haute couture, du...
CAD 94.95
Paris postmoderne : Architectures 1973-93
Sous la direction de Jean-Louis Violeau, sociologue à l'ENSA Nantes et enseignant à l'école urbaine de Sciences po Paris, chercheur au CRENAU-CNRS Si le mouvement postmoderne en architecture a désormais « fait son temps », ici délimité par les années...
CAD 86.00
Participation is risky: approaches to joint creative processes
Equated with notions of public interaction, the term "participation" is often used very loosely, especially within the contexts of new media and innovation research. Among a recent generation of artists and designers working in new media, there is an increasing...
CAD 39.50
Party studies: Home gatherings, flat events, festive pedagogy and refiguring the hangover
The party as a model for new forms of togetherness, with examples from communist Hungary and Spain. From social get-together to scenes of delirium, this publication aims to unpack the party as a complex, vertiginous construct that provides a dynamic...
CAD 25.00
Pascal Greco: Kwai Shing West estate
CAD 59.00
Pascal Greco: Kwai Shing West estate
Kwai Shing West Estate is a residential complex in Hong Kong that is home to 18,000 people. It attracted the attention of filmmaker and photographer Pascal Greco because of its architecture and its atypical hillside construction. This book presents Greco’s...
CAD 59.00
Paths to prison: on the architecture of carcerality
As Angela Y. Davis has proposed, the "path to prison," which so disproportionately affects communities of color, is most acutely guided by the conditions of daily life. Architecture, then, as fundamental to shaping these conditions of civil existence, must be...
CAD 25.95
Pathways of art: How objects get to the museum
Non-European artworks in European and American museums have become the subject of controversial debate. How exactly these collections of art from Africa, North and South America, Asia, and Oceania have been amassed in the global North over centuries, and how...
CAD 69.95
Paul Graham: Verdigis / Ambergris
CAD 130.00
Paul Graham: Verdigis / Ambergris
Verdigris / Ambergris completes a twelve-year suite of works by Paul Graham focused on life’s transience and our mortality. This pair of sibling books is centered on people scanning the infinite horizon as they look out over land (Verdigris) and...
CAD 130.00
Pauline Julier: Meadow
CAD 40.00
Pauline Julier: Meadow
‘Meadow’ is part of the Occupy Mars project conducted by Pauline Julier and Clément Postec, which sees Mars as a mirror of Earth at the dawn of the new age of space exploration, extractivism, and colonialism. Through a series of...
CAD 40.00
Paysans Designers, l'agriculture en mouvement
L'exposition « Paysans designers » présentée au Musée des Arts décoratifs et du Design Bordeaux se penche sur ces pratiques visant à résoudre les problèmes des agriculteurs et à fluidifier leurs usages : nourrir tout en régénérant les sols et...
CAD 70.00
Pensées décoloniales : Une introduction aux théories critiques d'Amérique latine
La théorie décoloniale constitue l'un des discours phares de notre temps. Loin des imprécisions dont elle fait souvent l'objet, cet ouvrage, première synthèse en français sur son origine latino-américaine, offre une généalogie et une cartographie d'un continent de pensée méconnu...
CAD 31.95