Regina Cassolo Bracchi
CAD 85.00
Regina Cassolo Bracchi
Monographie de référence de la sculptrice Regina, figure du second futurisme italien des années 1930, liée au Movimento Arte Concreta, dont l'œuvre méconnue apparaît comme l'une des plus fascinantes et novatrices du panorama artistique européen du XXe siècle. L'ouvrage vise à...
CAD 85.00
Rénovation d'un héritage bâti : Entre sauvegarde et confort domestique
Les formes architecturales et le bâti hérités du 19e siècle ont marqué de leur empreinte l’image et le tissu urbain de la plupart des villes européennes. Afin d’en préserver le caractère distinctif, il paraît alors essentiel de rénover et conserver ce...
CAD 48.95
Résister, encore : Œuvres d'art, culture & démocratie
Réunissant des essais inédits de philosophes, théoriciens de la culture, activistes et historiens de l'art de renommée internationale, ce volume constitue une boîte à outils pour aborder les théories et pratiques contemporaines de résistance. Articulant études de cas spécifiques...
CAD 38.95
Retail apocalypse
CAD 79.95
Retail apocalypse
As shopping shifts online and the economic shocks associated with the coronavirus pandemic push bankruptcies to unprecedented levels, retail is facing its own version of the end of days. The arsenal of commercial techniques that retail has developed can no...
CAD 79.95
Reverse perspective: Wim Goes & Volkmar Mühleis
''Reverse perspective'' revolves around practice-based architectural, art historical, and philosophical research on presence via images, buildings, and texts. In the book, Belgian architect Wim Goes explores three of his main projects: Yohji Yamamoto Boutique Antwerp, Royal Belgian Sailing Club, and...
CAD 34.95
Rewriting architecture: 10 + 1 actions for an adaptive architecture
Contemporary thinkers from Hito Steyerl to Atelier Bow-Wow explore how architecture can adapt to- rather than replace- the existing built environment. This volume considers existing urban contexts as an opportunity to use the potential of place, and the creativity...
CAD 55.50
Rez-de-ville : Regarder, dessiner, projeter la ville autrement
Omniprésence de l'automobile, artificialisation du sol, vacance des commerces, hyper-surveillance des lieux publics... Pourquoi nos paysages urbains et suburbains sont-ils aussi inhospitaliers ? Face aux transitions à venir, il est urgent de réformer les méthodes du projet urbain. David Mangin...
CAD 71.95
Richard Henriquez: Memory Theatre
CAD 19.95
Richard Henriquez: Memory Theatre
This publication is intended not as a literal inventory of the Vancouver-based Canadian architect Richard Henriquez’s built work, but as a compendium of objects and ideas that provide insight into the architect’s strategies. Memory Theatre also includes illustrations of Henriquez’s...
CAD 19.95
Richard Misrach: Destroy this memory
CAD 85.00
Richard Misrach: Destroy this memory
The photographs by Richard Misrach assembled in this volume are a stark, affecting reminders of the physical and psychological impact of Hurricane Katrina as told by those on the ground, and seen through the lens of a contemporary master. Rather...
CAD 85.00
Richard Mosse: Broken spectre
CAD 100.00
Richard Mosse: Broken spectre
Devastation in the Amazon rainforest and the climate change it triggers tend to unfold in ways that are too vast to comprehend, too minute to perceive, and too normalised to see. In an attempt to render the scale and urgency...
CAD 100.00
RO-SÉ: A book as a bridge
CAD 52.00
RO-SÉ: A book as a bridge
RO-SÉ offers a glimpse into the possibilities offered by Nathalie Du Pasquier's oeuvre, which can be approached, interpreted, and experienced from countless perspectives. It is the very vastness and variety of her work, and her inspirations, that make its exploration—and...
CAD 52.00
Roberto Burle Marx lectures: Landscape as art and urbanism, 2nd revised edition
Roberto Burle Marx (1909–1994) remains one of the most important landscape architects in the history of the field. His distinctive and widely acclaimed work has been featured and referenced in numerous sources, yet few of Burle Marx’s own words have...
CAD 42.00
Ronan Bouroullec : crayon-pinceau
CAD 24.00
Ronan Bouroullec : crayon-pinceau
Une sélection de dessins récents de Ronan Bouroullec. Depuis le début des années 2000, le travail de Ronan et Erwan Bouroullec (nés respectivement en 1971 et 1976) apparaît comme l'un des plus représentatifs du dynamisme du design français. Travaillant...
CAD 24.00
Ronan Bouroullec: Day after day
CAD 64.95
Ronan Bouroullec: Day after day
Ronan Bouroullec works at the very forefront of design. Over his 30-year career he has used photography to document his process and communicate his unique perspective, amassing a vast archive of images in the process. He shares these images on...
CAD 64.95
Roni Horn: Herdubreid at home
CAD 27.95
Roni Horn: Herdubreid at home
"Iceland is really the center of action for me," Roni Horn has said. "Since I grew up in New York people think I'm escaping from all its lunacy. Not at all. When I go to Iceland that's where I get...
CAD 27.95
Roni Horn: Mother, wonder
CAD 101.50
Roni Horn: Mother, wonder
In the south of Iceland is Landbrot, whose geologic particulars present a unique landscape. It is a place closer to fairy tales than to science, indeed a place easy to imagine as the singular source of fairies and elves worldwide....
CAD 101.50
Rooms You May Have Missed: Umberto Riva, Bijoy Jain
Rooms You May Have Missed presents two unexpected stories of architectural attitudes that start unfolding from the interior. On one side, Umberto Riva offers a radical rethinking of the elements associated with everyday inhabitation and a continual questioning of “modern” precepts;...
CAD 25.00
Royden Rabinowitch
CAD 42.00
Royden Rabinowitch
Le MAMCO, qui a montré Royden Rabinowitch dès son ouverture publique en 1994, possède un ensemble d'une trentaine de ses œuvres, composé essentiellement de sculptures en acier, mais aussi de dessins et de toiles, constituant l'un des plus importants ensembles...
CAD 42.00
RUR Architecture, Kansai-kan, National Diet Library
In this publication, Greg Lynn, Jesse Reiser, and Nanako Umemoto discuss RUR’s entry to the competition for the Kansai-kan, or Kansai branch, of the National Diet Library in Kyoto, a project that pairs an automated system for storing and retrieving...
CAD 0.00
Rural Urban Framework: Transforming the Chinese countryside
Rural Urban Framework is a work group at the University of Hong Kong that not only researches the far-reaching changes of the last thirty years in China's rural areas, but has also realized concrete projects aimed at improving supply and...
CAD 49.95
Ruth van Beek: Dishes for dolls
CAD 50.00
Ruth van Beek: Dishes for dolls
Dishes for Dolls is a sort of spin-off of The Oldest Thing. Based on this previous book, published in 2023 (now out of print), Ruth van Beek created a new selection of images from her archives, focusing on doll dishes....
CAD 50.00
SakKijâjuk : Art and craft From Nunatsiavut
Nunatsiavut, the Inuit region of Canada that achieved self-government in 2005, produces art that is distinct within the world of Canadian and circumpolar Inuit art. The world's most southerly population of Inuit, the coastal people of Nunatsiavut have always lived...
CAD 45.00
SakKijâjuk : Art et artisanat du Nunatsiavut
Le Nunatsiavut, région inuite du Canada qui possède une administration autonome depuis 2005, a une production artistique à part dans le monde de l’art canadien et de l’art inuit circumpolaire. Population inuite la plus méridionale au monde, le peuple côtier...
CAD 45.00
Sam Chermayeff (et al.): Creatures. 2nd edition
This book takes a look back through nearly two decades of experimental projects undertaken by the Berlin-based architect Sam Chermayeff and his collaborators—for the most part pieces of furniture whose use, appearance, or application has been reimagined and readapted. But...
CAD 54.00
Sam Chermayeff: Beasts
CAD 54.00
Sam Chermayeff: Beasts
Sam Chermayeff: Beasts presents the latest furniture collection by the Berlin- based architect and designer, following his previous project-turned-book, Creatures (Apartamento Publishing, 2020). These ‘beasts’ actively merge typologies: a chair becomes the base of an umbrella; a closet becomes a place to sit,...
CAD 54.00
Sámi media and Indigenous agency in the Arctic North
In Sámi Media and Indigenous Agency in the Arctic North, Thomas DuBois and Coppélie Cocq examine how Sámi people of Norway, Finland, and Sweden use media to advance a social, cultural, and political agenda anchored in notions of cultural continuity...
CAD 45.00
Sasha Maslov: Ukrainian railroad ladies
CAD 52.95
Sasha Maslov: Ukrainian railroad ladies
Ukrainian Railroad Ladies is a series of portraits of traffic controllers and safety officers at railroads of Ukraine. This project is also an exploration of why these professions still exist in the 21st century, given the almost entire automatization of...
CAD 52.95
Satoshi Tsuchiyama: Heat of sand
CAD 54.95
Satoshi Tsuchiyama: Heat of sand
After living for several years in the chaos of influences that is New York, the visual artist Satoshi Tsuchiyama realized that it is Israel that is the world’s hub for contemporary dance. His experiences of working with both dance and...
CAD 54.95
Scapegoat 12/13: c\a\n\a\d\a
CAD 30.00
Scapegoat 12/13: c\a\n\a\d\a
Issue 12/13, 2020/2021: canada: delineating nation state capitalism aims to connect two critical discourses about space that have so far been disassociated: architectural theories that point to the importance of real property as the fundamental unit of urban morphology and...
CAD 30.00
Scenes of the World to Come: European Architecture and the American Challenge, 1893–1960
Tracing the origins of Americanism back to the late nineteenth century, Scenes of the World to Come focuses on the European discovery of the American city—with its grand hotels, skyscrapers, and massive industrial plants, its new-found sense of efficiency and...
CAD 49.95
SeARCH Dig it! Building bound to the ground
CAD 154.00
SeARCH Dig it! Building bound to the ground
Building is one of very few endeavours that are physically connected to the surface of the earth, fixed and enduring. Nevertheless, for centuries, especially in the West, we have considered ourselves separate and above nature, drifting away, defining our own...
CAD 154.00
Seaweeds: Edible, available & sustainable
Until recently, seaweed for most Americans was nothing but a nuisance, clinging to us as we swim in the ocean and stinking up the beach as it rots in the sun. With the ever-growing popularity of sushi restaurants across the...
CAD 60.00
Seeing <—> Making: Room for thought
CAD 41.95
Seeing <—> Making: Room for thought
Philosopher Susan Buck-Morss collaborates with Kevin McCaughey of Boot Boyz Biz and Adam Michaels of Inventory Press on this experimental image-text renewal of McLuhan, Berger and Benjamin. Seeing <―> Making: Room for Thought both studies and presents the creative process...
CAD 41.95
Seeing things: A kid's guide to looking at photographs
In this book, photographer Joel Meyerowitz takes readers on a journey through the power and magic of photography: its abilities to freeze time, tell a story, combine several layers into one frame and record life's fleeting and beautiful moments. The...
CAD 34.95
Serious fun: The landscapes of Claude Cormier
For almost 30 years Claude Cormier et Associes has designed landscapes daring in scope while earnest in execution, courting controversy while inviting public accord. Produced under the leadership of Claude Cormier, the range of these projects has spanned the creation...
CAD 65.00
Services Working Group
CAD 25.00
Services Working Group
Folio F presents complete transcripts from the ground-breaking working group on labour relations and institutional governance in the arts organized in 1994 by Helmut Draxler and Andrea Fraser at the Kunstraum of the University of Lüneburg. Held on January...
CAD 25.00
Seth Fluker: At water
CAD 25.00
Seth Fluker: At water
At Water is a new collection of landscape photographs by Seth Fluker depicting water in its many moods and textures across Canada and Japan. Seth Fluker was born in 1982 in Ontario, raised in British Columbia, and now resides...
CAD 25.00
Seven questions: Studio Jan de Vylder
CAD 64.00
Seven questions: Studio Jan de Vylder
This volume is the outcome of a series of online lunch lectures at ETH Zürich, organised by studio Jan de Vylder during the pandemic lockdown. Speakers received a briefing that was both simple and tricky: talk about seven questions that...
CAD 64.00
Seven sisters ou les villes jumelles
CAD 40.00
Seven sisters ou les villes jumelles
De déambulations en souvenirs, la narratrice traverse des villes immenses qui se mélangent à des villages, à la recherche des traces de leurs histoires entremêlées. Brighton, New Brighton. Lisbonne, New Lisbon. Berlin, New Berlin. Paris, New Paris. Carlisle, New Carlisle....
CAD 40.00
Shaping the Great City: Modern Architecture in Central Europe, 1890–1937
Shaping the Great City looks at modern architecture and the city in a vast geographical area over nearly fifty years of tumultuous social and political change, bringing to light architectural developments that are only now emerging as subjects for international...
from CAD 49.95
Sharing Tokyo: Artifice and the social world
The book 'Sharing Tokyo' questions how “artifice” and the “social world” can be mutually and constructively integrated so that the contemporary urban space can be shared by all. Taking the example of Tokyo, it takes up the two major traits...
CAD 60.00
Shim-Sutcliffe, The architecture of Point William: A laboratory for living.
Shim-Sutcliffe's work at Point William intertwines landscape and architecture with ancient rock and water reshaping and reimagining a site on the Canadian Shield over two decades. Found conditions and new buildings are interwoven and choreographed to create a rich spatial...
CAD 65.00
Shining lights: Black women in photography in the UK 1980s-90s
Shining Lights is the first critical anthology to bring together the groundbreaking work of Black women photographers active in the UK during the 1980s and 1990s, providing a richly illustrated overview of a significant and overlooked chapter of photographic history....
CAD 90.00
Shoei Yoh - Sports Complex Galaxy Toyama / Odawara Gymnasium
This publication presents Sports Complex, Galaxy Toyama and Odwawara Gymnasium, two projets from the early 1990s by Japanese Architect Shoei Yoh.For these two large public gymnasium facilities, developed in the same period around 1991, Shoei Yoh paid special attention to...
Cette publication présente deux projets de centres sportifs, Galaxy Toyama et Odwawara Gymnasium, conçus au début des années 1990 par l’architecte japonais Shoei Yoh.Pour ces deux projets de grands gymnases publiques, développés durant la même période vers 1991, Shoei Yoh...
CAD 0.00
Shopping Mall (object lessons)
CAD 23.70
Shopping Mall (object lessons)
The mall near Matthew Newton's childhood home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was one of the state's first enclosed shopping malls. Like all malls in their heyday, this one was a climate-controlled pleasuredome where strangers converged. It boasted waterfalls, fish ponds, an...
CAD 23.70
Shuvinai Ashoona: Mapping worlds
CAD 72.50
Shuvinai Ashoona: Mapping worlds
Shuvinai Ashoona is best known for her highly personal and imaginative iconographic art. In this catalogue spanning a twenty-year career, Ashoona’s imagery begins with closely observed naturalistic scenes of her Arctic home of Kinngait (formerly known as Cape Dorset), continuing...
CAD 72.50
Sigurd Lewerentz: Architect of death and life
This publication is based on extensive research undertaken at ArkDes, Sweden’s national center for architecture and design, where his archive and personal library are kept. It features a wealth of drawings and sketches, designs for furniture and interiors, model photographs,...
CAD 185.00
Sila: Un conte groenlandais sur les changements cimatiques
Tulugaq veut partir à la découverte du monde et il veut aller loin. Ça ne lui suffit plus de juste voler au-dessus du terrain de jeu et autour de la maison d’Asiaq. Et même s’il a toujours vécu au Groenland,...
CAD 20.00