DNA #6: Carrier bag fiction
CAD 20.00
DNA #6: Carrier bag fiction
Ursula K. Le Guin’s 1986 essay “The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction” presents a feminist story of technology centering on the collective sustenance of life, and reimagines the carrier bag as a tool for telling strangely realistic fictions. Here, new...
CAD 20.00
Documents from Gordon Matta-Clark's personal library
This book recounts Stefano Graziani’s experience of finding Gordon Matta-Clark’s personal library while exploring the CCA Collection. The library consists of seventy publications that cover a wide range of subjects from architecture and art history to alchemy, communications, cultural...
CAD 16.00
Dogma: Living and working
CAD 59.95
Dogma: Living and working
Despite the increasing numbers of people who now work from home, in the popular imagination the home is still understood as the sanctuary of privacy and intimacy. Living is conceptually and definitively separated from work. This book argues against such...
CAD 59.95
Dot Architects: Politics of living
CAD 90.00
Dot Architects: Politics of living
Based in Osaka, dot architects is an interdisciplinary practice with a portfolio that spans architecture, research, art, and more. This volume features five of the studio’s completed projects. Images which portray the projects in their current state are complemented by...
CAD 90.00
Drawing Matter journal 1: The geological imagination
Drawing Matter Journal – Architecture and Representation is a new publication dedicated to the exploration of practices, histories and material cultures of drawing in architecture and related fields. In addressing this inaugural issue of Drawing Matter Journal to the...
CAD 88.00
Dream Houses, Toy Homes
CAD 12.95
Dream Houses, Toy Homes
Dream Houses, Toy Homes examines how model houses affect perceptions of gender roles and family life, uncovering the cultural meanings implicit in toys related to a single building type, the family home.Alice T. FriedmanGraphic design by Glenn GoluskaPublished in 1995,...
CAD 12.95
Dreams and disillusions
CAD 66.95
Dreams and disillusions
Dreams + Disillusions explores the plethora of ideas and ideologies that have shaped and reshaped cities in profound ways. However, unlike a conventional title on the history of urbanism and architecture, its research fluctuates between the world of concrete reality...
CAD 66.95
Duodji reader: Twelve essays on duodji by Sámi writers
''Duodji Reader'' is a selection of twelve essays on duodji by Sámi duojárat and writers from the past 60 years. The craft practices of Indigenous peoples from all over the world have been getting increased attention and appreciation globally over...
CAD 64.95
Dyvik Kahlen: Dyvik Kahlen in practice, Villa Ruba
The In Practice series explores the multiple ways in which architects can engage their professional architecture practice in academic research and reciprocally. The series seeks to open a space for architecture practices in research through the development of methodologies, conferences, publications...
CAD 49.95
E 1027 : Renaissance d'une maison en bord de mer
À l'occasion de la réouverture au public de la maison, entièrement restaurée au plus près de son état de 1929, ce livre relate son histoire replacée dans le contexte de l'architecture moderne. Jean-Louis Cohen a assemblé les contributions d’une équipe...
CAD 99.95
e-flux Index #2
CAD 65.00
e-flux Index #2
e-flux Index is a new print journal surveying the breadth of contemporary culture through e-flux’s publishing on art, theory, architecture, film, criticism, activism, and art education. Published bimonthly, it interweaves long-form essays from e-flux Journal and Architecture, exhibition and book...
CAD 65.00
E-flux index #4
CAD 65.00
E-flux index #4
The fourth issue of e-flux Index. The e-flux Index carries on its cover a labyrinth, composed from many winding textual paths, nooks, and crannies. Magazines and labyrinths share a certain nonlinearity. This publication’s ambition is in part to help orient...
CAD 65.00
Eadweard Muybridge and the Photographic Panorama of San Francisco, 1850–1880
This publication situates the panorama of Eadweard Muybridge (1830–1904) in the context of his working methods and in the larger context of the representation of cities, concentrating on one period of a single mode of representation, an astonishing achievement in...
from CAD 45.00
Echo: DNA #4
CAD 20.00
Echo: DNA #4
How are today's technologies encoded with the beliefs of the past? Drawing on Louis Chude-Sokei's political and technopoetic writings, this volume shows how past ideas have produced the technologies and lifestyles of the world today—for example, how AI today contains...
CAD 20.00
Écrits climatiques
CAD 22.00
Écrits climatiques
Depuis l'Hormonorium à la Biennale de Venise de 2002, où les Lausannois Décosterd & Rahm avaient rafraîchi la lagune par un climat artificiel des Alpes, le néomodernisme de Philippe Rahm s'est maintes fois reconfiguré. Les premiers effets du réchauffement climatique...
CAD 22.00
Écrits naturels
CAD 35.00
Écrits naturels
À la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust a rendu internationalement célèbre le nom de Ruskin. Mais l’image ainsi donnée de son œuvre est biaisée, car John Ruskin (1819-1900) n’était pas qu’un spécialiste de Turner ou de l’architecture gothique....
CAD 35.00
Ecstatic Worlds: Media, utopies, ecologies
Postwar artists and architects have used photography, film, and other media to imagine and record the world as a wonder of collaborative entanglement—to translate the world for the world. In this book, Janine Marchessault examines a series of utopian media...
CAD 69.95
El Croquis 206: Studio Anne Holtrop, 2009-2020
Dutch architect Anne Holtrop started his own practice in 2009 and completed his first two major projects in 2015, Museum Fort Vechten in the Netherlands and the National Pavilion of the Kingdom of Bahrain. In some of his works, form...
CAD 130.95
El Croquis 209: Roger Boltshauser (2002-2021) Impure Materiality
Covering almost two decades of work by Roger Boltshauser, this issue takes a look at the Zurich-based architect’s uniquely contemporary manner of expression. With profiles of more than 20 projects conceived since the turn of the century, it outlines Boltshauser’s...
CAD 136.95
El Croquis 210-211 : Gion Caminada
CAD 160.00
El Croquis 210-211 : Gion Caminada
A special double issue devoted to the world of Gion A. Caminada, known for his minimalist style that mixes modern design with traditional Swiss methods and materials, especially using wood. Featuring seventeen projects spanning the past three decades, the magazine...
CAD 160.00
El Croquis 214: Pezo Von Ellrichshausen
CAD 130.00
El Croquis 214: Pezo Von Ellrichshausen
The Chilean practice of Pezo von Ellrichshausen takes centre stage in this issue. Founded in 2002 by Mauricio Pezo and Sofia von Ellrichshausen, the studio’s work is characterised by its focus on a combination of residential and small-scale architecture and...
CAD 130.00
El Croquis 215/216 : Alvaro Siza 2015-2022, Self-portrait
The magazine profiles Alvaro Siza’s recent work in this special edition. Featuring projects since 2015, it underlines why the Portuguese architect remains one of the most respected designers today. A variety of typologies and scales are covered, from extremely compact works...
CAD 155.00
El Croquis 222: David Chipperfield (2015–2023) Selected Works
The magazine presents an overview of eight years in the evolution of David Chipperfield’s practice, leading up to his receiving the Pritzker Prize in 2023. It features a diverse range of exemplary projects from this period, including Kunsthaus Zürich, the...
CAD 155.00
El Croquis 224: Cristian Kerez
CAD 162.00
El Croquis 224: Cristian Kerez
This monographic issue examines a decade of recent work by acclaimed Swiss architect Christian Kerez. Presented are eighteen projects distributed around the globe, including the China Academy of Arts, Office Building Lyon Confluence, Textile Museum St. Gallen, high-rises in the...
CAD 162.00
El Croquis 225: Macias Peredo
CAD 162.00
El Croquis 225: Macias Peredo
The architects of Studio Macías Peredo, based in Guadalajara and led by Salvador Macías Corona, Magui Peredo Arenas, and Diego Quirarte Contreras, believe that the act of designing is inseparable from the act of remembering. Architecture is a living testimony...
CAD 162.00
El Croquis 226 : OFFICE 2017-2024
CAD 160.00
El Croquis 226 : OFFICE 2017-2024
This issue examines recent work by Belgian architects Kersten Geers and David Van Severen and their Brussels-based firm, OFFICE, which was established in 2002 as a means of exploring the prospect of architecture within the contemporary culture and urban environment....
CAD 160.00
El Croquis 227: Alberto Ponis, the best-kept secret
Throughout his career, the Genovese architect Alberto Ponis has combined the practice of architecture with that of painting, a tool and a stimulus for his activity as a designer of buildings. He has repeatedly drawn each of the sites for...
CAD 160.00
Elina Birkehag: D for Daughter
CAD 58.00
Elina Birkehag: D for Daughter
Deep in the woods in Dalarna, Sweden, scattered among stumps and newer-growth trees stand centuries-old Scotch pines – thick, gnarled, and covered with carvings. The messages inscribed in their trunks are from female shepherds who, from the 17th to the...
CAD 58.00
Emanuele Coccia et Viviane Sassen : Alchimie moderne
Alchimie moderne est née de la rencontre entre Viviane Sassen et Emanuele Coccia. Ces deux figures majeures de la photographie et de la philosophie tissent ensemble un dialogue constitué de mots et d’images, enraciné dans le territoire champenois, et ancré...
CAD 69.95
Emerging Ecologies: Architecture and the Rise of Environmentalism
During the 1960s, as Western notions of endless progress and growth gave way to concerns over industrial pollution, resource depletion and ecological limits, attitudes toward the environment became social, political and ideological. Published to accompany the first expansive survey of...
CAD 94.00
Emerging Japanese Architects of the 1990s
The six architects represented here –Kiyoshi Sey Takeyama/AMORPHE; Norihiko Dan; Hiroyuki Wakabayashi;WORKSHOP; Hisashi Hara; and Atsushi Kitagawara– were chosen for the breadth and diversity of their styles and their incorporation of Western and Japanese architectural traditions.Jackie KastenbaumGraphic design by Glenn...
CAD 3.50
Empathy revisited: Designs for more than one
This book brings together ideas and projects that seek to define a new role for design based on empathy. As a mediator of emotions and feelings, design is presented here as a practice that takes care as its main purpose....
CAD 38.50
CAD 39.95
Ouvrage collectif consacré à l'analyse des pavillons d'exposition (expositions universelles, biennales) du point de vue de leur architecture, croisant les contributions de designers et architectes, d'historiens, de philosophes et esthéticiens. Qu'il s'agisse, entre autres exemples, du Pavillon France réalisé par l'architecte Jean-Paul Viguier...
CAD 39.95
En chantier: The Collections of the CCA, 1989–1999
The collections of the CCA embrace such diverse objects as books, photographs, and engravings; maps and plans; architectural records, drawings, and sketchbooks; manuscripts; commercial product catalogues; personal correspondence, journals, and archives; ephemera; and even toys. En chantier marks a second...
CAD 19.95
Episodes: Powerhouse Company
CAD 125.00
Episodes: Powerhouse Company
With 18 projects ranging from a chair to high-rise buildings, this book offers a cross section of the recent work of Powerhouse Company, which is based in Rotterdam, Munich, and Oslo.These projects are episodes in the success story of an...
CAD 125.00
Éric Tabuchi : Atlas of forms
CAD 84.95
Éric Tabuchi : Atlas of forms
Ouvrant sur une série de constructions sphériques, comme s’il s’agissait du chantier des mondes, pour se conclure sur l’image d’un bunker renversé, c’est à une longue divagation, une sorte de mélopée hypnotique avec ses récurrences et ses variantes, ses répétitions...
CAD 84.95
Ernest Cormier et l'Université de Montréal
Ernest Cormier (1885–1980) has long been regarded in Canada as the most outstanding architect of his generation. This fully illustrated analysis of the main pavilion at the Université de Montréal is the first to establish Cormier’s work as a significant...
CAD 34.95
Ernest Isbell Barott, Architect: An Introduction
This publication offers an introductory look at the work of Ernest Isbell Barott (1884–1966), who apprenticed at McKim, Mead, and White in New York before coming to Montréal. Barott designed two of the first skyscrapers in Montréal, the Bell Telephone...
CAD 5.00
Errant Journal #6 : Debt
CAD 39.95
Errant Journal #6 : Debt
Errant Journal No. 6 takes up the topic of debt in order to challenge the idea that it is something rational, natural or inevitable. The contributions in the issue address the ways in which debt and its language hold power...
CAD 39.95
Esse 110 : Agriculture
CAD 13.95
Esse 110 : Agriculture
Brisant les divisions sédimentées entre zones rurales et zones urbaines, ce numéro fait place aux imaginaires agricoles et aux relations entre les humains et la terre qui nous mettent au défi de repenser notre compréhension de l’agriculture, sa relation aux...
CAD 13.95
Et si on faisait une grande exposition ?
CAD 32.95
Et si on faisait une grande exposition ?
Comment les artistes travaillent-ils? Qu'est-ce qui les inspire? Comment leurs créations arrivent-elles dans un musée ? Comment une exposition est-elle montée ? Voici une passionnante plongée dans les coulisses d’un musée, où conservateur, gardien, installateurs, artistes, médiatrice, et tant d’autres...
CAD 32.95
Everyday matters: Contemporary approaches to architecture
Many architects are seeking ways to respond to a world that suffers from overbuilding, yet where millions remain homeless and lack rudimentary infrastructure. Beyond the built form, these practitioners are expanding their focus to quotidian objects, basic resources, issues of race...
CAD 48.00
Everything XI-XV. Everything without content 232
This book chronicles the third academic year of the studio led by Kersten Geers, Jelena Pancevac, Guido Tesio and Fabrizio Ballabio at the Academy of Architecture USI in Mendrisio. Stemming from the idea of ‘large form’ and the built environment...
CAD 72.00
Evidence ensembles: DNA #24
CAD 20.00
Evidence ensembles: DNA #24
Tracing the transition from the Holocene to the Anthropocene through a geological analysis of deep time on earth This book examines ways in which the physical archives of the Anthropocene can be made legible. Scientists, researchers and artists grapple...
CAD 20.00
Ex-dreams: The alternative mid-century architecture
From metal-clad houses to skyscrapers, aluminium’s futuristic image became increasingly prominent in American architecture during the 20th century, influencing everything from roadside diners built in the Googie style to later postmodernism. This book features a selection of American and Japanese...
CAD 112.00
Exhibiting the moving image
CAD 39.95
Exhibiting the moving image
Since the 1990s, a "cinematographic turn" has taken place in contemporary art, paralleled by the emergence of a "cinema of exhibition." This collection of new essays investigates the relationships between the "white cube" and the "black box," focusing mainly on...
CAD 39.95
Expanded Nature : Écologies du cinéma expérimental
Si les cinéastes expérimentaux « élargissent » le champ artistique par une exploration des puissances, des modes de diffusion ou même de performance de l'image animée, à l'ère de l'Anthropocène, ces pratiques contiennent l'espoir d'une toute autre expansion : élargir...
CAD 58.00
F.R.David, A for orses (not for asses)
CAD 18.50
Faire : Regarder le graphisme – Volume 10 (n° 35, 36, 37)
Les numéros 35 à 37 de la revue critique consacrée au graphisme. nº 35 — Un œil : le regard des artistes sur le monde moderne 1911-1938. Auteure : Sonia de Puineuf. nº 36 — La photographie suspendue : Herbert Bayer. Auteur : Remi Parcollet. nº 37 —...
CAD 36.95
Faire : Regarder le graphisme, volume 12 (n° 42-43-44-45)
Les numéros 42 à 45 de la revue critique consacrée au graphisme. nº 42 — 12 ou 13 choses que je sais d'elle : F.R.DAVID, Victoire Le Bars et Benjamin Thorelnº 43 — Un caractère : L'« écriture typographiée », Thierry Chancognenº 44 — Une énigme...
CAD 58.50