Visible Invisible
Face à l'urgence écologique, comment faire émerger de nouvelles formes architecturales à partir des matériaux et énergies disponibles localement ? Si un terroir peut être défini comme la rencontre d'un sol, d'un climat et de savoir-faire, l'architecture est de façon...
CAD 47.95
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Radical sympathy
CAD 25.00
Radical sympathy
Questions of interdependency and care have gained broader urgency within today's planetary environment. From the pressing need to work at post-carbon futures to the challenges surrounding our covid-19 realities, understandings of care-work and co-existence require ever-greater imagination and creative engagement....
CAD 25.00
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Not available
L'aventure du Whole Earth Catalog
CAD 36.00
L'aventure du Whole Earth Catalog
Cette publication raconte la naissance, le développement et la fin d’un magazine qui parut cinq fois entre le début et la fin des années 1970, se diffusa hors de tout cadre institutionnel et économique traditionnel, se vendit à un million d’exemplaires...
CAD 36.00
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L'empreinte d'un habitat : Construire léger et décarboné
La quête de légèreté n’est pas nouvelle. L’ambition de réduire la quantité de matière débute il y a un siècle dans un contexte de pénurie de logements et de matériaux. Avec l’urgence de bâtir plus et l’obligation de consommer moins,...
CAD 115.96
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Not available
2G 79: Studio Muoto
CAD 82.00
2G 79: Studio Muoto
This issue of 2G focuses on the work of Paris-based architectural firm Studio Muoto—meaning “form” in Finnish. Working in architecture, urbanism, design and scientific research, Studio Muoto creates multifunctional minimalist structures made with rough materials. With contributing essays by Fabrizio...
CAD 82.00
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Amancio Williams
CAD 125.00
Amancio Williams
En este libro, por el iniciado, inconcluso a su muerte y completado por sus colaboradores, pueden encontrarse desde odjetos, muebles, barcos, interiores y monumentos hasta proyectos mas conocidos como las Viviendas en el Espacio, la Sala para el Espectaculo Plastico...
CAD 125.00
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Adam Caruso: Mount Royal. Carousel confessions.
Presented by ETH Studio Jan De Vylder, Carrousel Confessions Confusion is a series revealing both the authors’ personal interests and the studio’s own pursuits in the form of confessions. This instalment invites Adam Caruso, who established Caruso St John Architects...
CAD 38.00
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Not available
Karel Martens: Small prints
CAD 52.00
Karel Martens: Small prints
This artist’s publication contains a sequence of unique letterpress monoprints, made by Dutch graphic designer Karel Martens between 2014 and 2022. The prints, which are both highly geometric and brightly coloured, are reproduced in the book at their actual size....
CAD 52.00
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Dyvik Kahlen: Dyvik Kahlen in practice, Villa Ruba
The In Practice series explores the multiple ways in which architects can engage their professional architecture practice in academic research and reciprocally. The series seeks to open a space for architecture practices in research through the development of methodologies, conferences, publications...
CAD 49.95
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Architectural works by OFFICE for the 21st Century: The incomplete rationalism of OFFICE Geers van Severen
This book presents OFFICE projects through a critical analysis based on archive documents. It also reconstructs the influence of OFFICE’s creative principles among the new generations of architects. The OFFICE projects appeared in the early 2000s and gained prominence as...
CAD 115.00
The emotional power of space
How does space affect our physical, psychological and emotional state? Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine explore this question through the lively and intimate form of the conversation with twelve renowned architects for whom perception and sensoriality play a central role...
CAD 40.00
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Sharing Tokyo: Artifice and the social world
The book 'Sharing Tokyo' questions how “artifice” and the “social world” can be mutually and constructively integrated so that the contemporary urban space can be shared by all. Taking the example of Tokyo, it takes up the two major traits...
CAD 60.00
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Arctic/Amazon: Networks of global indigeneity
Arctic/Amazon: Networks of Global Indigeneity offers a conversation between Indigenous Peoples of two regions in this time of political and environmental upheaval. Both regions are environmentally sensitive areas that have become hot spots in the debates circling around climate change...
CAD 60.00
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Guido Guidi: Di sguincio, 1969–81
Di sguincio – meaning aslant, asquint, or seen from the corner of an eye – brings together more than a hundred black-and-white photographs made by Guido Guidi with small-format cameras between 1969 and 1981. These images record experimental early dialogues...
CAD 90.00
Umberto Riva, designer
Umberto Riva developed a personal approach to design, understood as a fundamental part of a broader research that connects painting and architecture, interiors and objects. Lamps, furniture, carpets and graphic design resonate with paintings, installations, buildings, public spaces and domestic...
CAD 54.95
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La nature de l'injustice : Racisme et inégalités environnementales
Les discriminations que subissent les communautés pauvres, marginalisées ou racisées sont souvent abordées sous l’angle de l’emploi ou du logement. Mais qu’en est-il du fardeau que ces communautés doivent porter en matière d’injustices environnementales ? Si l’exploitation de la nature...
CAD 29.00
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Radical futurisms: Ecologies of collapse, chronopolitics, and justice to come
There is widespread consensus that we are living at the end—of democracy, of liberalism, of capitalism, of a healthy planet, of the Holocene, of civilization as we know it. In this book, drawing on radical futurisms and visions of justice-to-come...
CAD 33.95
Not available
Decolonize conservation: Global voices for indigenous self-determination, land, and a world in common
With a deep anticolonial and antiracist critique of what “conservation” currently is, Decolonize Conservation presents an alternative vision—one already working—of the most effective and just way to fight against biodiversity loss and climate change.   This collection of voices takes...
CAD 32.95
Codes, races, climat, habitudes : Implications sociales de la numérisation
Depuis le début des années 2000, Wendy Hui Kyong Chun a publié cinq ouvrages qui ont profondément modifié la façon dont nous concevons les logiciels, les socialités sur plateforme et les modes de subjectivation qui en émanent. Malgré sa célébrité...
CAD 28.00
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Fala Atelier: Butterflies / Farfalle
Architectural drawings are laden with responsibility. They have legal and contractual status, an instructional function, order the act of construction, and direct the labor involved in the building's construction: drawings have a purpose in the world that exceeds their own...
CAD 30.00
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Not available
Real Review 14
CAD 22.00
Real Review 14
This issue of Real Review (with accompanying foldout poster) is dedicated to Direct Perception: At one pole is a purely rational description of the cosmos. At the other, a rich cultural soup of narrative. A direct perception of reality emerges...
CAD 22.00
Not available
Not available
Cyberfeminism index
CAD 48.00
Cyberfeminism index
When learning about internet history, we are taught to focus on engineering, the military-industrial complex and the grandfathers who created the architecture and protocol, but the internet is not only a network of cables, servers and computers. It is an...
CAD 48.00
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ARN vol.4 : Atlas des Régions Naturelles
Avec ce quatrième volet de l’Atlas des Régions Naturelles, Eric Tabuchi et Nelly Monnier poursuivent leur projet au long cours engagé en 2017 : la documentation globale des 450 régions naturelles – ou « pays » – qui composent le...
CAD 70.00
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Geostories: Another architecture for the environment
How do we make sense of the Earth at a moment in which it is presented in crisis? Geostories is a manifesto on the environmental imagination that renders sensible the issues of climate change and through geographic fiction invites readers...
CAD 47.00
Not available
Not available
Moving mountains
CAD 79.95
Moving mountains
The Moving Mountains book is a selection of material enquiries of the Swedish landscape, narrated through a series of texts, recipes and visual materials that ask how we can reconfigure and inform our understanding of the land that surrounds us....
CAD 79.95
Le style anthropocene
Ce manifeste, à la croisée de l’architecture, de l’esthétique et de l’ingénierie, appelle à réactiver le sens pratique de la décoration d'intérieur, tel qu’il existait avant le XXe siècle. Les fonctions climatiques des tapis, tapisseries, rideaux, miroirs ou paravents ont...
CAD 29.95
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Aeropolis: Queering air in toxicpolluted worlds
How do we get to know air? Aeropolis: Queering Air in Toxicpolluted Worlds offers a speculative and interdisciplinary framework to reorient common understandings of air and air pollution as matter “out there.” Aeropolis contests regimes of managing air which ultimately...
CAD 27.00
Not available
Productive archiving: Artistic strategies, future memories & fluid identities
Productive Archiving discusses a variety of problems of archival organizations. It mainly focuses on the following three issues that are usually overlooked: first, the question of inclusion in or exclusion from the archive; second, the loss of individuality in the...
CAD 41.95
Not available
Drawing Matter journal 1: The geological imagination
Drawing Matter Journal – Architecture and Representation is a new publication dedicated to the exploration of practices, histories and material cultures of drawing in architecture and related fields.   In addressing this inaugural issue of Drawing Matter Journal to the...
CAD 88.00
Climate inheritance
Climate Inheritance is a speculative design research publication that reckons with the complexity of world and heritage in the Anthropocene. The impacts of climate change on heritage sites—from Venice flooding to extinction in the Galápagos Islands—have garnered empathetic media attention...
CAD 45.00
Not available
Mining photography: The Ecological Footprint of Image Production
Photography has always depended on the extraction and exploitation of so-called natural raw materials. Having started out using copper, coal, silver, and paper—the raw materials of analogue image production in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries—photography now relies, in the age...
CAD 63.00
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Not available
Studio Muoto: Holy Highway
CAD 74.95
Studio Muoto: Holy Highway
Un recueil de textes, de projets et d'images de l'agence d'architecture parisienne autour du sujet de l'autoroute, l'espace public le plus radical jamais imaginé mais aussi le plus clivant et le plus critiqué aujourd'hui, interrogeant notre relation à la modernité....
CAD 74.95
Not available
Not available
Dot Architects: Politics of living
CAD 90.00
Dot Architects: Politics of living
Based in Osaka, dot architects is an interdisciplinary practice with a portfolio that spans architecture, research, art, and more. This volume features five of the studio’s completed projects. Images which portray the projects in their current state are complemented by...
CAD 90.00
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Detroit-Moscow-Detroit: An architecture for industrialization, 1917-1945
Between 1917 and 1945, a tide of hyperindustrialization washed over the United States and the Soviet Union. While the two countries remained ideologically opposed, the factories that amassed in Stalingrad, Moscow, Detroit, Buffalo, and Cleveland were strikingly similar, as were...
CAD 66.00
Jeff Wall : Refonder la modernité
Avec Jeff Wall. Refonder la modernité, Philippe Bazin nous livre son point de vue d’artiste sur le travail d’un photographe mondialement célébré. Invitant sans arrêt l’irréel au sein du banal, Jeff Wall est passé maître dans l’art de l’étrangeté familière....
CAD 50.95
Michael Schmidt: Photographies 1965-2014
Figure admirée et respectée de ses pairs en Allemagne comme sur la scène internationale, Michael Schmidt a pourtant été très peu montré en France. Publié en relation avec l'importante rétrospective itinérante - la première depuis le décès de l'artiste -...
CAD 100.00
Not available
Not available
Lewis Baltz
CAD 99.00
Lewis Baltz
This comprehensive book accompanies the first retrospective exhibition of Lewis Baltz's work following his passing in 2014. It explores the artist's oeuvre as a complex whole of interrelated series, from his first Prototypes and the Tract Houses to Park City,...
CAD 99.00
Not available
El Croquis 222: David Chipperfield (2015–2023) Selected Works
The magazine presents an overview of eight years in the evolution of David Chipperfield’s practice, leading up to his receiving the Pritzker Prize in 2023. It features a diverse range of exemplary projects from this period, including Kunsthaus Zürich, the...
CAD 155.00
Michael Schmidt: Ein heit (u-ni-ty)
In his recently reissued artist’s book “Ein-heit”, Michael Schmidt traces the universal iconography of political systems and the images of humankind they project. Addressing the complex relationship between the individual and the state, he asks how we can resist the loss...
CAD 100.00
Not available
Ex-dreams: The alternative mid-century architecture
From metal-clad houses to skyscrapers, aluminium’s futuristic image became increasingly prominent in American architecture during the 20th century, influencing everything from roadside diners built in the Googie style to later postmodernism. This book features a selection of American and Japanese...
CAD 112.00
Aptitudes territoriales
"L'idée fondamentale, c'est que toute intervention n'est pas possible, souhaitable ou admissible partout. (...) Mais cette idée, que l'on peut qualifier d'écologique au sens le plus large, a mis beaucoup de temps à émerger. (...) Adopter le point de vue...
CAD 12.00
Not available
Cohousing in Barcelona: Designing, building and living for cooperative models
Barcelona offers a prime example of the co-housing model as an asset prized for its use value as opposed to investment. This book is a compilation of cooperative housing projects in Barcelona, both complete and under construction. It explains how...
CAD 60.00
Habiter en beauté : Ces lieux qui nous font du bien
La pandémie a changé notre rapport aux lieux, pour longtemps ou pour toujours. Le télétravail nous force à repenser la maison, mais le repli sanitaire a ses limites. Pour continuer d’avancer, et aussi pour s’adapter aux défis environnementaux, il faudra...
CAD 26.96
Not available
Les Cahiers de la Fondation, no. 07 : Pierre Thibault, habiter le lieu/ inhabiting the site
Publié à l’occasion de l’exposition Pierre Thibault : Habiter le lieu, présentée du 9 septembre au 5 novembre 2023 à la Fondation Grantham pour l’art et l’environnement, cet ouvrage rassemble des dessins, des croquis, des aquarelles de Pierre Thibault, architecte...
CAD 15.00
Giovanni Chiaramonte: Realismo infinito
Infinite Realism brings together 99+1 photographs, many of them never published before, taken over a period of two decades from 1980 to the early 2000s. This volume forms an organic overview of Giovanni Chiaramonte’s complex work on the representation of...
CAD 80.00
La Syntaxe de l'image : Introduction à l'alphabétisation visuelle
Comment apprendre à lire les images ? Donis A. Dondis livre dans cet essai une approche précise et documentée des mécanismes à l’œuvre dans ce processus. Alors que la lecture d’une image semble relever du domaine de l’intuition, cette enseignante...
CAD 46.00
Not available
Mieux avec moins : Architecture et frugalité pour la paix
Le constat est connu et s’avère terrible : l’inhabitable se bétonne sur toute la planète. Les bâtisseurs en sont largement responsables ; ils savent qu’une tonne de béton engendre une tonne de CO2, que le sable s’épuise partout, que les...
CAD 36.95
Emerging Ecologies: Architecture and the Rise of Environmentalism
During the 1960s, as Western notions of endless progress and growth gave way to concerns over industrial pollution, resource depletion and ecological limits, attitudes toward the environment became social, political and ideological. Published to accompany the first expansive survey of...
CAD 94.00
The advanced school of collective feeling: Inhabiting modern physical culture 1926-38
The Advanced School of Collective Feeling explores the advent of radical new conceptions of the body—a phenomenon known in the 1920s and ’30s as “physical culture”—and their impact on the thinking of some of modern architecture’s most influential figures. Using...
CAD 60.00
Not available
Cave bureau: The Architect's Studio
The cave – both as a physical space and a metaphor – is a provocation to test the limits of contemporary architecture. It invites new thinking about how architecture can adapt to a more community-focused, ecologically sensitive, low-carbon future. This...
CAD 72.50
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